[thim-heading title=”Apply As Instructor” title_uppercase=”” sub_heading=”Making the world better with you.” clone_title=”” line=”” text_align=”text-center”]
Growing up as a youth, I realized perfect teachers are hard to find and come by. A perfect teacher is summed up as being a person who is really passionate about the subject or skill they are ready to share and impact their students with in order to pave a better way for them in the future. If you are such an individual, why don't you join us in making the world better through you.
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[thim-heading title=”How To Become A Tutor” title_uppercase=”” sub_heading=”Let your passion be your stepping stone.” clone_title=”” line=”” text_align=”text-center”]


Welcome to Campusflava.We have classified our Instructors into two basic groups on this platform.We have the Student Tutors/Instructors where basic courses or subjects can be handled with ease and effectively without any need of standard or license cerfication aside your Degrees attained from your respective higher institutions.For the Professional Tutors/Instructors : These are high profile instructors or lecturers in their respective field of study. The professional Instructors are there to be able to assist or serve as a guide for students who might be writing their projects, vying for their masters program and PhD programs.If you fit into any category you can just register and create your rules for your students.This is not just any academic website, we are registered as a business which is why we need to adhere strictly to rules of engagement with students.
The Instructors or tutors actually set rules of engagement with students.Since you will meet different students from different parts of the world who might need your assistance, it is imperative that you maintain a professional approach to every interactions with your student.All instructors will set their prizes for any course they are teaching. Tutors can as well create free tutorials for any particular course or subjects of interest.
You can start creating your course when approved by the management of this platform to ensure that you will serve millions of students that visit our website every year properly who might need any assistant in your field of specialization or course of study.

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