ACC311 : Intermediate Financial Accounting I (2014)

                                                       NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA

                                         14/16 AHMADU BELLO WAY, VICTORIA ISLAND, LAGOS

                                                       SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES

                                                                 MARCH 2014 EXAMINATION


Course Code: ACC311                                                                                                       Credit Unit: 3

Course Title:  Intermediate Financial Accounting I

Time Allowed: 3 hours


Attempt question one and any three questions of your choice. Question one carries 25 marks while others carry 15 marks each. Present your answer in coherent and orderly manner.



Metro Cast Plc is a manufacturing company. Its trial balance as at 30 April, 2008, is as follows:

Dr                Cr

₦’000         ₦’000

Goodwill                                                                                            500

Land and building                                                                       15,950

Plant and machinery                                                                  68,880

Furniture & fittings                                                                     44,530

Accumulated depreciation:

Land and building                                                                                             2,700

Plant and machinery                                                                                       51,350

Furniture and fittings                                                                                      33,500

Investment – quoted                                                                      2,370

Unquoted                                                                                        3,020

Ordinary share capital @ 50k/share                                                              63,000

General reserve                                                                                                     500

Profit and loss account                                                                                        750

Provision for deferred tax                                                                                3,040

Stocks- raw material                                                                   10,800

Work-in-progress                                                                           9,780

Finished goods                                                                             11,530

Sales                                                                                                                    73,470

Rent received                                                                                                          170

Investment income                                                                                                800

Other interest received                                                                                          600

Profit on sale of plant                                                                                         3,600

Purchase of raw materials                                                           28,620

External charges on raw materials                                                  180

Wages and salaries                                                                         9,060

Pension cost on employees                                                           1,220

Depreciation charge for the year:

Land and building                                                                             410

Plant & machinery                                                                            5,940

Furniture and fittings                                                                       3,250

Rent, rates and insurance                                                               3,900

Power and lighting                                                                            6,940

Distribution expenses                                                                       2,660

Audit fees                                                                                               320

Sundry expenses                                                                                   400

Interest paid on bank overdraft                                                         200

Bills of exchange payable                                                                                      100

Trade creditors                                                                                                   12,850

Other creditors                                                                                                    2,060

Company income tax brought forward                                                             3,080

Creditors due after one year:

6% debenture 2004 – 2020                                                                                   5,550

Others                                                                                                                       680

Rationalization cost                                                                         2,070

Prepayments                                                                                    2,410

Bank balance                                                                                    9,210

Trade debtors                                                                                13,560

Other debtors                                                                                       90       

257,800       257,800


The following additional information are also relevant:                     ₦’000

  1. Stocks at 30 April 2008 –       raw materials                            12,810
  • Work-in-progress                           11,050
  • Finished goods                                12,580
  1. During the year, additions to fixed assets were as follows:

Plant & machinery                8,530

Furniture & fittings                  780

Disposals were made as follows:

Plant & machinery- at cost (Acc. Depreciation ₦2,670,000) 3,020

Furniture & fittings- at cost (Acc. Depreciation ₦910,000)   1,250

  1. Proposed dividend is 6 kobo per share.
  2. Provision in the accounts for company income tax of ₦2,400,000 and capital gains tax on sale of plant of ₦450,000 is made.
  3. Under-provision for company income tax in respect of year ended 30/4/07 was ₦250,000.
  4. Included in salaries and wages are directors’ fees of ₦5 million and executive directors’ salaries of ₦2.5 million.

You are required to prepare the profit and loss account for the year ended 30 April 2008 and balance sheet as at that date in a form suitable for publication in line with CAMA, 2004 for Excel Plc. Show all workings.

  1. What are those issues that affect the information relating to financial position of an


  1. Mention five (5) non-financial institutions you know.




  1. Outline the various users of financial statements and their information need.


  1. According to the International Accounting Standard Board framework, define qualitative characteristic and mention the principal qualitative characteristics.
  2. Define the term ‘accounting policies’.
  3. Accounting to accounting policies, how is stock recognized in the financial statement.


  1. Exotic Furniture Nig. Ltd recorded the following transactions in the first week of January 2009:
  • Rented an office space in Port Harcourt for ₦1 million per annum and paid ₦5 million, being rent for five years demanded by the landlord.
  • Bought office equipment for ₦240,000 on credit from Modern Business machines Ltd. The expected useful life of the equipment is four years.
  • Received cheque of ₦3 million from Rivers State Polytechnic, Bori, being final payment for sales made to the Institution in 2007.
  • Sold furniture items on credit to a local government in Rivers State for ₦4 million. The local government did not pay until the following year.

You are required to prepare extracts of the income statement and balance sheet of the company for the year ended 31 December, 2009, on the assumption that financial statements are prepared under (a) the accrual basis and (b) the cash basis accounting.

  1. Outline the purposes the International Accounting Standard Board framework is expected to serve.


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