Question: The penalties for false statement and return is â€|â€|..
Answer: N1,000 or imprisonment for five years or both
Question: ….. is the major objectives of taxation.
Answer: Revenue geenration
Question: is a canon of tax that states that the time, mode and amount to be paid as tax is clear to the taxpayer.
Answer: Principle of certainty
Question: Which of the following can be a means through which tax evasion can happen.
Answer: Refusing to refgister with relevant tax authority
Question: …… is not one of the period into which the development of Nigeria taxation can be categorised
Answer: 1951-1955
Question: …….. Is not an information to be disclosed in a tax celarance certificate
Answer: Wages and salaries
Question: Which of the following is not a tax offence
Answer: Compliance with notice
Question: What is the present rate if minimum tax.
Answer: 1% of gross income
Question:……… is an example of earned income
Answer: Bonuses
Question: The timeline for issuing a tax clearance certificate to a taxpayer on demand is
Answer: Minimum period of 2 weeks
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