University Village, Nnamdi Azikiwe Expressway, Pl0t 91, Cadastral Zone Jabi Abuja
July, 2017 Examination
Course Code: ARA381
Course Title: Arabic Morphology
Credit Units: 2
Time Allowed: 2 hrs.
Instruction to candidates: Answer only THREE questions in all
Question Number 2 is compulsory and attracts 30 marks.
1. a. What is the difference between al-Fi’il al-Jāmid(الفعل الجامد) and al-Fi’il al-Mutasarrif(الفعل المتصرّف) ? (10 Marks)
b. Give five examples of each in meaningful sentences using different types. (10 Marks)
2. a. Identify four different kinds of fi’ilrubaaimujarrad(رباعي مجرّد)conjugate all appropriately, and use them in meaningful sentences.(16 Marks)
b. State and conjugate five kinds of fi’ilkhumaasi , then use them in meaningful sentences. (10 Marks)
c. Identify two kinds of fi’ilthulaathimujarrad , conjugate them and use them in meaningful sentences. (4 Marks)
3. What is the difference between سألتمونيها set and أنيتset? Illustrate with sentences.
(20 Marks)
4. Do the inflection/grammatical analysis (I’raab) of the following Quranic verses:
بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم، والشّمس وضُحاها والقمر إذا تلاها، والنّهار إذا جلّاها، والليل إذا يغشاها، والسّماء وما بناها، والأرض وما طحاها، ونفس وما سوّاها، فألهمها فُجورها وتقواها، قد أفلح من زكّاها، وقد خاب من دسّاها، كذّبت ثمود بطغواها، اذ انبعث أشقاها، فقال لهم رسول الله ناقة الله وسقياها، فكذّبوه فعقروها، فدمدم عليهم ربّهم بذنبهم فسوّاها، ولا يخاف عُقباها. (20 Marks)
5. Construct twenty (20) meaningful Arabic sentences containing at least two examples of each of the following:
اسم الآلة، إسم الزّمان، إسم المكان، اسم المبالغة، اسم التّفضيل
(20 Marks)
Notes: Three (3) questions are to be attempted in all.
Question No 2 is compulsory and attracts 30 marks.
The other 2 attracts 20 marks each.
Total marks for exam = 70
- You can get the soft copy for this course (2014 – to date) or the exam summary answers for any course from 08039407882
Exam summary sample below