The Issue of a sex offender being able to be treated or not actually depends on the individual offender. The possibility of sex offenders to be treated has a very low chances due to the nature of some high-risk impulses in some of the offenders. There are treatment programs which abounds but the treatment program can only be said to work effectively if the offender is ready to eradicate the urges which leads to sex offenses or is willing to prevent urges by avoiding some situations which may trigger its occurrences in them. This means that no matter the level of programs for treatment which may be introduced, the participation of offenders who are willing may help them to get the needed treatment for their offenses. So, individual who really want help may be able to get the needed help which will enable them to reduce the risk of repeating such an offense while offenders who are unwilling or who refuses to get treatment will still come out of such programs meant for treatment without any positive impact and chances of repeating such crimes is very high with such type of individuals. And for such type of individuals the best way to prevent any reoccurrence is the permanent containment away from the community or thorough supervision when they are released to the community.