Question: The normal voice range of a human is about
Answer: 500Hzto2kHz
Question: A representation stores the graphic/image data in the same manner that the computer monitor contents are stored in video memory.
Answer: Bitmap
Question: if an image is suitable for thresholding then histogram will be
Answer: bi-modal
Question: is characterized by its wavelength (frequency) and its intensity
Answer: Electromagnetic radiation
Question: is the science of colour and the perception of colour by the human eye and brain
Answer: Chromatics
Question: takes advantage of the limitations in the human vision system to achieve high rates of compression
Answer: JPEG
Question: Which of these compact discs provides users with nearly twice the amount of space that is available on a CR-R
Answer: CD+R
Question: A 3-D histogram can be produced, with the three axes representing the and brightness at each point representing the pixel count
Answer: red, blue and green channels
Question: In an image processing context, the normally refers to a histogram of the pixels intensity values
Answer: Histogram of an image
Question: The disadvantage of lossless compression is that the compression ratio
Answer: Not all that high
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