CSS121 e-exam (2019)

Question:  The learning perspective contradict the widely held view that human behaviour is
Answer: (A) instinctive in nature
Question:  The first Scholar to bring back the profession of philosophical counselling is
Answer: (A) Achembach
Question:  The first stage to test psychological theory is
Answer: (D) problem
Question:  The structured questionaire and the results are subjected to statistical
Answer: (D) analysis
Question:  The researcher formulates apossible  after the collection of data
Answer: (A) hypothesis
Question:  Another term associated with developmental psychology is
Answer: (A) pre natal stage
Question:  The scholar who believes that learning is the central process of understanding human behaviour is
Answer: (B) lindgren
Question:  The application of psychology in education influences the   of learning
Answer: (A) quality and quantity
Question:  The suicide prevention organisation is called
Answer: (B) samaritan
Question:  Maturation is the scientific concept which proves the period of development in
Answer: (D) germ cell
Question: The concept of psychology emanated from
Question: The first scholar who published a book on Psychology in 1890 was
Answer:William James
Question: The type of psychology that stresses the way in which children learn and how to help children who are not doing well at school is
Question: The psychology with people who are mentally ill or who are experiencing behavioural problems is
Question: This is associated with the definition of  psychology as the scientific study of human behavior
Question: This is associated with experiments using animals in order to understand how they respond to their environment
Answer:BF Skinner
Question:  viewed  psychology  as the  behaviour and  the nature of man and how he relates to his environment
Question: The approach which  causes  behaviour in the functioning of the brain and biochemical processes is
Question: The Psychodynamic Approach  is associated to the writings of
Answer:Sigmund Freud
Question: Ivan Pavlov and   study the behaviour  and the environmental conditions that sustain or discourage the behavior
Answer:BF Skinner
Question: Approach  associated  in  reference to the ways in which people think
Question: The study and observation on how animals and people behave in their normal environments is
Question:  The use of  questionnaires to inquire into the ways a group of people thinks or acts is
Answer: Surveys
Question: The study which  looks if two variables are associated or related  in  some  way  is
Answer: Correctional
Question: The scholar associated to  psychoanalysis perspective is
Answer:Sigmund Freud
Question:   argued that aggression is a primary instinct in the living species
Answer:Sigmund Freud
Question: The  aggression whose  aim is to inflict injury on others is
Question: The most influence on individual behaviour is
Question: Psychology as an ancient discipline  associated with
Question: Operant conditioning is one of the various methods for controlling
Question: The Scholar who expressed the idea that an individual is strongly motivated to reach a goal that will be instigated to aggression
Question: The scholar Who argued that  aggression is a primary instinct in the living species is
Question: The negative emotional expressions of behaviour is
Question: The positive emotional expressions of behaviour include
Question: The two basic dimensions of emotional expression are and  arousal
Question: The internal state for judging other people which may lead to systematic error is
Answer: affective clues
Question: The goal which manipulate experiments   to form a coherent impression of a person is
Answer: impression formation
Question: The  factor that influence how  we gather information about others is
Answer: Interacting
Question: Our goals and about other people also influence the information that we gather  about them
Answer: feeling
Question: The factors such  as gendertribereligionand  class influence are termed category
Answer: social
Question: Another term  associated with developmental psychology is
Answer:pre natal stage
Question: The  suicide prevention organisation is called
Question: The application of psychology in education influences  the   of learning
Answer:quality and quantity
Question: The first stage to test psychological theory is
Question: The learning perspective contradict the widely held view that human behaviour is
Answer:instinctive in nature
Question: The researcher  formulates  apossible   after the collection of data
Question: The scholar who believes that learning is the central process of understanding human behaviour is
Question: Maturation is the scientific concept which proves the period of development in
Answer:germ cell
Question: The structured questionaire and the results are  subjected  to statistical
Question: The first  Scholar to bring back the profession of philosophical counselling is
Question: Non Verbal Cues is a  major source of  formation
Question: People judges the emotional states of others as in grimace when they feel
Question: Identical   genetically  twins are referred to as
Question: Perceiver variability is the main  factor of  personality
Question: Identical twins resulted from a splitting of the around the time of conception
Question: The act of not seeing the mind but study it through the ways in which it manifests itself is
Question: The feeling about others is the main process of
Question: The writings of was very significant in the development of psychology
Answer:Sigmund Freud
Question: Non identical twins are  known as
Question:  Q1 The mechanism which includes analysis, synthesis, and integration of sensory information is ________.
Answer: Perception
Question:  Q2 The branch of psychology that involves mainly the application of psychology to the area of crime and the legal system is _____
Answer: forensic
Question:  Q3 A______ psychologist is someone who specialises in the treatment of those with behavioural problems and mental illness
Answer: clinical
Question:  Q4 The domain of the ______ psychology is the examination of the biological best bases of behaviour with particular reference to the biochemical reactions underlying memory and learning.
Answer: physiological
Question:  Q5 The psychology of ______ deal generally on human behaviour with reference to testimony, evidence, influences, crime, truancy, delinquency, and emotion.
Answer: law
Question:  Q6 The developmental task such as crawling, creeping, walking is known as ______skills
Answer: prehensile
Question:  Q7 The Nobel Prize winning ethnologist who proposed that humans, like animals also band together to defend their territory and that this is one of the primary causes of human aggression is
Answer: Konrad Lorenz
Question:  Q8 The process concerned with thinking, the processing of information, perception, memory, problem solving, and consciousness is __________
Answer: Cognitive
Question:  Q9 The psychology of the psychoanalysis perspective is related to
Answer: Sigmund Freud
Question:  Q10 Aristotle talked of learning as an association of ideas following the laws of similarity, contrast, and_____
Answer: Continuity
Question:  Q11 To see if two variables are associated or related in some way, psychologists use a statistical technique known as______.
Answer: correlation
Question:  Q12 Psychology is mainly concerned with the ___study of human behavior
Answer: systematic
Question:  Q13 Psychology as an ancient discipline was part of______
Answer: philosophy
Question:  Q14 Psychology is the science that studies behaviour and what goes on in the___ that causes behaviour to occur.
Answer: mind
Question:  Q15 B.F. Skinner, who carried out many experiments using rats and _______
Answer: pigeons
Question:  Q16 People with similar interests, habits, and personalities tend to be______ to each other
Answer: nbsp; attracted
Question:  Q17 The first recognized book on psychology was written by______
Answer: William James
Question:  Q18 The main belief shared by these early pioneers was that human psychological processes could be studied ____
Answer: objectively
Question:  Q19 Scientific facts are only understood after _____learning.
Answer: sustained
Question:  Q20 Psychology is vital to the understanding and prediction of ___ behaviour
Answer: Human
Question:  Q21 The act of not seeing the mind, but study it through the ways in which it manifests itself is ___
Answer: Behaviour
Question:  Q22 Who carried out many experiments using rats, pigeons and other animals in order to understand how they respond to their environment______
Answer: B.F. Skinner
Question:  Q23 Who defined psychology as the scientific study of human behavior____________
Answer: Alhassan
Question:  Q24 The type of psychology that deals almost exclusively with people who are mentally ill or who are experiencing behavioural problems is ___
Answer: Clinical
Question:  Q25 The type of psychology that stresses the way in which children learn, and how to help children who are not doing well at school is ____
Answer: Education
Question:  Q26 The writings of _______was very significant in the development of psychology
Answer: Sigmund Freud
Question:  Q27 The______ Stereotype is a situation we often find ourselves having only categorical information concerning a person.
Answer: Social
Question:  Q28 Non-Verbal Cues is a major source of ______ formation
Answer: Impression
Question:  Q29 The two basic dimensions of emotional expressions are ______ and arousal
Answer: Pleasantry
Question:  Q30 People judges the emotional states of others as in grimace when they feel ___
Answer: Pain
Question:  Q31 nbsp; ______ is a psychological operation that is basic to the determination of terminal human behavior
Answer: Perception
Question:  Q32 Fear is the _____factor of person�??s perception.
Answer: Negative
Question:  Q33 Happiness is the ______ factor of person�??s perception.
Answer: Positive
Question:  Q34 The Reason that influences how another person perceives is _____
Answer: Mood
Question:  Q35 Heider argues that all human beings have two strong____
Answer: Motives
Question:  Q36 Perceiver variability is the main factor of ___ personality.
Answer: Impressive
Question:  Q37 The feeling about others is the main process of ____
Answer: Perception
Question:  Q38 Identical twins are genetically identical and result from a splitting of the ______around the time of conception.
Answer: Zygote
Question:  Q39 Non-identical twins are also known as_____
Answer: Dizygotic
Question:  Q40 Identical twins are genetically identical and such twins are referred to as___
Answer: Monozygotic
Question:  Q41 Non-identical twins are the result of two different eggs being fertilized by two different _____ around the same point in time.
Answer: Sperms
Question:  Q42 Alfred Binet was called the father of ______ testing.
Answer: Intelligence
Question:  Q43 The subjective judgment of a person is based on _____
Answer: Perception
Question:  Q44 The biological wants of human being is ___needs.
Answer: Physiological
Question:  Q45 The genetic factor determines the existence of every _____
Answer: Man
Question:  Q46 1.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The first five years of individual determined the _____ of the Life.
Answer: Personality
Question:  Q47 The use statistical method to pick a representative of a population.
Answer: Sample
Question:  Q48 The unstructured questionnaire gives the respondents freedom to reveal their opinions and ___
Answer: Attitudes
Question:  Q49 The type of questionnaire that tries to explain items in exhaustive and mutually is ____
Answer: Exclusive
Question:  Q50 The educated guesses or answers to the problem is _
Answer: Hypotheses
Question:  Q51 The direction of Psychology to family-care programmes and programmes in child guidance and rehabilitation centres is ___
Answer: Community
Question:  Q52 Psychology has a great deal to offer in any law enforcement agency -large or small is ___
Answer: Law
Question:  Q53 The application of psychology to the area of crime and the legal system is__.
Answer: forensic
Question:  Q54 ____ learning refers to a collection of experiences which a person progressively acquires to be regarded as educated in his/her society
Answer: Olaitan
Question:  Q55 _____ posts that learning is a central process in understanding human behaviour
Answer: Lindgren
Question:  Q56 nbsp; ___talked of learning as a association of ideas following the laws of similarity, contrast, and continuity
Answer: Aristotle
Question:  Q57 The information which relates to the attitudes, opinions and beliefs of the respondents is the________ part of the questionnaire.
Answer: analytic
Question:  Q58 The processing of information, perception, memory, problem solving, and consciousness is__
Answer: Cognitive
Question:  Q59  The respondents age, sex, social class ,and education is the _____ part of the questionnaire
Answer: descriptive
Question:  Q60 The study of two variables as associated was a statistical technique devised by
Answer: Francis Galton

Question MCQ1 : The first recognised book on psychology was written by _________ and published in 1890
Answer: williams james
Question MCQ2 : The person that founded the first laboratory devoted to experimental psychology is ___
Answer: wilhelm wundt
Question MCQ3 : The first laboratory devoted to experimental psychology was established in -
Answer: Leipzig
Question MCQ4 : The concept and birth of psychology was in the year _________<br>
Answer: 1879
Question MCQ5 : The behaviourist who spend a great deal of time to study behaviour conditions is -
Answer: B.F.Skinner
Question MCQ6 : The behaviourist believed that ___ factors reinforce behaviours.
Answer: environmental
Question MCQ7 : The psychodynamic perspective believes that human behaviour is stem from _______ instincts.
Answer: inherited
Question MCQ8 : The psychodynamic is linked to the writings of ___________
Answer: sigmund Freud
Question MCQ9 : The biological approach to psychology believe that the causes of behaviour is the -
Answer: biochemical process
Question MCQ10 : The scholar who noted that psychology includes all aspects of human activity which we can observe is -
Answer: Dennis child
Question MCQ11 : The basic concept of psychology is on ______<br>
Answer: perception
Question MCQ12 : psychology is the science that studies what goes on in the _______ that cause behaviour to occur
Answer: minds
Question MCQ13 : Correlational studies measure two ________ to see if they are associated or related.
Answer: variables
Question MCQ14 : The structural questionnaire provides answers that is exhaustive and at the same time mutually
Answer: exclusive
Question MCQ15 : correlational studies is a statistical technique devised by -
Answer: William James
Question MCQ16 : In psychology, experiments are performed on humans and _______<br>
Answer: animals
Question MCQ17 : One of the scientific methods of research in psychology is -
Answer: survey
Question MCQ18 : The cognitive psychology is primarily  concerned with -
Answer: thinking
Question MCQ19 : There are _________ types of questionnaires we use to get information in a specific problem within an interval of time
Answer: 2
Question MCQ20 : According to -intelligence is an important general ability which is super-ordinate to and distinct from special abilities.
Answer: Galton
Question MCQ21 : The father of intelligence testing is -
Answer: Binet
Question MCQ22 : The index of brightness is the -which indicates how an individual score is relative to others of comparable age
Answer: IQ
Question MCQ23 : The individual level of intellectual development is -
Answer: MA
Question MCQ24 : Intelligence was measured first by -
Answer: Binet
Question MCQ25 : The sociologists argued that the definition of intelligence is a ____ class based.
Answer: social
Question MCQ26 : Research generates  explanations on the definition of intelligence in piaget's concept of -
Answer: growth
Question MCQ27 : Piaget believed that intelligence is not hereditary but a type of - interaction in the history of early childhood.
Answer: environmental
Question MCQ28 : The scholar that uses the French children at different pre-school and school ages to explain the different performances of children in school and Homes is____
Answer: Binet
Question MCQ29 : The scholar who introduced the technique of factor analysis in intelligence is _____________<br>
Answer: pearson
Question MCQ30 : The psychological operation that is basic to the determination of terminal human behaviour is -
Answer: perception
Question MCQ31 : Non-identical twins are the result of two different eggs being fertilised by two different sperms referred to as -
Answer: dizygotic
Question MCQ32 : Identical twins resulted from a splitting of the zygote around the time of conception which is referred to as _______<br>
Answer: dizygotic
Question MCQ33 : The ability to perceive the visual world accurately and to recreate aspects of that world based on one's perception is _________ intelligence.
Answer: spatial
Question MCQ34 : The ability to handle long chains of reasoning  and to recognise patterns and order in the world is ________ intelligence
Answer: logical-mathematical
Question MCQ35 : One of these constitute an impression on the subjective process -
Answer: feelings
Question MCQ36 : The personality factor that influences  individual perception is -
Answer: value
Question MCQ37 : The gestalt school of psychology originates from --------<br>
Answer: Germany
Question MCQ38 : The entire process of filtering the whole range of information before the response's form is ______<br>
Answer: mediation
Question MCQ39 : There can be no learning without _______<br>
Answer: cognition
Question MCQ40 : The researcher  formulates  a possible _________ after the collection of data
Answer: hypothesis
Question MCQ41 : The learning perspective contradicts the widely held view that human behaviour is - .
Answer: instinctive in nature
Question MCQ42 : Maturation is the scientific concept which proves the period of development in -
Answer: germ cell
Question MCQ43 : Another term  associated with developmental psychology is ___
Answer: pre-natal stage
Question MCQ44 : The application of psychology in education influences  the _________ of learning
Answer: quality and quantity
Question MCQ45 : The first  Scholar to bring back the profession of philosophical counselling is -
Answer: Achembach
Question MCQ46 : The  suicide prevention organisation is called __________<br>
Answer: samaritan
Question MCQ47 : ____describes the enduring aspects of social institutions which are most important in understanding how a given society functions.
Answer: Social structure
Question MCQ48 : The first stage to test psychological theory is -
Answer: problem
Question MCQ49 : The scholar who believes that learning is the central process of understanding human behaviour is ____________<br>&nbsp;
Answer: lindgren
Question MCQ50 : The structured questionnaire and the results are  subjected  to statistical -
Answer: Analysis

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