Question: As a result of over reliance on imported goods Nigeria BOP has always been in …..?
Answer: deficit
Question: Nigeria adopted ….. to revaluate the assets and subsequently negotiate on the willing-buyer/willing-seller bases, a price that is more reflective of the current value of the affected public enterprise assets
Answer: DPO
Question: A conversion system of the workers benefit previously made available kind to public officers into cash
Answer: monetisation
Question: The strategy set up to achieve millennium development goal in Nigeria economy is……?
Answer: NEEDS
Question: a situation where the government sells only a proportion of its equity interest is known as ?
Answer: partial privatisation
Question: The development of vision 2020 in Nigeria cut across four dimension. Environmental, social, economic and
Answer: institution
Question: A conversion system of the workers benefit previously made available in kind to public officers into cash
Answer: monetisation
Question: …… Is not a type of economic integration?
Answer: social union
Question: ……. Involves the explicit harmonization of monetary policies and the common pool of foreign exchange reserve under the authority of a single central bank.
Answer: Monetary Integration
Question: In the millennium development goal package ……… has not been specifically mentioned.?
Answer: agriculture
Question: On may 28, 1975 the treaty establishing the Ecowas was signed by …… west African nation in lagos Nigeria
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