Tax is a compulsory contribution from a person to the to defray the expenses incurred by the government
Answer: government
Which of the following is not a determinant of tax assignment.
Answer: revenue
The criteria used for constructing a good tax structure are called of taxation
Answer: principles
Monopoly taxes are of two types, lumpsum tax and
Answer: advalorem
When there are deflationary tendencies in the economy, the government should increase its
Answer: expenditures
Taxation can be used as an anti-inflationary and measure.
Answer: anti-deflationary
Government can impose high tax on product that are
Answer: inelastic
Which of the options is not a source of financing government activities
Answer: recurrent
An increase in public expenditure during depression adds to the aggregate for goods and
Answer: demand
Reduction in taxes while keeping government expenditure unchanged increase the income of households and businesses
Answer: disposable
Tax is a compulsory contribution from a person to the to defray the expenses incurred by the government
Answer: government
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