Educational Administration involves —- of resources…
Administration can be seen as an —- part of any organization…
Knowledge of — can help every administrator to understand his subordinates and to top management when framing policies….
An Administrator seeks —- capable of guiding the application of general ideas to specific situations…
Administration is purely an exhibition of —— manifested in some behavioural activities such as planning, organizing, supervising, controlling and evaluation….
Educational Administration is a means of achieving the goals of education through effective and efficient —- of available inputs…
Two important issues for Administrator are —– and —
Administration is a —– concerned with identifying maintaining, controlling and unifying formally and informally organized human and material resources…
Educational Administration also involves high degree of —- on the part of organizational members…
The administrator uses a —- as a basic for deriving answers or approach to specific situations…
Arrange these in order of administrative process…
The administrator uses a —- as a basic for deriving answers or approach to specific situations…
The survival of all organizations like the school and other institutions is dependent largely on the —– of administrative services available…
Administrations influences the —- of any organization…
Administration has to do with getting things done with the accomplishment of —-
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