Question: Representational stage of Piaget\’s theory of intellectual development is between ages _______ to _______
Answer: (2 7 years)
Question: Which one of these is a way by which scientists seek for the truth about an event?
Answer: Gathering evidence
Question: Which of these principles explains cause and effect of a phenomenon?
Answer: Causality
Question: Scientific reasoning is characterized in terms of inductive and _______ logic
Answer: deductive
Question: Science is defined as one of the following statements
Answer: An intellectual activity embarked upon by man
Question: In what year is rudiments of science education introduced into the school curriculum in Nigeria?
Answer: 1859
Question: The circumstance which a teacher will need to improvise teaching aids is _______
Answer: Scarcity of sophisticated equipment
Question: The advantages of demonstration method include following EXCEPT
Answer: Cost effective
Question: What is hypothesis?
Answer: Scientific guess
Question: The Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives includes:
Answer: cognitive/psychomotor/affective
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