MPA843 Tma Solutions

Q41 In which type of democracy do network-based groups take over the role of traditional institutions?

Q42 �����. Policy aims at increased application of IT in all occupations

Q43 Eysenbach defines â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦ as “Medicine+Communication+Information+Society”

Q44 Which country ranked highest globally in E-Government Readiness Index, 2005 ?

Q45 How many stages does the Model of E-Services by the AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AUDITING OFFICE have ?

Q46 Indicators for evaluating ����.incude the Web measure index, Human capital and e-participation index

Q47 Information, Interaction, Transaction, and Integration are the stages of E-Services developed by ������.

Q48 How many stages does the Model of E-Services by the AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AUDITING OFFICE have ?

Q49 To reduce learning costs, to improve flexibility of course delivery, are part of the objectives for ����

Q50 Which of these is not a Model of E-democracy?

Q51 ���..are deeds, efforts or performance whose delivery is mediated by information technology

Q52 Which one of these is not part of Policy and Management Considerations in Digital Initiatives?

Q53 Level of participation, Accessibility,Actors are part of the key dimensions for��. In policy-making process

Q54 Which country ranked highest in Asia in the United Nations E-Government Survey of 2012 ?

Q55 Which of these is not part of policy monitoring ?

Q56 Establishing the need for a policy and a change in it, as well as definition of what problem to address is ����in policy making process

Q57 Action guided by principles, planning tools for goal setting among others, are functions of ������.

Q58 The Web Measure Index 2005 is based upon how many Stages of e-government framework model ?

Q59 In the United Nations E-Government Survey 2012, which country ranked highest in Africa ?

Q60 What are the two focused strategic objectives of e-government?

Q61 One of the following is not included among the principles of e-governance.

Q62 Strategy, policies, skills, data challenges, costs and technology are policy and management considerations in ��.

Q63 E-enabling; E- engaging; and E-empowering are three levels of��.. That can be used to characterize e- democracy

Q64 The Life cycle of��.. Involves agenda setting, analysis, creating the policy; implementation, and monitoring

Q65 According to Dye (1972), ���.. Is what government chooses to do or not to do.

Q66 For all Stakeholders, ���. Outcomes include Time saving and more convenience; Increased security; better policy-making etc

Q67 Priority development needs; efficiency and effectiveness are the reasons government uses—-in its operations

Q68 Information; Transparency through third parties; Consultation; Cooperation; Applications are among the six forms of ����

Q69 The extension and transformation of participation in societal democratic (ICT), primarily the internet, is�����..

Q70 Citizen-initiated participation and implicit citizen intervention are charcteristics of ————– democracy

Q71 The following except one are part of the “democratic sectors”

Q72 Some specific online features of ���.are Topical portal; E-mail Newsletter; Event calendar FAQ and Question exchange

Q73 The roles of ICTs in E_government include supporting economy of implementation; Public service provision; and——

Q74 The use of ICTs brings about some change potentials that do not include—–

Q75 The objectives of e-government include——

Q76 E-government uses ——— to enhance access to and delivery of government services

Q77 The following are the domains of e-governance except————

Q78 According to UNESCO,the main objective of ——- is to engage, enale and empower the citizen.

Q79 The use of ITCs to better implement established public policy goals and programs through stakeholders’ involvement online isâ?¦â?¦

Q80 The three parties involved in e-governance are citizens, business and———

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