Applications are treated on first-come, first-served basis (Applications will be treated in the order it was received)
- Payment is only to be made via the Remita platform at www.remita.net as follows:
- Click on Pay FGN and State TSA.
- Who do you want to Pay to (type “National Open University of Nigeria”);
- Name of Service /Purpose (select “Academic Transcript”);
- Purpose of Payment (type “Undergraduate Transcript”, Certificate Verification etc) as applicable. Relevant details and pay online or in the bank.
- Please fill in your details (phone number and e-mail address in the appropriate boxes).
- Amount to be paid should be indicated. (Transcript within Nigeria is N15, 000 only, and outside Nigeria is N30, 000 only)
- Amount to be paid for document verification is N15,000.
- Payment of cash or any additional amount outside the aforementioned approved fee to any official of the university is prohibited.
- REMITA will send a mail (E-invoice) to your e-mail account, print out and take to any commercial bank OR pay via your Internet Banking Site, Mobile Wallet or with your Debit/Credit Cards.
- A transcript applicant is to fill the fields provided in the transcript application page and upload the following: Remita receipt, Bank teller/e-invoice, Copy of the Certificate/Declaration of Age and Transcript label (if applicable).
- For WES, NNAS, CGFNS, NMBI Forms etc, and any other documents should be uploaded.
If you have paid and obtained the necessary documents, click ‘Start Application’ to commence the transcript application.
Where Official Academic Transcript can be forwarded to:
- Academic Transcripts can only be forwarded to equivalent academic institutions, professional institutes, Scholarship Boards, Educational Consulting firms and Embassies for academic purposes.
- Official Transcripts can only be forwarded to the official email i.e. registrar@…, internationaladmissions@…. deanpgschool@…, AND/OR addresses of the Registrar/Dean of Postgraduate School of an equivalent academic institutions, Scholarship Boards and Embassies
- Upload of electronic copy of official transcript can only be uploaded to the official web link/website of equivalent academic institutions, scholarship boards, embassies. You are expected to provide the link/URL, username and password through academicoffice@noun.edu.ng in order to enable us complete the upload.
Where Official Academic Transcript CANNOT be forwarded to:
- Official Academic Transcripts CANNOT be issued directly to individual address/emails/official email (i.e. johnsons@yahoo.com or marcus@noun.edu.ng)
- Official Academic Transcripts CANNOT be collected by hand
- Official Academic Transcripts CANNOT be sent through any third party organization (Soft or Hard copy)
- Official Academic Transcripts CANNOT be sent to Companies/organization for the purpose of employment, however a request for the verification of the person’s certificate can be made for this purpose.
Please contact: 08167424141 or via mail on academicoffice@noun.edu.ng