Plot 91, Cadastral Zone, NnamdiAzikwe Express Way, Jabi, Abuja, FCT
Faculty of Health Sciences
January, 2018
Programme: Bachelor of Nursing Science
Course Code: NSS402
Course Credit Unit: 4
Course Title – Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing II
Time Allowed: 2 hours
Total Score: 70 marks
Instruction: Answer question All questions
1. (a). Discuss the following etiologic theories of mood disorders.
i. Genetic hypothesis
ii. Biochemical theories
iii. Psychoanalytic theory:
iv. Cognitive theory
v. Sociological theory: (3 marks each)
(b)..Highlights the Classification of mood disorders according to ICD10 (F3) (5 marks)
2.It is natural for an individual to be anxious when preparing for an examination. However, this can be exaggerated and thus become pathological.
(a). Define Phobia 1 mk.
(b). Identify and describe six (6) types of Phobia 6 mks.
(c). Discuss the Medical and Nursing Management of a patient experiencing Phobia. 9 mks.
(d). list four clinical types of dissociative disorders 4 mks.
3 (a). Define crisis. (2 marks)
( b) Explain four (4) phases of crisis according to Caplan (1964)(6 marks)
(c) How does someone become “crisis prone?”according to Hendricks (1985)(5 marks)
(d). Describe your role as a nurse in crisis intervention (7 marks)
4. You have been asked to address a group of parents, teachers, and high school administrators concerning the prevention and treatment of substance use and abuse. They want to discuss what attempts have not worked (so they can avoid them), as well as what has been effective in preventing what they see as an epidemic of drug use. What will you tell them? (10 marks)
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