Which of the United Nations Agency is vested with the responsibility of promoting peace culture?
Answer: Unesco
Peace can be hindered by
Answer: protracted insurgency
emphasises employing sustainable development to control social crimes and violence as more potent and result-oriented than traditional militarism.
Answer: peace research
Peace culture can be shared through the following means except
Answer: avoidance
The primary social institution to which a child belong at birth without its input is known as
Answer: the family
Social institutions that are not established and funded by government are popularly referred to as
Answer: civil society
Education about is a veritable instrument for promoting national intégration.
Answer: opposition to diversity
Which of the following is not an agency of the United Nations?
Answer: nato
Lecture rooms and learning materials are among basic components of
Answer: formal education
One of the universal landmark events in 1945 was
Answer: the evolution of the united nations
In , the International Peace Research Association (IPRA) came into being.
Answer: 1976
is not a proactive instrument for managing conflict
Answer: avoidance
John Locke contends that is an unchanging natural rights of humans
Answer: freedom
John Locke contends that is an unchanging natural rights of humans
Answer: freedom
is not just about existing knowledge of the subject but also the technique of arranging weight and selecting knowledge
Answer: subject skills
When did Nigeria became a Republic?
Answer: 1963
Peace Education comprises the following dimensions except
Answer: initiation
Xenophobie violence usually emanates from
Answer: racial discrimination
The classical form of a seminar consisting of talks and discussions is work is usually
Answer: information focus
Peace education was popularised as a distinct area of specialisation in the
Answer: 19th century
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