Which of the following guidance services can gifted children be identified?
Answer: apprasial service
Which of the following problems can be solved through counselling service in primary school environment?
Answer: adjustment problems
Who is the nerve centre of school guidance programme?
Answer: the counsellor
Guidance programme is executed in schools through
Answer: guidance service
Which of the following is the heart of school guidance programme?
Answer: counselling service
Which of the following guidance services is needed to help new pupils adjust to school environment?
Answer: orientation service
Who among the following is potentially the most singularly important person in the development of school guidance programme?
Answer: the head teacher
Who among the school personnel is the closest to the pupils?
Answer: the class teacher
All the necessary information or data needed for appraising pupils are kept in the
Answer: cumulative record folder
Which gudance service deals with monitoring of individual with a view of obtaining information about regular progress?
Answer: follow -up service
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