The local government system that acts more or less as the arm of the central government is

Q1 In the early society, what served as the first and strongest bond as well as government ?

Q2 The conception of women issues are part of broad social issues many of which arise out of basic social-class differences as opposed to purely sexual differences is known as

Q3 The tendency to reserve public services exclusively in the hands of their indigenes is known as

Q4 Rawls distinction between two distinctive principles: the principle of natural duties and the principle f natural justice is credited to_____.

Q5 A tacit agreement between the government and the people is known as__

Q6 An authorized chanel to acquire citizenship is through_____

Q7 The institution of a political society by means of a compact composition and agreement among the people bothers on__

Q8 Power according to Locke resides with the__

Q9 The notion of citizenship presupposes__

Q10 The conceptual tool through which patterns of discrimination in social phenomena between the citizens and the state is identified is____.

Q11 An authorized chanel to acquire citizenship is through_____

Q12 The state as a human creation is a____.

Q13 In which of the era, did government not exist______?

Q14 For a social contract to be valid for all citizens in a political system, the following must be met__

Q15 Isiah Berlin preference of negative liberty was premised on its__

Q16 Which of these____imposes an obligation on the citizen to obey the laws of the government without option but penalty if not adhered to?

Q17 Negative Liberty means the__

Q18 The proposition that ‘all modern political communities owe their existence to successful warfare’ is linked to the__

Q19 Which theory of the state creates in the masses a value of order and obedience to law, necessary for the stability of the state?

Q20 The analyses, organisation, and synthesing of a phenomena into interconnected and internally coherent whole encapsulates ____.

Q21 The first and strongest bond in the early society is____

Q22 The conception of issues from the social-class differences as opposed to purely biological differences is linked to____

Q23 The tendency to reserve public services exclusively in the hands of their indigenes is known as

Q24 The evolutionary theory neither considered the State neither as a____ nor as a deliberate human contrivance.

Q25 An agreement between the government and the people is ___

Q26 The acquisition of citizenship is the prerogative of___

Q27 The compact composition and agreement among the people in a state is the bane of___

Q28 The interaction of social organisations within the boundaries of the state, refers to_____

Q29 The institutionalization of notions of citizenship presupposes__

Q30 The political contrivance aimed at reconciling national unity, power &maintenance of state rights for common and mutual purposes is the bane of ____

Q31 Which one of the following is NOT the central object of federalism?

Q32 The occurrence of discrepancies between attitudes and behaviour in the absorbing of democratic norms and values is a shortfall of_____

Q33 Which of these is the most privileged form of nationality?____

Q34 The validity of social contract for citizens in a political system presupposes an adherence to___

Q35 The preference of negative liberty given its premise of non-interference is credited to____

Q36 The yield of democratic dividends which reinforces civil society is achievable through____

Q37 The checkmate of incremental possibility of militarised society is premised on____.

Q38 The re-orienting of any society to internalise the democratic norms and values occurs at all of the following but___

Q39 increase of The proposition that warfare is improved due to growth in population and pressure on subsistence is credited to ____

Q40 In which of these were people inured to submission____

Q41 Why is the principle of natural duties an important component of the notion of rights?

Q42 The premise of individual rights is geared towards__

Q43 The hierarchy of rights is necessary for a functional__

Q44 Which of these societies is based on a harmonious, organic conception of unity between the individual and society?

Q45 In communitarian regimes, priority is accorded the state over the__.

Q46 Which of these is a conditions of a civil society?

Q47 Which concept assumes that nothing is desired for its own sake, except pleasure?

Q48 Which of these insists that the state should be limited by the rights of individual citizens?

Q49 With what declaration did the French Revolution in 1789 widen the scope of rights ?

Q50 The premise of the theory of rights in the middle Ages was__

Q51 In earlier times, society was based on a contract between individuals having__

Q52 The human rights to which a person or citizen is entitled to are enshrined in__

Q53 What is that women are clamouring for in order to supplement non-discrimination?

Q54 Social differentiation systems such as political status, class, ethnicity modify

Q55 Which one of these is a shortfall of positive liberty?

Q56 Which two of these constitute Economic Resources in a State?

Q57 Birth in the acquisition of Citizenship in Nigeria mean all of the following except

Q58 Religious fundamentalism offers ideological support

Q59 Collective identifications based on ethnicity, religion and sex – all play an important role in determining

Q60 Citizenship as defined by international law denotes �?�..

Q61 The first and strongest bond in the early society is____

Q62 The conception of issues from the social-class differences as opposed to purely biological differences is linked to____

Q63 The tendency to reserve public services exclusively in the hands of their indigenes is known as

Q64 The evolutionary theory neither considered the State neither as a____ nor as a deliberate human contrivance.

Q65 An agreement between the government and the people is ___

Q66 The acquisition of citizenship is the prerogative of___

Q67 The compact composition and agreement among the people in a state is the bane of___

Q68 The interaction of social organisations within the boundaries of the state, refers to_____

Q69 The institutionalization of notions of citizenship presupposes__

Q70 The political contrivance aimed at reconciling national unity, power &maintenance of state rights for common and mutual purposes is the bane of ____

Q71 Which one of the following is NOT the central object of federalism?

Q72 The occurrence of discrepancies between attitudes and behaviour in the absorbing of democratic norms and values is a shortfall of_____

Q73 Which of these is the most privileged form of nationality?____

Q74 The validity of social contract for citizens in a political system presupposes an adherence to___

Q75 The preference of negative liberty given its premise of non-interference is credited to____

Q76 The yield of democratic dividends which reinforces civil society is achievable through____

Q77 The checkmate of incremental possibility of militarised society is premised on____.

Q78 The re-orienting of any society to internalise the democratic norms and values occurs at all of the following but___

Q79 increase of The proposition that warfare is improved due to growth in population and pressure on subsistence is credited to ____

Q80 In which of these were people inured to submission____

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