POL231 Past Questions


A system, according to Waltz, is composed of a and interacting units
Answer: structure

Historically, actors have been organised as city, states, and kingdoms,
Answer: empires

A functioning international system requires a high degree of
Answer: interaction

The word ideology is applicable to a great variety of the moving of international life.
Answer: ideas

International Relations is the study of international actors, as furthered by the development and testing of hypotheses about international outcomes.
Answer: conflict and cooperation

The constituent members of IGOs are states and their representatives are agents.
Answer: governmental

The development of states dictates the very structure of international politics and determines the pattem of relations in IR.
Answer: sovereign

The rules of interaction revolve around the concepts of integrity and equality of states, territorial
Answer: sovereignty

Under conditions of complex interdependence, Keohane and Nye view non-state actors as possible direct in world politics.
Answer: participants

Undoubtedly, are the subjects of international law, which means that they control access to dispute resolution tribunals or courts.
Answer: states

An actor in world politics has been defined as any entity which plays an role in international relations
Answer: identifiable

According to this school of thought, embrace the totality of the relations among peoples and groups in the world society.
Answer: international relations

As a field of study, international relations conceived in such broad terms as all relations that transcend national boundaries.
Answer: social

The basic assumption underlying the realist theory is the perpetual existence of conflict among in one form or the other.
Answer: nations

The second major source of international law is
Answer: custom

The development of basic animosities between the United States and the Soviet Union, led to the rivalry that dominated the international system from 1947 to 1990.
Answer: cold war

International law provides the framework for political discourse among of the international system.
Answer: members

The material definition sees power as capabilities or resources, mainly with which states can influence one another.
Answer: military

The scientific approach applies scientific methods and ignores the of orthodox disciplines.
Answer: boundaries

According to Morgenthau, the most stable factor upon which the power of a nation depends is
Answer: geography

A system, according to Waltz, is composed of a and interacting units
Answer: structure

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