The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program is dedicated to expanding the capacity of microfinance practitioners, with particular focus on middle management and to increase institutional leadership among women and under-represented populations. If you qualify under any of the eligibility categories, you are encouraged to apply.
Individuals from Africa who wish to apply to be considered for a scholarship, should demonstrate a passion to make greater impact. In addition, candidates should meet the following eligibility criteria:
Be in management and/or leadership levels in microfinance institutions or banks with more than seven years industry experience.
Microfinance Consultants who have in the past provided implementation support financial institutions and are keen to increase their overall technical skills base.
Individuals from the financial institutions that apply different models in their service delivery e.g. savings and credit cooperatives.
Past scholars are not eligible to apply.
Women microfinance managers are encouraged to apply.
At SAM, partcipants have an opportunity to meet, exchange ideas and interact with other professionals from a variety of frontier finance institutions and countries.
The scholarships are intended to supplement other resources available to the applicants. Applicants may be awarded full or partial scholarships, depending on the assessment of the awarding committee.
In their application, applicants should state how much of the course fees they or their institutions are willing to meet. The scholarship award committee will use the combined criteria of merit and need to decide how much will be awarded to those who qualify.
All interested applicants should apply directly to the School of African Microfinance. To register for SAM 2017 please download the Application Form. All interested and eligible individuals should send their Curriculum Vitae and duly completed SAM Application Form to with a copy to before the deadline date below for consideration. It is important to visit the official website (link to it is below) for complete information on how to apply for the SAM MasterCard Foundation Scholarships.
All applications must be submitted as directed on or before 15th July 2017 PLEASE NOTE: All applications for the scholarship must be sent electronically. Scholarship recipients will be notified on email. SAM, a two-week executive training program, specializes in building high performance microfinance institutions and accelerating access to financial services. The courses offered focus on providing knowledge and skills that ensure institutions have market focused strategies, execute flawlessly-deliver appropriate products and services;- and have the culture, structure and talent to perform.