I. Burning of trash II. Slashing of undergrowth III. Seed bed preparation IV. Soil tillage. Which of the following practices will enhance loss of soil water? Posted on:
I. Burning of trash II. Slashing of undergrowth III. Seed bed preparation IV. Soil tillage. Which of the following options gives the correct sequence of land preparation for planting yam? Posted on:
I. Allowing land to fallow II. Applying organic fertilizer III. Practicing monoculture IV. Growing legumes. The spread of diseases and pests can be checked by Posted on:
I. Allowing land to fallow II. Applying organic fertilizer III. Practicing monoculture IV. Growing legumes. Which of the following combinations will help to improve soil fertility status? Posted on:
Chlorosis with characteristic parallel white or yellow streaks observed along the veins of leaves is a deficiency symptom of Posted on: