———– is a mental attitude between science and religion. |
——– also interpret the following exept good |
Some———- thinkers also refered to as Analytic philosophers |
The following are the main functions of philosopy exept ————- |
it is well known that all other disciplines are generated from ——– |
philosophy constitutes the———– of curriculum design. |
the products of ——– design are so important to the educational process |
curriculum is based on philosophy because of the ————– it derives from philosophy. |
__________ extended the scope of scientific management. |
_________ plays strategic role in organizational development, but they are not the same. |
__________ may be interpersonal or intergroup. |
__________ refers to the ability of the leader to reward. |
The major proponents of the task contingency apÂproach are ______ and G. M. Stalker. |
The organic __________ is a direct contrast to the mechanistic form of organization. |
________________ are often initially reluctant to change . |
An _______ is an open system when account is taken of the internal environment |
Organizational design takes place when managers develop or change an __________ structure. |
_____ contribution to organisation theory was his analysis of the impact of the formal organization upon the individual. |
There are — types of behaviour |
Morale is the — of a person to his job |
…..Functions includes recording and storing facts and information for later use or for others within an organisation |
….. Is the process by which goals are achieved through collective and cooperative human efforts in a suitable environment |
The process of planning, leading, organising, and controlling people within a group in order to achieve goals is — |
One major difference in the functions of management and administration is that while administration handles the business of finance, the management handles — |
In giving definition to management, the accountant will see it in terms of — |
Managing is totally concerned with — |
The history of management is best traced from the period of |
In order to attain her stated goals, the organisation must work as |
The Egyptian writing of ancient period is called — |
While administration requires administrative abilities, management requires — |
In terms of level of authority, while management is modle level activity, administration is — |
In an organisation the accountant will view management in terms of — |
Managerial functions include all except — |
One of these organisations does not require management – |
In the administration of cooperative, the following should be concerned except — |
One of the factors that could inhibit managerial functions is —- |
Still competition among companies and rivalry for markets encourages — |
The chinese sage that made parables is called — |
What is Primary Education? |
What is tertiary education? |
The curriculum in the tertiary institutions cut across various disciplines in most cases with not less than 60% allocated to ———oriented courses. |
What is the Definition Of Objectives? |
The descriptive verbs used under your objectives should not contain ——– |
Wha t is thedifference between the school and education? |
what did the term ‘curriculum’ meant to student? |
What does the term curriculum mean to teacher? |
According to (Whitfield, 1971).Curriculum is defined as ————- |
The first to conceive the atomic theory and the first to use the word atom was _____ |
The science that was majorly regarded as conceptual science because it was not based on sound data was the _____ |
Science as an enterprise as practised today was greatly influenced by the early ideas of _____ |
The philosophers who initiated speculation and later logic as tools for systematic reasoning and the explanation of events and phenomenon in nature are from _____ |
The development of science education in Nigeria was tied to the work of the colonial masters twofold agenda namely: _____ and _____ |
The first secondary school in Nigeria was established by the _____ in the year _____ |
The first primary school in Nigeria was established by the _____ in the year _____ |
Which of these components is not inclusive in the definition of science. ______________ |
The _____________ of science include knowledge in the form of concept, facts, generalizations, principle, rules and laws |
The first Government College in the Northern Nigeria was established in _____ |
————-idea of education is the process of living through a continuous construction of experiences |
The mind is active and always wants to find out ———– |
———— is based on philosophy because of the inspiration it derives from philosophy. |
Philosophy help teachers to understand the national and ————- goals of his country |
———— equips the teacher to deal with educational problems by obtaining self-reflection |
philosophy gives ———– the thought and education gives it an outlet in practice |
philosophy and education are ————— disciplines |
To John Dewey ——– Philosophy is the theory of education in its most general phases |
Philosophy of education is an applied and practical philosophy not only for teachers but also for the——- or ———– |
——————- helps the teacher/educator to better understand the objectives of his national policies on education |
The Booklets for Teachers ges 5 and 13 are published bY——– |
Nuffield ‘A’ level science scheme offer an integrated approach to——– sciences at advance level |
Science programme at ages 5 and 13 project is designed to help students learn by excitement and ——– |
What is Culture? |
Schools are meant to perpetuate ——-. |
Socio-cultural factors or the eco-culture of a learner’s environment significantly affect ——– in school work |
Science and technology education is a cultural and human enterprise involving the transmission of ——–heritage of a people |
Language is the most efficient and the most obvious mode of ———– |
Language in science is more —– and vocabulary of scientific writing is so different from the active vocabulary of the ordinary use of language. |
Vygosky laid emphasis on language which accompanies the ——– |
———— was an exponent of Educational Perrenialism |
Philosophers like Herbert Spencer and John Locke postulated that matter is the ultimate —— |
——– theory was propounded by John Locke |
————- defined Education is a process of socialisation and an in strument of national development when it is bestutilized |
Pragmatism is the ——- idea that asserts that change is dynamic and belongs to the essence of reality |
————– believe that education can bring about the required harmony and social political order which nature through societal activity disrupted |
Axiology is the branch of ———— that deals with value both intrinsic and extrinsic values |
the fundamental meaning of Logic is ———— |
Philosophical schools of thought are of ——— major divisions |
Freedom is defined as absence of ——— |
Oxygen supply to the brain diminishes with increasing |
It is at the early ______ years that the child’s personality and behaviour are determined. |
Reaction time increases from early childhood, reaches its maximum at ____. |
The quantitative changes in height, weight, girth and others are as a result of multiple cell divisions called ______. |
______ functions depend on experience. |
In the Foetus, the head and the trunk are well developed before the rudimentary limb buds appear. This implies ______ growth. |
______ disorders arise from errors in the packaging of the genetic material. |
______ disorders are carried by females, but primarily affect males. |
Before the cells are differentiated into tissues and organs, zygote divides repeatedly through the process of ____. |
Movements of the foetal limbs are noticed at ______ month. |
_________ introduced the concept of Logic in an attempt to explain and understand nature. |
_________ would be remembered for his discovery of Atom. |
Serious science teaching could not take place in the early days of Education in Nigeria due to all the following except ____________ |
A philosopher that deviated from the ideology of Plato and postulated the conversion of the four elements into two oppositing proportion is called ___________ |
Who among these philosophers hold the greatest influence on the present day science. |
Which of these combination collaborated to develop educaion in Nigeria. |
The introduction of Education of Nigeria by the Missionaries was hinged on two fold agenda. They are |
Formal Education in Nigeria began in the mid __________ |
Science Education started in the first primary school established in 1843 by ____________ |
The first secondary school in Nigeria was established by _____________` |
Science education in Nigeria started from the primary school unlike what obtained in most western countries where science teaching grew from the ————- |
What year did Nature Study become a popular subject in some Primary Schools and Teacher Training Colleges |
What made Post Secondary institutions to be opened for the study of science in Nigeria ? |
The first of its kind of Post Secondary institutions that was established in 1934 was —— |
Why did West African Examination Council take over from Cambridge School Certificate Examination in 1950 ?. |
In an effort to popularize science in the schools, science teachers all over the country met in 1957 to inaugurate the ———— |
The full meaning of APSP is ——– |
The full meaning of MPSP is ——- |
The full meaning of PEIP is ——- |
Which University In 1962, established the Arts, Science and Technology branch. |
———– is an umbrella word under which a large number of processes take place |
Pestalozzi defined Education as a natural, harmonious and progressive development of man’s innate —— |
——– defined education as the creation of sound mind in sound body |
education begings at home with ———- leading the way |
the teacher and the child’s parents are ———– in progress as far as the child’s education is concerened |
the educated person is one who can apply his knowledge and —— in such a way as to find solution to what ever problems that confronts him |
The word philosophy came from the Greek words philo and ————– |
A child growing up in a home where both parents can find time to teach and interact with him, certainly has some——— |
Various goals and aspirations were stated in the NPE which form the basis of the Nigerian educational aims and objectives which include the following exept ——— |
the process of education is one which involves a number of activities on the part of several ———– |
Actions such as observing, classifying, inferring, measuring, communicating, interpreting data, experimenting, etc can be categorized as ________ |
The set of standard or activities which guide the day to day activities of the scientist can be called ___________ |
Curiosity, willingness to suspend judgement, open- mindedness, skepticism, positive approach to failure etc can be classified as _____________ in science |
A good physics lesson note must contain all the following except______ |
All the following are essential in the physics laboratory except______________ |
Which of these test type may likely encourage rote learning____________ |
All the following are objective type of test except ___________ |
Which of the following is not a demerit of essay test |
The African Education Comission that compelled the British Colonial Government to introduce science education in African was sponsored by __________ |
Yaba Higher College was established in the year _____ after combined pressure on the colonial Government. |
What does it mean to integrate? |
Some integrated curriculum include the following except———–. |
According to Balogun (1995), Intellectual processes include one of the following |
One of these is not a Concrete processes: |
What is the full meaning of PSNS? |
David P. Ausubel (Subsumption) theory believes that |
Ausubel labeled cognitive structure which can provide for the interaction necessary for meaningful learning as ———-. |
What is Advanca Organiser? |
Bruner described major benefits derived by children when they learn how to investigate and discover for themselves which include the following except——– |
Gagne in his theory made two distinctions regarding the arrangement of learning situations which include Management of learning and ———- |
Adolescence period is marked by some violent changes in ______. |
The emotional stability of an individual affects his _____. |
______ factor is an indicatiion that a student is sociable. |
The mind stores threatening primitive instinctual motives into the unconscious mind through ______. |
______ connections between the family and the school experiences, between the family and peers etc. |
______ is a technique of changing the level of support. |
Children are able to develop abstract images at ______ stage. |
______ utilises more calories of energy per day. |
The physical needs exclude ______. |
Our ability to hear high-pitched tones declines after ____ years |
______ and Goldfield defined money as anything that is generally acceptable as a medium of exchange. |
_______ is the direct system and practice of exchanging goods and services for goods or services. |
________of money in any economy at any particular period is the total sum of all money held by all members of the society. |
______ motives refers to the desire to hold cash balances in order to meet expenditures which may arise due to unforeseen circumstances such as sickness and accidents. |
_________ institutions are institutions which serve the purpose of channelling funds from lenders to borrowers. |
Financial Institutions can be classified into bank and ________ Financial institutions. |
______banks are financial institutions which are set up to provide banking services that will help in the development of a particular sector or aspect of the economy. |
Peoples Bank of Nigeria (PBN) was established in October, ______ but was given Legal Status by Decree No. 22 of 1990. |
_________ bank is a bank whose business is restricted to a specified geographical area in Nigeria. |
The _______ is the principal regulator and supervisor of the entire Nigerian Financial Institutions. |
What is Primary Education? |
What is tertiary education? |
The curriculum in the tertiary institutions cut across various disciplines in most cases with not less than 60% allocated to ———oriented courses. |
What is the Definition Of Objectives? |
The descriptive verbs used under your objectives should not contain ——– |
Wha t is thedifference between the school and education? |
what did the term ‘curriculum’ meant to student? |
What does the term curriculum mean to teacher? |
According to (Whitfield, 1971).Curriculum is defined as ————- |
_______has become a household word in Nigeria. |
______is induced by excessive demand not matched with increase in supply. |
______involves the use of traditional monetary instruments to reduce the quantity of money in circulation. |
The ____ curve examines the relationship between the rate of unemployment and the rate of money wage changes. |
______ is a reduction in the general price level due to a decrease in the economic activity of a nation. |
The stance of monetary policy refers to the position taken by ________ |
___is the buying and selling of securities by the monetary authorities in the open market. |
______is a monetary policy used to overcome a recession or a depression or a deflationary gap. |
A _____ market is a market where long-term and short-term funds are bought and sold. |
The money market is a market for ____-term funds. |
Science curriculum should be continuously reviewed to take care of gender, cultural and ——– issues |
In a science curriculum When the objectives are stated, the contents are selected and the methods of teaching and education are also specified. It is described as —————- |
In 1967, Wheeler came up with a cyclic model of curriculum process going through—– phases |
Olarewaju (1987 however, remarked that three of the project management stages have been omitted which include the following except——— |
What helps to determine if there is need for a review or not of the whole programme |
Curriculum programmes can be developed depending on the societal needs and——aspirations |
There is always the need to revise or modify any curriculum programme found to be ———. |
There are so many curriculum development models but with common —– |
What do you understand by pilot testing? |
What is installation in Curriculum? |
______instrument is the most liquid money market instruments next only to cash. |
___ is documents that are issued in the normal course of business as evidence of debt. |
_____ trade refers to the buying and selling of goods and services between countries. |
Foreign Trade is made up of _______ and imports. |
________ Finance can be defined from the perspective in which finance is defined as money. |
_____expenditures refer to those expenditures/spendings made by government for its day-by-day operations. |
_____ means that the amount of tax and the timing of tax payment should be made to suit the tax payer. |
______is the type of tax paid according to one’s income. |
A ______ is usually used to control the allocation of revenues so that spending is rational. |
_____ debt can be defined as the total indebtedness of the Federal government, state government and local government in any country. |
____ and other financial institutions encourage and collect savings that finance a country’s economic growth. |
______ economy was the original term used for studying production and trade. |
Innovations in _______ technology may create new markets and institutions. |
_____ can also affect bureaucratic incentives for regulatory change. |
A _____ of insights drives the growing interest in political economy analysis. |
The history of _____ can be traced back to early forms of merchant capitalism. |
Traders in Amsterdam and _____ created the first chartered joint-stock companies driving up commerce and trade. |
____ also means greater security and uniformity in the earnings of the cartelized enterprises. |
_______ is an economic system characterized by public ownership and centralized planning of all major industries. |
Value is based on both the size and the ____of promised payments. |
——– theory is based mainly in the work of Locke (Mullins, 1996). |
According to ——, job satisfaction and dissatisfaction depend on two factors: |
A modified need hierarchy model has been presented by—————- |
#NAME? |
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#NAME? |
. —-suggests that the situation in which a person is placed makes an input on the personality. |
The ———-is a source of input for personality output. |
The ——- is a controlling unit. It is reality principle which helps the child to be aware of the world around him. |
The aim of the course.’ Foundation of science Education’ can be summarized as follows except: |
The following assumptions could be used as a foundation in the study of science except |
Identify the incorrect statement: |
science is a subculture of |
Newton believed that a real unseen force of responsible for the ………. |
science of based on the following except what we can |
Science is defined in terms of |
The statement “scientific concept do not emerge automatically from the data or from any amount of analysis alone” was stated under which philosophical theses? |
A creative individual can be recognised through the following traits except |
Highly creative children compared to less creative children |
Relationships between the accountants and other managers seemed better when the two functions were organizationally separate. |
#NAME? |
#NAME? |
According to Charles H.——–, primary groups are those characterized by intimate face-to-face association and cooperation. |
The ——–group is one with which the individual identifies or to which he would like to belong. |
#NAME? |
#NAME? |
#NAME? |
Clarity of ———— is necessary in order to provide a basis for the division of work and grouping of duties into sub-units. |
Resistance to change is heightened if ——–fail to recognize the challenges cum pre-conditions before making changes. |
Merchant Banks, otherwise known as acceptance Houses or Investment banks, began operation in Nigeria in _____ |
______ business is mainly used for the finance of international trade. |
___ recognizes the need to create institutions that could undertake or promote investment. |
_____ was established in 1964 in place of the investment corporation of Nigeria established since 1959. |
The NBCI came on board by the decree No ____of 1973. |
______ has argued that the 21st century predominance of finance capital has led to a preference for speculation. |
Capitalism is an economic system in which capital goods are owned by _____ individuals or businesses. |
Finance capitalism is characterized by a predominance of the pursuit of _____ from the purchase. |
Private property promotes _____ by giving the owner of resources an incentive to maximize its value. |
Capitalism and free enterprise are often seen as ______. |
The aim of the course.’ Foundation of science Education’ can be summarized as follows except: |
The following assumptions could be used as a foundation in the study of science except |
Identify the incorrect statement: |
science is a subculture of |
Newton believed that a real unseen force of responsible for the ………. |
science of based on the following except what we can |
Science is defined in terms of |
The statement “scientific concept do not emerge automatically from the data or from any amount of analysis alone” was stated under which philosophical theses? |
A creative individual can be recognised through the following traits except |
Highly creative children compared to less creative children |
…………………………isthesourceofchangemanagement. |
#NAME? |
#NAME? |
#NAME? |
Man spends his or her life trying to satisfy their needs. |
#NAME? |
Work is a means to an end. |
#NAME? |
#NAME? |
#NAME? |
Universal banking is done by very ____ banks. |
Branch banking has gone through significant changes since the _____ |
____stand alone branches of a financial institution that often are contained in its own building. |
_____banking means a system of banking under which banking services are provided by a single banking organisation. |
Unit banking is operated without ______ or corporate relationship. |
On the basis of nature of operation, banks can be classified into ____categories. |
________ bank deals mainly in the finance of the foreign trade of the country. |
The first model of Islamic banking system came into picture in _____ in Egypt. |
The term bank is either derived from old ____word banca or from a French word banque. |
The Nigerian financial system can be broadly divided into __________ |
Group counselling provides opportunity for clients to become deeply involved in _____ interaction with less direction from outside. |
______ provides opportunity for ideas and suggestions to be accepted since they are made by one’s mates. |
______ stage occurs in groups where there is tension due to the makeup of the group. |
______ is a therapeutic principle in Group counselling is a condition where members are able to help each other. |
A conglomerate is a characteristic of a ________. |
________ condition must be satisfied before a gathering is called a group. |
Group dinamics is a concept related to ____ force in a group. |
Group counselling may also become problematic when one person appears to ______ (of) the group. |
______is defined as the experience of relief from emotional distress by expressing emotion. |
People find ______ counselling experience a better alternative therapy because it tends to cost less. |
Who are those that said that scientists cannot do everything through observation and experimentation? |
When scientist encounters genuine problems he first |