The major objective of pressure group is to
A. Change government
B. Form government
C. Influence government
D. Fund election
The foreign policy principle that informed Nigeria’s position in the liberation of African states is
A. Economic diplomacy
B. Afrocentrism
C. Non-alignment
D. Non-interference
A type of political association that brings the rich and the poor together is
A. Broker party
B. Charismatic party
C. Elite party
D. Mass party
In Nigeria, the foundations of federalism was laid by the
A. Macpherson Constitution
B. Lyttleton Constitution
C. Clifford Constitution
D. Richards Constitution
Which of the following is a form of delegated legislation?
A. Case law
B. Convention
C. Edict
D. Acts
Franchise can be described as the right to
A. Vote at elections
B. Form political parties
C. Vote and be voted for
D. Contest in elections
A major factor that necessitated the adoption of federalism in Nigeria was the
A. Intention of creating states
B. Diversity of culture and language
C. Abundance of natural resources
D. Low level of literacy
The office of the Prime Minister in Nigeria was created in
A. 1951
B. 1954
C. 1959
D. 1957
The Nigeria Police is an agency of the
A. Judicial arm of government
B. Ministry of Defence
C. Executive arm of government
D. Ministry of Interior
The legislature checks the excesses of the executive through
A. Appointment of civil servants
B. Screening of governors
C. Scrutiny of the budget
D. Nomination of judges
Government by the best citizens is referred to as
A. Aristocracy
B. Democracy
C. Oligarchy
D. Plutocracy
The charter establishing the AU was signed in
A. Togo
B. Libya
C. South Africa
D. Ethiopia
In Nigeria, items in the exclusive list are under the jurisdiction of
A. Regional government
B. Central government
C. Local government
D. State government
Which of these factors motivated colonialism in Africa?
A. Culltural superiority
B. Scientific superiority
C. Humanitarialism
D. Economic interest
The responsibility of giving policy guidelines to the board of corporation rests with the
A. Board of Directors
B. Minister
C. Chairman
D. Permanent Secretary
Which of these institutions make bye-laws?
A. Council of State
B. National Assembly
C. Local Government Council
D. State House of Assembly
Which of the following commissions was established by the 1979 Constitution?
A. Economic and Financial Crimes Commission
B. Federal Character Commission
C. Federal Road Safety Commission
D. Federal Electoral Commission
Federal and state governments legislate on items in the
A. Residual list
B. Legislative list
C. Exclusive list
D. Concurrent list
In Nigeria, Public corporations are established by
A. Executive order
B. A bye law
C. An act of parliament
D. Military decree
In the Hausa pre-colonial political system, the spiritual and powers were vested in the
A. Emir
B. Madawaki
C. Galadima
D. Waziri
Which of the following approves the annual budget of the UN?
A. The General Assembly
B. The Secretariat
C. The Security Council
D. Trusteeship Council
Lagos was annexed in
A. 1861
B. 1871
C. 1814
D. 1853
A disadavantage of the one-party system is that it
A. Is costly to operate
B. Does not tolerate opposition
C. Does not care about the feelings of the masses
D. Discourage periodic elections
49. At the formation of the OAU, Nigeria belonged to the
A. Monrovia Group
B. Casaldanca Group
C. Lagos Group
D. Brazzaville Group
The ECOWAS Monitoring Group began it’s operation in
A. Sierra-Leone
B. Guinea
C. Gambia
D. Liberia