I think the most effective programs that are most effective in reducing delinquent behavior are the community programs that are offered after school and in the summer. A lot of youthful offenders start out committing crime because they are bored. A lot of times it’s vandalism or theft that gets them started on a criminal path. These after school and summer programs give these children something to keep them occupied and to look forward to each day. It is very important to keep their attention and develop them in a positive way during their younger years. In our community we have a program called the Boys & Girls Club. It is offered free to the youth in our area and has been very successful in helping them develop in a positive way. They get to participate in fun activities each day and take a trip at least once a week. They go to museums, go on outdoor adventures, and even go to amusement parks. More cities need programs like this one that keep the youth motivated and distracted from all the things that can land them in a life of crime.