Q1 Animals should be depped or sprayed regularly against
Q2 The most dominant breed of cattle in Nigeria is
Q3 Which of the breed of goat is highly prolific with a high percentage of twining and triplets.
Q4 A source of serious economic loss and one of the main constraints to the development of sheep and goats is
Q5 The most popular breed of goat in the drier savanna is
Q6 Enhanced feeding at period (just before parturition) is called
Q7 Round worm and tape worm are commonly referred to as
Q8 Parasites such as mange-mites, ticks, lice, fleas and flies are referred to as
Q9 The most limiting factor for livestock development in Nigeria is
Q10 Animals should be dipped or sprayed regularly against
Q11 An indigenous breed found in Northern Nigeria and accounts for about half the cattle population of Nigeria it is called
Q12 The most deadly disease of pigs that leads to high motarlity is
Q13 The Fulani in West Africa are considered to be practicing
Q14 Broad spectrum anthelminthic are used to control
Q15 Poultry feeding is estimated to cost between
Q16 The largest single dietary need of an animal is
Q17 An allowance of feed given to an animal over a specified period of time, e.g. daily or weekly is referred to as
Q18 Any feed constituent or group of feed constituents that aid in the support of life is called
Q19 Management practice where animals are confined and by implication are not allowed to forage or fend for themselves is referred to as
Q20 the following, general restlessness, the vulva turn red and swollen discharge of white mucus are all signs of
Q21 One of these is not a breed of sheep in Nigeria
Q22 The mobility of cattle is a feature of…………….grazing system
Q23 The meat from sheep is called ………………..
Q24 The insecct that transmit trypanosomiasis in cattle is called……..
Q25 The important epizoonotic diseases of cattle in Nigeria include the following except
Q26 High fibre feeds are commonly known as ……………
Q27 One of these is a cattle ranch in Nigeria
Q28 All these are exotic breeds of cattle introduced into Nigeria to improve indigenous cattle
Q29 The gestation or pregnancy period in sheep is….
Q30 The Nigeria cattle population is dorminated by ………………..breeds
Q31 which of the breed of cattle constitute 51% of cattle population in Nigeria
Q32 The female sheep is called …….
Q33 The collection of semen from male and introducing it to a female animal through the use of catheter is called………
Q34 Genetic improvement in tropical livestock use the following methods except
Q35 Offsprings of animals are also called ………..
Q36 In animals,…………..contains the hereditary materials
Q37 Inheritance was first discovered by an Australian monk called………
Q38 All are breeds of cattle except
Q39 A crossbred offspring inherit the totality of parental characteristic and tend to resemble ech other and are called……….
Q40 A mixture of dorminant and recessive genes are called
Q41 Heat loss from the animals body is by ……………………means
Q42 Animals produces heat when transforming chemical energy of ……………….to work
Q43 Natural convention occurs when there is no wind or free air while forced conventionoccurs when there is ………………… transfer energy
Q44 Ambient temperature is between
Q45 Al lare system of livestock production except
Q46 The most dominant breed of cattle in Nigeria is �?��?��?��?��?��?��?�..
Q47 In order to survive in a given environment over a long period of time, the energy gain of an animal must be equal to energy loss
Q48 Evaporation occurs only when the air is not saturated already with………………………
Q49 Radiation in the natural environment is derived from …………………main source
Q50 Phsiological adaptation may manifest through the following except
Q51 Common adaptive behaviors to heat stress by tropical livestock include the following except
Q52 The primary means by which animals contrl or respond to variations in the meteorologicalfactors, and thereby maitain its body conditions is through …………………………
Q53 An animal exchange its energy with its environment throughthe following except
Q54 Biological adaptation includes the following except
Q55 The constancy of the internal environment of an animal and the mechanism by which such constancy is maintained is called…………………………….
Q56 ……………………… the form of energy transfer in wavelenghtby electromagnetic waves
Q57 ……………………….inflict irritation, wounds and abscesses by their biting habit on the host
Q58 ……………………refers toadaptive changes to a single climatic variable normally produces in an artificial environment
Q59 ………………………is the ability to do work
Q60 Animals tolerates energy gains or loses from their immediate environment only within certain limits in the………………………………..
Q61 High ambient temperature causes the following except
Q62 Experienced has showed that…………………….productivity in poultry farms in Nigeria decline due to temperature changes
Q63 ……………………………refers to the height of a place over and above relative to the sea level which is usually measured in meters
Q64 Animal production perhaps began about…………………………….years ago.
Q65 Application of modern production methods in Nigeriaare largely restricted to……………………….farms
Q66 One of these areas has a relatively lower ambient temperature from the general tropical environment
Q67 When temperate breeds are exposed suddenly to solar radiation of the tropics, they sufferfrom…………..
Q68 All domestic animals are……………………………..or warm blooded
Q69 All these climatic factors affect feed quality more drastically except
Q70 The body range temperature is relatively constant and is higher than the environmental temperature
Q71 The amount of available moisture in the atmosphere is called……………………
Q72 All are limiting factors in animal production except
Q73 The effect of climate on animal production may be ………………………………..
Q74 ……………………….is an aspect of agricultural production
Q75 All are sources of animal protein except
Q76 Animal production provides the following except
Q77 Epithelioma is eye infection caused from…………………..
Q78 Nigeria is known for export of the famous “Morocco leather” obtained from the skin of ………………….breed of goat
Q79 The recommended animal protein intake per person per day is
Q80 Animal production is related to all of the following discipline except
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