BIO102 e-exam (2019)

Question FBQ1 : How many units are in the module 2 of BIO 102?
Answer: 5 Units
Question FBQ2 : Nomenclature in biology is a binomial system following the work of ___________
Answer: Carl Linnaeus
Question FBQ3 : The sub-phylum vertebrata is made up of how many classes?
Answer: 6
Question FBQ4 : The classification that includes both internal and external features is ———
Answer: Natural classification
Question FBQ5 : The use of computer in the classification of organisms is called —-
Answer: Numerical taxonomy
Question FBQ6 : The average size of cell of prokaryotes in diameter is ————–
Answer: 0.5 – 10 milimicron
Question FBQ7 : ____ is a nitrogen containing polysaccharide?
Answer: Chitin
Question FBQ8 : Evolutionally, autotrophic eukaryotes arrived on earth only ——————- years ago
Answer: 420 million
Question FBQ9 : The simplest form of identification key is —-
Answer: Dichotomous key
Question FBQ10 : The protective coat around the core of virus is called
Answer: Capsid
Question FBQ11 : Viruses that attack bacteria are called ——-
Answer: Bacteriophages
Question FBQ12 : HIV virus belong to the group of RNA viruses known as ______
Answer: Retroviruses
Question FBQ13 : The coating on the outside wall of bacteria is called __________
Answer: Slime layer
Question FBQ14 : The cell wall in some bacteria is strong and rigid because of the presence of ——
Answer: Murein
Question FBQ15 : The pigment found in blue-green bacteria is called —-
Answer: Phycocyanin
Question FBQ16 : The cells that are developed in Anabaena when there is shortage of nitrogen is called ——-
Answer: Heterocysts
Question FBQ17 : _____ is a body that is not differentiated into true root, stem and leaf .
Answer: Thaloid
Question FBQ18 : The photosynthetic pigments in phaeophyta is ________
Answer: Fucoxanthin
Question FBQ19 : The colourless patches on the spiral chloroplast in Spirigyra is called —-
Answer: Pyrenoids
Question FBQ20 : The two classes of bryophytes are ———————
Answer: Liverworts and Mosses
Question FBQ21 : The sorus is covered with _____
Answer: Indusium
Question FBQ22 : The structure in dicot plant that is responsible for secondary growth is called —
Answer: Cambium
Question FBQ23 : The oral groove and gullet in Paramecium are lined with —–
Answer: Cilia
Question FBQ24 : The sponge’s skeleton is made up of fibrous organic substances called —
Answer: Sponging
Question FBQ25 : —————— are responsible for forming the gemmules in Sponges
Answer: Archeocytes
Question FBQ26 : The common name of Fasciola is ———
Answer: Liver fluke
Question FBQ27 : The group of worms that are not segmented, taperat either ends and have no blood system are called
Answer: Nematodes
Question FBQ28 : ———- is very important to man because of their burrowing activities in the soil
Answer: Earth worm
Question FBQ29 : The projections on each of the segment of Nereis with which it paddles through the water is called —-
Answer: Parapodia
Question FBQ30 : More than three quarters of known animal species are ———
Answer: Arthropods
Question FBQ31 : The exoskeleton in arthropods is secreted by the ——
Answer: Epidermis
Question FBQ32 : The shield in Crustacea is called ________
Answer: Carapace
Question FBQ33 : The Crustaceans in which their exoskeleton is converted into heavy armour by impregnation of salts are called
Answer: Decapods
Question FBQ34 : How many pairs of thoracic appendages are found in Lobsters?
Answer: 6
Question FBQ35 : What is the function of the 1st Abdominal part of Crayfish and Lobster?
Answer: It is for transferring of sperm into the female-mating
Question MCQ1 : How many study units are in the course BIO102 (General Biology II)?
Answer: 25 units
Question MCQ2 : Which of these is not part of BIO102?
Answer: Distribution of organisms
Question MCQ3 : Which of the following is not the aim of BIO 102?
Answer: Explanation of the roles of organisms in their environment
Question MCQ4 : The objectives of BIO 102 include the following except ————-
Answer: Comparison of organisms and their environment
Question MCQ5 : How many modules are in BIO102?
Answer: 5
Question MCQ6 : Which of these groups of organisms is not in module 4 of BIO102?
Answer: Nematodes
Question MCQ7 : Which of the following is not an objective of study of classification and characteristics of organisms?
Answer: To be able to study every organism
Question MCQ8 : In which year was the five kingdom classification proposed?
Answer: 1982
Question MCQ9 : Organisms that are heterotrophic, digest food externally before absorbing the products belong to which system of classification?
Answer: Fungi
Question MCQ10 : Which of these statements is not correct about viruses?
Answer: They contain both RNA and DNA
Question MCQ11 : Evolutionary origin of prokaryotes was traced back to ——–
Answer: 3.5 million years ago
Question MCQ12 : Which of these organisms is not a protoctist?
Answer: Pinus
Question MCQ13 : Which of these is not a characteristic of fungi?
Answer: They store carbohydrate in form of starch
Question MCQ14 : Which of the following is not an example of the phylum Ascomycota?
Answer: Rhizopus
Question MCQ15 : Which of the following is not a characteristic of the phylum Porifera?
Answer: They are tripoblastic
Question MCQ16 : Which phylum of animal is referred to as segmented worms?
Answer: Annelida
Question MCQ17 : The following can be found in the protective coat of virus except ——
Answer: Nitrocaspid
Question MCQ18 : The molecular weight of the virus that causes fowl plague ranges from —
Question MCQ19 : Which of these is not true about HIV?
Answer: It can change its DNA to RNA
Question MCQ20 : The largest bacteria may be about —- micrometesr across
Answer: 0.02
Question MCQ21 : Which of these is not used for the classification of bacteria?
Answer: Environment found
Question MCQ22 : The surface to volume ratio in Amoeba can be as low as —
Answer: 400
Question MCQ23 : When the condition is favourable, a bacterium can divides once in every —–
Answer: Fifteen minutes
Question MCQ24 : Based on the acquisition of energy by bacteria, they can be placed in to how many basic groups?
Answer: 3
Question MCQ25 : Theordor Schwann who discovered cell was a
Answer: Physiologist
Question MCQ26 : The number of cells in the body of man is roughly estimated to be the number of seconds in ———-
Answer: 950,000 years
Question MCQ27 : Which of these is not one of the compositions of cytoplasmic matrix?
Answer: Protein
Question MCQ28 : The types of chlorophyll in brown algae are —–
Question MCQ29 : Which of these is a liverwort??
Answer: Pellia
Question MCQ30 : Fucus is differentiated into the following except —
Answer: Leaf
Question MCQ31 : The flower parts in dicots are usually in —–
Answer: Fours and fives
Question MCQ32 : Plasmodium is in the phylum ————-
Answer: Apicomplexa
Question MCQ33 : The epidermis of Hydra is made up of the following cells except ——-
Answer: Nerve cells
Question MCQ34 : The cells that coordinate the network of other cells in Hydra are called
Answer: Nerve cells
Question MCQ35 : Which of these statements is not true about Platyhelminthes?
Answer: They are segmented

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