BIO208 e-exam (2019)

Question FBQ1 : Algae exhibit great diversity in size and____________
Answer: Appearance
Question FBQ2 : The size of algae ranges from simple microscopic to _________ thallusextending several metres in length as in kelps.
Answer: Giant
Question FBQ3 : Algae are widely distributed in nature whenever there is plenty of water and_______________.
Answer: Sunshine
Question FBQ4 : Algae also occur abundantly on wet rocks, wet ground and a pool of ______________
Answer: Water
Question FBQ5 : Some algae have a prostrate system attached to the ————–and anerect system of vertical branches.
Answer: Substratum
Question FBQ6 : Morphologically Algae can be distinguished as unicellular, polysiphonoid, filamentous, hetertrichous, thalloid and ____________ forms.
Answer: Colonial
Question FBQ7 : The ——————algae are simplest in morphology.
Answer: Unicellular
Question FBQ8 : The ————-of a colony may communicate through plasmodesmata.
Answer: Cells
Question FBQ9 : Thalloid forms of algae are sheet like, polysiphonoid forms are more _____________
Answer: Complex
Question FBQ10 : ——————means grouping of organisms according to the similarity in their characters.
Answer: Classification
Question FBQ11 : Algae could be classified according to their common characters into _______divisions of’ Kingdom Protista
Answer: 8
Question FBQ12 : Algae are classified as ————-instead of plants
Answer: Protists
Question FBQ13 : Algae have been grouped into two major types: prokaryotes and _________
Answer: Eukaryotes
Question FBQ14 : Eukaryotic algae can be classified into _______divisions each sharing a large number of common characters.
Answer: 9
Question FBQ15 : All photosynthetic algae have ______________
Answer: Chlorophyll
Question FBQ16 : ______________algae (Division Chlorophyta) are unicellular, colonial and filamentous in forms, motile and free floating
Answer: Green
Question FBQ17 : The __________pigments are chlorophyll a, b, β-carotene and xanthophylls
Answer: Photosynthetic
Question FBQ18 : ———————contain chlorophyll a and b, but they are different from green algae.
Answer: Euglenoids
Question FBQ19 : ————-algae (Division Phaeophyta) are mostly marine, large, complex usually multicellular and non-motile.
Answer: Brown
Question FBQ20 : ______________algae (Division Rhodophyta) are marine, multicellular and filamentous
Answer: Red
Question FBQ21 : Members of Xanthophyta, Chrysophyta, Dinophyta and Cryptophyta are mostly unicellular. True or False?
Answer: True
Question FBQ22 : Algae vary in size from small microscopic unicellular forms like chlamydomonas to large macroscopic multicellular forms like Polysiphonia. True or False?
Answer: True
Question FBQ23 : Algae show all the three types of reproduction vegetative, asexual and sexual. True or False?
Answer: True
Question FBQ24 : Asexual methods on the other hand involve production of new type of cells, called zoospores. True or False?
Answer: True
Question FBQ25 : In sexual reproduction gametes are formed. They fuse in pairs to form zygote. True or False?
Answer: True
Question FBQ26 : Zygote may divide and produce a new thallus or it may secrete a thick wall to form a zygospore. True or False?
Answer: True
Question FBQ27 : When both the gametes are of the same size and morphology are called —————
Answer: Isogamy
Question FBQ28 : ___________: is when two gametes are distinctly different in size or shape, the larger of the two is minus (female) type.
Answer: Anisogamy
Question FBQ29 : ____________ gametes are flagellated and highly motileÂ
Answer: Male
Question FBQ30 : ___________gamete, egg or ovum is big in size and has no flagella hence it is non-motile.
Answer: Female
Question FBQ31 : The male gametes are attracted by the female cells because of special hormones called _____________
Answer: Gamones
Question FBQ32 : In algae, when a cell divides and the daughter cells formed remain together within a common mucilage mass it is known as______
Answer: Colony
Question FBQ33 : Meristematic tissues are present in:
Answer: Anthoceros
Question FBQ34 : The body of an algae is called ——-
Answer: thallus
Question FBQ35 : The yellow-green algae belong to the division —————
Answer: xanthophyta
Question MCQ1 : Some cells in between the vegetative cells are modified into________
Answer: heterocysts
Question MCQ2 : When some cells of a filament divide vertically it results in a__________
Answer: branch
Question MCQ3 : When a cell divides and the daughter cells formed remain together within a common mucilage mass, it is known as____________
Answer: a colony
Question MCQ4 : A small contractile vacuole is found at the base of each__________
Answer: Flagellum
Question MCQ5 : Algal morphology varies from simple unicellular form to_____________
Answer: complex thallus
Question MCQ6 : Heterotrichous habit is the most highly developed filamentous construction in __________
Answer: Algae
Question MCQ7 : Phytophthora fungus belongs to the Division of________
Answer: Oomycota
Question MCQ8 : Phytophthora infestans causes a serious potato disease called_________
Answer: potato blight
Question MCQ9 : The mature sporangia can easily be separated from the_______________
Answer: sporangiophore
Question MCQ10 : _______is a heterotrichous alga which shows greater differentiation in plant body.
Answer: Draparnaldiopsis
Question MCQ11 : _______is another heterotrichous alga
Answer: Ectocarpus
Question MCQ12 : The thallus may be one cell or many cells in___________
Answer: thickness
Question MCQ13 : ___________is a very common algae found on rocky coasts of sea
Answer: Ulva
Question MCQ14 : Most fungi are microscopic, which among the following grow very large?Â
Answer: morels
Question MCQ15 : Yeast is found on the sticky sugary surface of ______ fruitÂ
Answer: Ripe
Question MCQ16 : The cell wall of yeast has ________ made of chitin and polysaccharides – glucan and mannans.Â
Answer: 2-3 layers
Question MCQ17 :  Phytophthora fungus belongs to the Division of________Â
Answer: Oomycota
Question MCQ18 : When the sporangia fall on the leaf of a host plant they____________Â
Answer: germinate
Question MCQ19 : ln the life cycle of Phytophthora there is an/a _____________ cycle which may repeat during favourable conditions
Answer: asexual
Question MCQ20 : The male gametangia is called____________
Answer: antheridia
Question MCQ21 : The bryophytes are homosporous, this means__________
Answer: spores of any given species are all alike
Question MCQ22 : Bryophytes lack __________
Answer: vascular system
Question MCQ23 : There are strong reasons to believe that green algae served as ancestors of ________
Answer: bryophytes
Question MCQ24 : Identify the advantage of the terrestrial habitat over the aquatic
Answer: greater availability of sunlight for photosynthesis
Question MCQ25 : Plants on land are exposed to direct sunlight and air. Hence, there is danger of__________
Answer: drying out
Question MCQ26 : The female gametangia is called__________
Answer: archegonia
Question MCQ27 : Under normal circumstances, gametophyte produces motile male gametes known as____________
Answer: sperms
Question MCQ28 : Pteridophytes exhibit a great variation in form, size and ____________
Answer: structure
Question MCQ29 : The spores are produced in special structures called the ___________
Answer: sporangia
Question MCQ30 : Algal morphology varies from simple unicellular form to_____________
Answer: complex thallus
Question MCQ31 : One who specialises in the study of algae is called _________
Answer: Algologist
Question MCQ32 : When a cell divides and the daughter cells formed remain together within a common mucilage mass, it is known as ___________
Answer: a colony
Question MCQ33 : The two daughter cells get separated, rarely they remain together to form a ————–
Answer: 2-celled filament
Question MCQ34 : Which one is an example of red algae?
Answer: Polysiplonia
Question MCQ35 : The principal photosynthetic pigments for brown algae are _________
Answer: all of the options

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