CSS111 e-exam (2019)

Question MCQ1 : Culture is made up the followings except________
Answer: society
Question MCQ2 : The under listed are sources of socialization with the exception _______
Answer: market
Question MCQ3 : People conform to norms because _______
Answer: norms provide guides to what is right and wrong
Question MCQ4 : Which of these is not a perspective of deviance?
Answer: Geographical perspective
Question MCQ5 : Sociology is like every other social science such as____
Answer: Political science
Question MCQ6 : Sociology is the systematic study of______
Answer: Group and society
Question MCQ7 : _________ is the systematic study of the groups and societiesÂ
Answer: sociology
Question MCQ8 :  Sociology is part of the family of________
Answer: Social science
Question MCQ9 : Which of these scholars is not among the founding father of sociology?
Answer: Emile Durkheim
Question MCQ10 : The scope of the study of sociology is ____________
Answer: Extremely wide
Question MCQ11 : Sociologists uses __________
Answer: Methods
Question MCQ12 : One of the major scientific tools used for sociological research is:
Answer: Survey
Question MCQ13 : Survey is a method of _____
Answer: data collection
Question MCQ14 : Interview is a _______method of data collection
Answer: Qualitative
Question MCQ15 : Participant observation is a system of ______
Answer: data collection
Question MCQ16 : The term “participant observer” was coined by _____
Answer: Eduard Linteman
Question MCQ17 : Which of these is not a social issue in Sociology
Answer: Terrorism
Question MCQ18 : Sociology was eveloped as a result of attempts to understand the far-reaching changes.
Answer: true
Question MCQ19 : ______ focus on how society influences human behaviour and vice-versa.
Answer: Sociology
Question MCQ20 : Sociology is not necessary in the study of human society.
Answer: False
Question MCQ21 : Many Sociologists have regarded the family as _____
Answer: the cornerstone of society
Question MCQ22 : Family is not universal.
Answer: False
Question MCQ23 : Family lives together.
Answer: true
Question MCQ24 : There is only one type of family.
Answer: false
Question MCQ25 : Nuclear Family is a family of a man and ______ wive(s).
Answer: 1
Question MCQ26 : What name is given to a family that consists of a man and his wife, children, father and mother and their other children?
Answer: Extended family
Question MCQ27 : Sexual function does not help to stabilize society.
Answer: False
Question MCQ28 : How many types of marriage are discussed in this course?
Answer: 2
Question MCQ29 : Monogamous is a type of marriage.
Answer: True
Question MCQ30 : Culture refers to shared, consensual and learned patterns of _____
Answer: Behaviour
Question MCQ31 : Culture is the embodiment of _____
Answer: People
Question MCQ32 : Beliefs is associated with _____
Answer: Religion
Question MCQ33 : Culture is made up of different_____
Answer: Element
Question MCQ34 : The followings are element of culture except ______
Answer: Education
Question MCQ35 : ____ are rules that govern behaviour
Answer: Norms
Question MCQ36 : There are only two means of socialization.
Answer: False
Question MCQ37 : Which of these that is the first means of socialization?
Answer: Family
Question MCQ38 : ______is an interactional process
Answer: Socialisation
Question MCQ39 : Which is the last agent of socialization?
Answer: Work place
Question MCQ40 : Behaviour that violates important norms of the group is known as ______
Answer: deviance
Question MCQ41 : A person who refused to conform to the norms of a society is a _______
Answer: deviant
Question MCQ42 : The deviance is considered serious if the rule being violated is ________
Answer: important
Question MCQ43 : How many perspective of deviance do we have in this course?
Answer: 3
Question MCQ44 : Who is the profounder of biological perspective of deviance?
Answer: Lambroso
Question MCQ45 : Labelling occurs in response to the commission of deviant acts.
Answer: True
Question MCQ46 : The first time one commit a deviant act is known as _____
Answer: primary deviant
Question MCQ47 : The legitimate use of power is defined as ____
Answer: authority
Question MCQ48 : How many sources of political legitimacy as stated by Weber?
Answer: 3
Question MCQ49 : Which of these is part of legitimate authority?
Answer: Charisma
Question MCQ50 : Crime and deviance are the same, how true is this statement?
Answer: False
Question FBQ1 : Sociology, like any other social science, has_____ definitions
Answer: many
Question FBQ2 : Sociology is the systematic study of the groups and______
Answer: societies
Question FBQ3 : Sociology is part of the family of_____
Answer: Social sciences
Question FBQ4 : All Social Sciences are concerned with Human __________
Answer: behaviour
Question FBQ5 : Each social Science focuses on a different aspect of_________
Answer: behaviour
Question FBQ6 : ___________ are mostly interested in the internal sources of behaviour
Answer: Psychologists
Question FBQ7 : Psychologists study the workings of the _____ system
Answer: nervous
Question FBQ8 : Sociologists look at the workings of ________
Answer: society
Question FBQ9 : Anthropology shares Sociology’s interest in the impact of social structure and ______
Answer: culture
Question FBQ10 : Economists and political scientists single out particular kinds of ______ activity
Answer: Social
Question FBQ11 : An image formed from the interaction of an object and light and recorded by a camera is known as____?
Answer: Photograph
Question FBQ12 : ____ are primarily interested in areas where social structure and culture intersect.
Answer: Sociologists
Question FBQ13 : Sociology emerged as a response to ______ upheaval resulting from 1776 French Revolution
Answer: Â
Question FBQ14 : Max Weber was one of the founding fathers of _____
Answer: Sociology
Question FBQ15 : The work of Max Weber has a great influence on the study of _____
Answer: sociology
Question FBQ16 : To Weber, action has to do with all _____
Answer: human behaviours
Question FBQ17 : one of the early Sociologists discussed in this course is Emily ______
Answer: Durkheim
Question FBQ18 : According to Durkheim moral beliefs and ideas which formed the ‘common-sense’ is called _____
Answer: solidarity
Question FBQ19 : Mechanical solidarity is one of the characteristics of ____________ societies.
Answer: pre-industrial
Question FBQ20 : Organic solidarity was derived from agreement to ______
Answer: tolerate
Question FBQ21 : In understanding human behaviour, Sociologists use _______
Answer: methods
Question FBQ22 : The term “participant observer” was coined by Eduard Linteman in the year _________
Answer: 1924
Question FBQ23 : Participant observation is a methods of ________
Answer: Data collection
Question FBQ24 : ________ forms the basic unit of social organization
Answer: family
Question FBQ25 : Human society will not exist without _______
Answer: family
Question FBQ26 : Family has been seen as a universal__________ institution
Answer: social
Question FBQ27 : According to Peter Maduck, the family is______
Answer: universal
Question FBQ28 : For a group to be called family, at least two adults must conduct a ___________ relationship
Answer: sexual
Question FBQ29 : In Euro-American societies, a ______consists of a man his wife and children
Answer: family
Question FBQ30 : A Family that consists of a man, his wife and children is called _______ family
Answer: Nuclear
Question FBQ31 : An extended family consists of two or more _____ families
Answer: Nuclear
Question FBQ32 : A man and his wife and children together with his father and mother and their other children form __________ family
Answer: extended
Question FBQ33 : Every member of a family has some _____ in maintaining the unit
Answer: Function to perform
Question FBQ34 : Peter Murdock argues that the family performs ______ major functions
Answer: four
Question FBQ35 : _____ is traditionally conceived to be legally recognised as the relationship between adult male and female
Answer: Marriage
Question FBQ36 : Monogamy and Polygamy are the two types of _______
Answer: marriage
Question FBQ37 : _________ system of marriage permits plural marriage.
Answer: Polygamous
Question FBQ38 : Society is simply a collection of individual person. True or false _______
Answer: true
Question FBQ39 : Culture refers to ________ consensual and learned pattern of behaviour
Answer: shared
Question FBQ40 : Rules that govern behaviour, expectations is known as________
Answer: norms
Question FBQ41 : Beliefs are often associated with _______________
Answer: religion
Question FBQ42 : Socialization into society involves being socialised into various _____
Answer: subgroups
Question FBQ43 : Behaviour which follows the established norms of a group or society is called ­­­­­­__________
Answer: conformity
Question FBQ44 : ____________ is defined as violation of norms and values
Answer: deviance
Question FBQ45 : Law makers and ____________ define an act as a deviance
Answer: opinion leaders
Question FBQ46 : For one to be called a deviant he must have violated an important rule or _____
Answer: norm
Question FBQ47 : Labelling happen after _________________
Answer: deviance
Question FBQ48 : First time committer of deviant act is called_____________ deviant
Answer: Primary
Question FBQ49 : ____________ is the ability to influence decision of one another against his wish
Answer: Power
Question FBQ50 : Unconfirmed/unconvicted misdemeanour ascribed deviant is a result of ______
Answer: Labelling

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