ESM236 e-exam (2019)

Question FBQ1 : An ampoule of endospores should be processed with___ sterilization to check the effectiveness of sterilisation.
Answer: Ethylene Oxide
Question FBQ2 : ___refers to the reduction in number of pathogens or microorganisms on objects or materials
Answer: Disinfection
Question FBQ3 : Ethylene oxide is a ____disinfectant
Answer: Gaseous
Question FBQ4 : Sodium azide is sometimes used as a __in biological preparations
Answer: Preservative
Question FBQ5 : __is not subject to exercise duty and is cheaper than ethyl alcohol.
Answer: Isopropyl alcohol
Question FBQ6 : ___is bactericidal and sporicidal and effective against viruses
Answer: Cidex
Question FBQ7 : There are ___main methods are used for sterilization
Answer: Four
Question FBQ8 : ___ is the freeing of an article from all living organisms, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and their propagules and their products-toxins
Answer: Sterilization
Question FBQ9 : Between temperatures 50°C and 65°C the ___forms of most bacteria, yeasts and fungi, and most animal viruses, are killed
Answer: Vegetative
Question FBQ10 : There are ___general types of radiation
Answer: 4
Question FBQ11 : The process of being vaccinated is known as?
Answer: Immunization
Question FBQ12 : ___is the study of the process by which all living organisms, including man defend themselves against infection
Answer: Immunology
Question FBQ13 : ___is a branch of immunity that is concerned with in-vitro reactions involving one or more serum constituents
Answer: Serology
Question FBQ14 : ___ is used to describe agent that confers immunity on the host by production of specific antibody
Answer: Antigen
Question FBQ15 : An immunity obtained in same manner other than by hereditary is known as _ immunity?
Answer: Acquired
Question FBQ16 : ___immunity develops from the formation of specific antibodies against antigens.
Answer: Humoral
Question FBQ17 : The ___ mature in the thymus and are responsible for cell-mediated immunity and the regulation of immune responses.
Answer: T-lymphocytes
Question FBQ18 : The term ___refers to the number of determinant sites on an antigen
Answer: Valence
Question FBQ19 : Antibodies are also?
Answer: Glycoproteins
Question FBQ20 : A __is an association of a fungus and an alga in which two organisms are so intertwined to form a single thallus.
Answer: Lichen
Question FBQ21 : The problem of algae in aquariums is solved by placing a few__ in the tank.
Answer: Pennies
Question FBQ22 : ___has evolved special organs that host dinoflagellates.
Answer: Tridacna
Question FBQ23 : In some other species of spirogyra conjugation may take place between cells of the same filament is known as ___conjugation. Â
Answer: Chain
Question FBQ24 : Sexual reproduction in spirogyra is?
Answer: Isogamous
Question FBQ25 : In ___sexual reproduction is triggered by a shortage of nutrients
Answer: Chlamydomonas
Question FBQ26 : This viral DNA within the bacterial chromosome is called___.
Answer: Prophage
Question FBQ27 : The Lytic or Virulent Bacteriophage Cycle is characterized by __ stages
Answer: 5
Question FBQ28 :

Answer: T-even bacteriophage
Question FBQ29 : The nucleic acid of a virus is surrounded by a protein coat called __
Answer: Capsid
Question FBQ30 : Viral sizes are determined today by ultra-configuration and by __
Answer: Electron microscopy
Question FBQ31 : ___, is a stable long-term relationship between the phage and the host.
Answer: Lysogeny
Question FBQ32 : The potato spindle-tuber diseases, known have been traced to__.
Answer: Viroids
Question FBQ33 : A __is a complete, fully developed viral particle composed of nucleic acid
Answer: Virion
Question FBQ34 : The combination of a bacterium and a temperature phage is called a__.
Answer: Lysogen
Question FBQ35 : 
Answer: Chlamydomona
Question MCQ1 : A la—- tout était à reconstruire
Answer: 4e republique
Question MCQ2 : C’était ——-qui ont prêté l’argent à la France pour ces reconstructions
Answer: les Américains
Question MCQ3 : —-qui étaient sous la domination française depuis 1830 réclamaient leur indépendanceÂ
Answer: Les Algériens
Question MCQ4 : L’origine de la loi se trouve dans ——-de1789 Â
Answer: la Révolution
Question MCQ5 : En France, il existe trois types de——-
Answer: juridiction
Question MCQ6 : Les juridictions —- traitent les conflits entreles citoyens, et les affaires administrativesÂ
Answer: administrative
Question MCQ7 : —- a été le leader du parti socialiste pendant très longtemps
Answer: François Mitterrand.
Question MCQ8 : Le Parti —–est un parti qui détient la traditionmarxiste-léniniste
Answer: Communiste
Question MCQ9 : Les élections ont lieu en France le ——et sont organisées en deux tours
Answer: dimanche
Question MCQ10 : Le candidat qui obtient ——-% des votes pendant le premier tourest élu
Answer: 50
Question MCQ11 : –est une domination culturelle, économique, militaire d’un Etat sur un autre Etat
Answer: L’impérialisme
Question MCQ12 : Avec l` aparition du ——,l’impérialisme est devenu une entreprise d’exploitation
Answer: colonialism
Question MCQ13 : La cause—–de l’impérialisme c’est la croyance des Européens que les autres
Answer: humanitaire
Question MCQ14 : —-n’est pas forcément territorial mais peut être une domination culturelle
Answer: l’impérialisme
Question MCQ15 : En 1840, la France a accompli de grand progrès. Elle est entrée dans—
Answer: l’ère industrielle
Question MCQ16 : A partir du 16 — s’intéressait à l’Algérie comme le territoire africain le plus proche
Answer: La France
Question MCQ17 : —- est obligatoire dès la naissance jusqu’àl’âge de 16 ans en France
Answer: L’école
Question MCQ18 : —- est obligatoire dès la naissance jusqu’àl’âge de 16 ans
Answer: Socialiste
Question MCQ19 : —- un examen qui qualifie les eleves a` entrer a`l`universite
Answer: Le baccalauréat
Question MCQ20 : Le drapeau français composé de———
Answer: trois couleurs
Question MCQ21 : ——est pour le roi
Answer: le blan
Question MCQ22 : Le bleu et le rouge représentent les couleurs de——-
Answer: Paris
Question MCQ23 : Ce drapeau tricolore symbolise à l’origine l’union de la royauté et du—–
Answer: peuple
Question MCQ24 : L` hymne la France s`appelle—–
Answer: laMarseillaise
Question MCQ25 : En France, il existe depuis la Révolution —-Républiques.
Answer: cinq
Question MCQ26 : un Etat conféré qui estgouverné par les représentants élus.
Answer: La Républiques
Question MCQ27 : La première République a commencé suite à l’abolition de—-
Answer: la royauté
Question MCQ28 : ——sont élus au suffrage universel
Answer: Les députés
Question MCQ29 : A la première République tous les Français pouvaient voter sauf—
Answer: les femmes
Question MCQ30 : La première République est marquée par ——-de milliers de Français.
Answer: le massacre
Question MCQ31 : A la mort du, ——–les Etats européens se sont réunis contre la France
Answer: roi Louis XVI
Question MCQ32 : La troisième République a commencé en 1870 pour terminer en —–
Answer: 1944
Question MCQ33 : Pour les Français La troisième République en général, c’était une époque —-
Answer: douloureuse
Question MCQ34 : La troisième République est caracterisee par deux—–
Answer: grandes guerres
Question MCQ35 : En1875 une —— qui a établi définitivement la troisièmeRépublique est signée.
Answer: Constitution
Question MCQ1 : The study of the relationship among organisms and their environment is known as
Answer: Ecology
Question MCQ2 : The physical features in an environment are called the ___.
Answer: Abiotic factors
Question MCQ3 : Living organisms inhabit the ___.
Answer: Biosphere
Question MCQ4 : The earth’s water supply is also known as ___.
Answer: Hydrosphere
Question MCQ5 : The cycle that describes the movements of chemical elements through the biological and geographical components of the biosphere is the _
Answer: Biogeochemical cycle
Question MCQ6 : Conversion of organic matter to minerals and other inorganic materials during decomposition is called __
Answer: Mineralization
Question MCQ7 : Clostridium spp is mainly found in ___.
Answer: Soil
Question MCQ8 : The zone where the deep water in a lake is beyond the depth of effective light penetration is called ___
Answer: Prefundal Zone
Question MCQ9 : The ___ sulphur bacteria uses carbon dioxide to reduce hydrogen sulphide to sulphur
Answer: Green
Question MCQ10 : In nature’s recycling process _____ are indispensable
Answer: Micro-organisms
Question MCQ11 : The cloud cover in the atmosphere affects the earth’s __balance
Answer: Heat
Question MCQ12 : Lakes are stratified by differences in ___ caused by sunlight penetration
Answer: Temperature
Question MCQ13 : Lakes that have very high concentration of nutrients are termed ___
Answer: Eutrophic
Question MCQ14 : Lakes that receive small amount of nutrient are termed ___
Answer: Oligotrophic
Question MCQ15 : The bacterium that grows well in environment containing 1% or more of organic material is?
Answer: Caulobacter
Question MCQ16 : The bacteria found in abundance in the littoral and limnetic zone is _____
Answer: Cyanobacteria
Question MCQ17 : ____exist as spores in the air
Answer: Microbes
Question MCQ18 : ___ provides greater surface area for absorption of nutirents by bacteria
Answer: Prosthesa
Question MCQ19 : The __is the region of the earth inhabited by living organisms
Answer: Biosphere
Question MCQ20 : Organisms within an ecosystem live in ____
Answer: Communities
Question MCQ21 : Microflora in a lake is determined by the following except ____.
Answer: Low oxygen
Question MCQ22 : The most common organisms found in air are the ___ spores
Answer: Fungal
Question MCQ23 : An ecosystem with a mixture of mineral particles and organic matter is referred to as ___
Answer: Soil
Question MCQ24 : Breaking down of organic matter into simple nutrients is done by ___
Answer: Decomposers
Question MCQ25 : The most common microorganisms found in soil are __
Answer: Bacteria
Question MCQ26 : Grazing animals contact anthrax from spores of ____
Answer: Bacillus anthracis
Question MCQ27 : The mean daily precipitation overland is about ____
Answer: 100x106m3
Question MCQ28 : Temporary inhabitants of an environment are known as ___.
Answer: Non-indigenous
Question MCQ29 : The lithosphere consists of the following except ___.
Answer: Water
Question MCQ30 : Microorganisms in the air can be determined by the following methods except?
Answer: Use of medical nets
Question MCQ31 : Microorganisms are useful in all but one of the following
Answer: Sulphur cycle
Question MCQ32 : The mean daily precipitation overland is about?
Answer: 10,000,000 cubic metres
Question MCQ33 : ___ determines the type and population of microbes in water bodies.
Answer: Nutrient level
Question MCQ34 : Which of these bacterial populations is not found in salt water?
Answer: Achromobacter
Question MCQ35 : Which of these is not a freshwater habitat?
Answer: Sea



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