FBQ1: The systematic study of the groups and societies in which people live, how social structures and cultures are created and maintained or changed, and how they affect our behaviour is_____ Answer: sociology FBQ2: sociology as a discipline belongs to ________ sciences Answer: Social FBQ3: All social sciences are concerned with _________ behaviour Answer: Human FBQ4: _________ studies the working of the nervous system and the effects of neurotransmitters Answer: Neurotransmissions FBQ5: ___________ Focus on personality -on the behaviour and attitudes that are characteristics of person regardless of the situations Answer: Psychologists FBQ6: _________ shares Sociology's interest in the impact of social structure and culture on behaviour Answer: anthropology FBQ7: _________ usually study non-western societies, preliterate societies, local communities, or small groups Answer: Anthropologists FBQ8: ____________ Study communities and small groups, but they also examine modem industrial societies and large-scale Answer: Sociologists FBQ9: Where social structure and culture intersect are primarily the interested areas of the _________ Answer: Sociologists FBQ10: The method in sociology by which data is systematically collected from people about their behaviour, attitudes and beliefs is _________ Answer: survey FBQ11: The term ___________ was coined by Eduard Linteman. Answer: participant observer FBQ12: ___________ refers to a researcher who interacts with group members for the purpose of studying them. Answer: participant observer FBQ13: Rape is one of the ___________ issues that are of great interest to the sociologists Answer: Social FBQ14: Discovery is a source of ________ change Answer: Social FBQ15: Invention is a source of ________ change Answer: Social FBQ16: Invention is of _______ types Answer: Two FBQ17: The _________ interactionists stress the role of language and symbols like fashion in the social construct of identity and in the structure of relationship Answer: Symbolic FBQ18: _________ defined religion by reference to the sacred rather than to a belief in a god, because it makes social comparison possible Answer: Sociologists FBQ19: The traditional society saw ________ as an authority in all areas of social life Answer: Religion FBQ20: _________ are groups forming a pair of the organisational structure, established by management to see to the smooth running of the organisation Answer: formal groups FBQ21: In _________ society conflicts are settled in courts run by legal experts Answer: Modern FBQ22: _________ dynamic involves in-group/out-group relationship Answer: Group FBQ23: A religious organisation that accepts the legitimacy of other religious but has a negative relationship to society is ________ Answer: Cult FBQ24: A set of beliefs, symbols, and practices which is based on the idea of the sacred, and unites believers into socio-religion community is called ________ Answer: Religion FBQ25: Another name for informal groups is ________ Answer: unofficial groups FBQ26: _________ are less exclusive than sects Answer: Denomination FBQ27: Adair (1986), defined a _______ is more than just a group with a common aim Answer: Team FBQ28: _________ has been stripped of many of its former functions in modern society and it’s now competed with other institutions of authority Answer: Religion FBQ29: The interactions and relationships that exists between/or among people in everyday life is called _______ Answer: social interaction FBQ30: A ________ usually claims to have a monopoly over the route to salvation Answer: Sect FBQ31: The study of coordinated and organised social movements is____ Answer: collective behaviour FBQ32: The spontaneous eruption of common behavioural pattern is ________ Answer: collective behaviour FBQ33: There are _______ main forms of collective behaviour Answer: Six FBQ34: The ability of ensuring compliance among members of a group is referred to as _______ Answer: Power FBQ35: The unequal distribution of attributes, qualities, or possessions among members of a society that at usually regarded within that society as desirable and valuable is said to be ____________ Answer: social stratification FBQ36: Demotion from one level in a place of work is synonymous with __________ mobility Answer: social stratification FBQ37: Movement in the same strata is __________ mobility Answer: Horizontal FBQ38: Guatava LeBon is called the grandfather of __________ behaviour theory Answer: Collective FBQ39: __________ Darwin traced the origin of humanity back to the animal kingdom Answer: Charles FBQ40: __________ Freud explored the unconscious levels of the mind Answer: Sigmund FBQ41: _________ Behaviour deals with the ways which collective behaviour emerges as responses to problematic circumstances and situation Answer: Collective FBQ42: The organised effort of a large number of people to produce some social change is referred to as _________ Answer: social movement FBQ43: Social movement resemble __________ behaviour Answer: Collective FBQ44: A great brief enthusiasm among a relatively large number of people for a particular innovation is referred to as ________ Answer: Fashion FBQ45: __________ tend to be ephemeral since their novelty wears off quickly. Answer: Fashion FBQ46: Unverified story spread from one to another is termed to be ___________ Answer: Rumours FBQ47: __________was one of the founding fathers of Sociology whose work has been a great influence on the study of Sociology Answer: Max Weber FBQ48: ___________ is one that demonstrates strong bonds of loyalty within its membership and strict adherence to the established norms of the group Answer: cohesive group FBQ49: _________ is recognized as any set of institutionalised belief and practices that with the ultimate meaning of life Answer: Religion FBQ50: The most important studies of every day social behaviour come from ___________ Answer: Collective FBQ51: __________ expectation set the stage for interraction Answer: Social FBQ52: Our sense of whom and what we are is referred to as ________ social identity Answer: social identity FBQ53: The term referring to a hierarchy of inequality is called _________ Answer: Stratification FBQ54: ___________ refers to the relative degree of prestige and privilege that a person or social group can successfully claim from other members of the society Answer: Status FBQ55: The persistent social fact in the modern societies is _______ Answer: social stratification FBQ56: Vilfredo pareto proposed the circulation of __________ Answer: Elites FBQ57: There are _______ ways that the sociologists viewed mass departures from social expectations and normative behaviours Answer: Two FBQ58: __________ theory sees collective behaviour as the result of rational decision on the part of collectivities Answer: collective-action FBQ59: _________ is the aggregate views of the people on a particular public issue or government policy at a given period Answer: public opinion FBQ60: ____________ formation tends to happen whenever a public is identified Answer: Opinion FBQ61: _______ indicates that public opinion can be formed at meetings in which idea on matters of public importance are expressed and discussed Answer: Symposia FBQ62: ____________ is a government agency which is meant to inform the public on the activites of the government Answer: bureau of information FBQ63: Election is another strategy of forming ________ Answer: public opinion FBQ64: The formation of government policies is made easy through ________ Answer: public opinion FBQ65: Government takes the views of _________ into consideration while formulation its policies Answer: People FBQ66: A direct vote through which all the people in a society declare their position on any particular issue is _________ Answer: Referendum FBQ67: The result of _________ could be used to know how popular or unpopular a government and its policies are Answer: Election FBQ68: People are made to participate in decision making process through their ________ on certain issues Answer: Opinion FBQ69: People can express their view through radio, newspapers and television. this is called _________ Answer: mass media FBQ70: ________ is referred to technique of measuring the acceptability or non-acceptability of any government proposal Answer: Referendum FBQ71: ________ is one of the central problems of sociology Answer: social change FBQ72: _________ is a means of checking government excesses. Answer: Public Opinion FBQ73: Wilmot (1985) defines _______ as the alteration in the sources or organization of society or its component parts overtime Answer: social change FBQ74: MacGee et. Al. (1977: 589) refers to _________ as the transformation in patterns of social organisation or activity Answer: social change FBQ75: Parsons (1951) defined __________ as an addition to knowledge Answer: Discovery MCQ1: Sociologists are not interested in understanding why people change from a particular way to the other especially in this modern era Answer: TRUE MCQ2: The field of sociology is very much concern with ______________ Answer: people's actions MCQ3: the following are social sciences except __________ Answer: philosophy MCQ4: ___________is true to state that all social sciences are concerned with human behaviour Answer: true MCQ5: all social sciences differs in approach, assumption and methods from one another Answer: TRUE MCQ6: Sociologists look at the workings of the __________ and the effects that ______, _________, ________ etc have on people Answer: economic system, social class, gender role, political revolution MCQ7: __________ shares the sociologists interest in the impact of social structure and culture on behaviour Answer: structural sociology MCQ8: Some of the founding fathers of sociology are ______ and _______ Answer: Max Weber, August Compte MCQ9: the act of socialising into various sub-groups within the society is _________ Answer: socialization MCQ10: in __________ as the agent of socialization, parents are the most socializing agents for the child at the very early state of their development Answer: family MCQ11: behaviour which follows the established norms of a group or society is _________ Answer: culture MCQ12: the following except one are the agents of socialization Answer: violence MCQ13: the following except one are social issues that are of interest to sociology __________ Answer: none of the options MCQ14: ____________ can be said to occur as a result of real or imagined, though unspoken, group pressure Answer: culture MCQ15: in ______________________ as the agent of socialisation the child begins to learn new things which he might not have learnt from his parents and siblings Answer: family MCQ16: Socialisation is an interactional process in which an individual's behaviour and attitude are modified to conform with the members' expectation of the groups to which he or she belongs Answer: TRUE MCQ17: The function of___________ is to secure entrance into and acceptance by his society and its sub- groups Answer: socialization MCQ18: A __________ can be simply put as a collection of individual person Answer: group MCQ19: _________ is where one is a father or mother, or husband or wife Answer: conjugal family MCQ20: An ______________ might examine census figures; birth records; scores on tests administered in schools, clinics or businesses; criminal records; or personal documents such as diaries or letters Answer: archival study MCQ21: _____ is language, family structure, how and when people plant, how people lives, how they die and what the hold to be sacred Answer: Culture MCQ22: ___________ is said to be the embodiment of the people, things they share and do together Answer: culture MCQ23: norms, values, beliefs, technology, are elements of ________ Answer: globalization MCQ24: ___________ is one of the thing that can be said to influence our behaviours Answer: food MCQ25: national ideology are also ______________ Answer: political ideology MCQ26: _________ claimed that some form of family existed in every society and concluded, on the evidence of this sample, that the family is universal Answer: August Compete MCQ27: nuclear family is also known as __________ Answer: elementary family MCQ28: Beliefs are often associated with __________ Answer: religion MCQ29: The shared, consensual and learned pattern of behaviour can be referred to as ________ Answer: culture MCQ30: The programming language that is said to be making all of the things done on the computer to work are the ________ Answer: brands MCQ31: Culture is language, family structure, how and when people plant, how people lives, how they die and what the hold to be sacred Answer: plural norms MCQ32: The gun powder was known to the __________ for centuries Answer: Chinese MCQ33: _________ consists of two or more nuclear families Answer: extended family MCQ34: ___________ refers only to the changes in behaviour and attitude having their origins in interactions with other persons Answer: modernization MCQ35: ___________ refers only to the changes in behaviour and attitude having their origins in interactions with other persons Answer: behavioural change MCQ36: Culture is language, family structure, how and when people plant, how people lives, how they die and what the hold to be sacred Answer: Sociology MCQ37: The process by which different individuals are prepared to play many different and varied roles and interact in such a way that the interrelated individuals and groups can functions as a whole -as a society is ________________ Answer: culture MCQ38: __________ And the child's siblings form the only significant group on whom the child depends physically and psychologically Answer: parents MCQ39: The behaviour that does not conform to a given norm, or set of norms which are acceptable by a significant number of people in the society is ___________ behaviour Answer: Software MCQ40: The ____________ element of culture means simply that many share it and agree to its meaning and importance Answer: Deviance MCQ41: XYZ chromosomal difference explains ___________ based violence Answer: Genetic MCQ42: _________ Theory defines the cause of deviant or delinquent behaviour in the pattern of associations that we have Answer: differential association MCQ43: a man is said to have only one wife as a legal wife in ___________ Answer: monogamous family MCQ44: Culture is language, family structure, how and when people plant, how people lives, how they die and what the hold to be sacred Answer: TRUE MCQ45: Weak self-esteem, inability to control temper, rage and so on are the ___________ based theories of deviance Answer: personality MCQ46: Polyandry form of marriage consists of ________ Answer: one wife and two or more husbands MCQ47: The importance of culture is ___________, ____________ Answer: sets of behaviours standards for a given setting, defines the structure of relationships MCQ48: ____________ can be generated by a group's spoken or unspoken norms Answer: conformity MCQ49: The following except one are the social perspectives on deviance except ________ Answer: psychological differences MCQ50: a type of family practice where a man is married to more than one wife is referred to as ____________ Answer: polygamous family MCQ51: ________ is refers to things that will hold to be true Answer: beliefs MCQ52: ____________ occurs in response to the commission of deviant acts and is influential in how those acts and the actors are seen by others Answer: secondary deviance MCQ53: ___________ is the area around us that we consider to be an extension of our body or selves Answer: atmospheric space MCQ54: ___________ is defined as behaviour that violates important norms of the group of society Answer: deviance MCQ55: The believe by the fundamental Christians that the world was created in 7 days and that it was created by God. Can be said to be a _________ Answer: belief MCQ56: ________Is true to state that all social sciences are concerned with human behaviour Answer: TRUE MCQ57: all social sciences differs in approach, assumption and methods from one another Answer: TRUE MCQ58: Monogamous norms of marriage encourage individual to have more than one spouse at a time Answer: TRUE MCQ59: Culture is language, family structure, how and when people plant, how people lives, how they die and what the hold to be sacred Answer: Sub cultural perspective. MCQ60: One of the better ways of maintaining order and conformity is when each of us is our own police Answer: TRUE MCQ61: The concept of family refers to different levels of social organisation in different cultures Answer: TRUE MCQ62: Culture is language, family structure, how and when people plant, how people lives, how they die and what the hold to be sacred Answer: TRUE MCQ63: _________ is regarded as one’s own internal policeman Answer: conscience MCQ64: Effectiveness of control is greatly lessened and armed conflict break out as soon as groups begin to see the application of force as _________ or ________. Answer: illegal, excessive MCQ65: Direct or external controls are the forces that can be brought to bear upon the people and it is commonly exercise by the _________ Answer: state MCQ66: The family performs four basic functions in all societies, which he terms the sexual, reproductive, economic and educational Answer: FALSE MCQ67: ________ Controls often rest upon people’s fear of loss of income, position, or other material objects that we have accumulated Answer: direct, external MCQ68: Internal control of __________ and our attachments to groups are some of the notable social factors that contribute to conformity and social control Answer: conscience MCQ69: Ability to ensure compliance despite resistance from the individual is called __________ Answer: power MCQ70: __________ is said to be rules that govern behaviour, expectations we hold for how to behave in a given situation Answer: norms MCQ71: ________ has been identified as the legitimate use of power Answer: authority MCQ72: One of the legitimate functions of _________ institution is to legitimise the ways in which power is exercised in a society Answer: political MCQ73: Max Weber (1946), identified _________ main sources of political legitimacy Answer: three MCQ74: ________ Authority is based on custom handed down through the generations Answer: traditional MCQ75: __________ Authority is based on special personal qualities Answer: charismatic