Question FBQ1 : Psychology is popularly believed to have emerged as a discipline in the year ...................
Answer: 1879 Question FBQ2 : ....................... founded the first laboratory devoted to experimental psychology Answer: Wilhelm Wundt Question FBQ3 : ................ carried out many experiments using rats, pigeons and other animals in order to understand how they respond to their environment. Answer: B. F. Skinner Question FBQ4 : ----------------- sees behaviour as including ‘all those aspects of human activity which we can observe Answer: Dennis Child Question FBQ5 : ............ is mainly concerned with the systematic (or scientific) study of human behaviour Answer: Psychology Question FBQ6 : ------------ approach is used by psychologists searching for the causes of behaviour in the functioning of the brain and biochemical processes Answer: Enlightenment thinking Question FBQ7 : ..................... believes a great deal of an individual’s personality is determined in the first five years of life, when some of these conflicts are being resolved. Answer: Sigmund Freud Question FBQ8 : ........................ approach suggests that behaviour is understoodby reference to the ways in which people think Answer: Cognitive Question FBQ9 : .................. is the method used by psychologists to understand how animals and people behave in their normal environments Answer: Naturalistic observation Question FBQ10 : .............. is vital for understanding and helping people with psychological disorders Answer: Case study Question FBQ11 : ................ wrote the book “The Mentality of Apes” in 1925 Answer: Worgang Kohler Question FBQ12 : ............. is the scientific and psychological concept that designates the period of development during which a germ cell becomes mature Answer: Maturation Question FBQ13 : .............. growth can be measured in terms of height (meters and centimetres) and in terms of weight (kilogrammes). Answer: Physical Question FBQ14 : ................ refers to changes in structure and function Answer: Development Question FBQ15 : ............ psychology is a broad field of interest in which the physical, emotional and intellectual characteristics and development of youngsters from pre-natal stage onwards are studied Answer: Developmental Question FBQ16 : ____ psychology is the study of social institutions and their impact on the behaviour of individuals Answer: Social Question FBQ17 : ___ psychology is a psychologist who specialises in the treatment of those with behavioural problems and mental illness Answer: Clinical Question FBQ18 : ___psychology involves the application of psychology to improve the quality of work life and to protect and promote the safety, health and well-being of workers. Answer: Occupational health Question FBQ19 : _____ psychology is essentially concerned with the direction of family-careprogrammes and programmes in child guidance and rehabilitation centres Answer: Community Question FBQ20 : ............ involves the application of psychology to the area of crime and the legal system Answer: Forensic psychology Question FBQ21 : ................... deals with the study of organizations of people in conflict Answer: Psychology of politics Question FBQ22 : .............. is believed to be the first to revive the profession of philosophical counselling Answer: Gerad Achenbach Question FBQ23 : Verification of the ................. means testing the workability or solubility of the accepted hypotheses Answer: Hypotheses Question FBQ24 : ............ are often carried out by psychologists to test certain ideas Answer: Experiments Question FBQ25 : The importance of the general ability was strongly questioned in which country? Answer: USA Question FBQ26 : The type of environment and interaction will shape and determine a child’s adult ............? Answer: Intelligence Question FBQ27 : ---------------- sociologists recently argued that the definition of intelligence is a social-class based one Answer: Radical Question FBQ28 : When we refer to an intelligent person we mean only someone who is at the upper end of the distribution of------- Scores? Answer: I.Q Question FBQ29 : A _____ person is by definition a much rarer individual than the intelligent person. Answer: Creative Question FBQ30 : .................. means the reasoning ability of individuals Answer: Intelligence Question FBQ31 : .......... is a cluster of psychological traits. Answer: Intelligence Question FBQ32 : People act intelligently when they learn from ............. experiences? Answer: Past Question FBQ33 : ............... is the result obtained when an individual's mental age (MA) is divided by his/ her chronological age (that is biological age) and multiplied by 100. Answer: I.Q Question FBQ34 : ......................... was credited with the first successful attempt to measure intelligence. Answer: Alfred Brinet Question FBQ35 : Average ................ scores correspond to chronological age (CA). Answer: MA Question FBQ36 : ............. age refers to an individual’s level of intellectual development. Answer: Mental Question FBQ37 : A -------------- child has an MA below his/her CA Answer: Dull Question FBQ38 : ................. tests measure consists of 120 different abilities. Answer: Intelligence Question FBQ39 : ..................... reflects the extent to which a child is mentally advanced or backward for his/her age. Answer: IQ Question FBQ40 : ____ differ greatly in intelligence, aptitudes, physical strength, manual dexterity, knowledge, skill, interests etc. Answer: People Question FBQ41 : The ............. is substantially better at the intelligence tests than he is at the open-ended tests. Answer: Converger Question FBQ42 : .................. is the opposite of converger. Answer: Diverger Question FBQ43 : ............... differences is the most important element in all of education Answer: Individual Question FBQ44 : ................. would be equal to 100 if the mental age exactly matched the chronological age Answer: IQ Question FBQ45 : ..................... intellectual development is the IQ that is greater than 100 Answer: Advanced Question FBQ46 : Nature versus --------- debate is one of the longest running debates in psychology Answer: Nurture Question FBQ47 : ................ results from the interaction between genetic factors and the environment Answer: Behaviour Question FBQ48 : Every human being comes into this world with a --------- make-up? Answer: Genetic Question FBQ49 : The combination of elements from both the mother and father form a new ................. Answer: Child Question FBQ50 : Zygote splitting around the time of conception results in the formation of ........ twins Answer: Identical Question MCQ1 : The first recognised book on psychology was written by _________ and published in 1890 Answer: williams james Question MCQ2 : The person that founded the first laboratory devoted to experimental psychology is ___ Answer: wilhelm wundt Question MCQ3 : The first laboratory devoted to experimental psychology was established in - Answer: Leipzig Question MCQ4 : The concept and birth of psychology was in the year _________
Answer: 1879 Question MCQ5 : The behaviourist who spend a great deal of time to study behaviour conditions is - Answer: B.F.Skinner Question MCQ6 : The behaviourist believed that ___ factors reinforce behaviours. Answer: environmental Question MCQ7 : The psychodynamic perspective believes that human behaviour is stem from _______ instincts. Answer: inherited Question MCQ8 : The psychodynamic is linked to the writings of ___________ Answer: sigmund Freud Question MCQ9 : The biological approach to psychology believe that the causes of behaviour is the - Answer: biochemical process Question MCQ10 : The scholar who noted that psychology includes all aspects of human activity which we can observe is - Answer: Dennis child Question MCQ11 : The basic concept of psychology is on ______
Answer: perception Question MCQ12 : psychology is the science that studies what goes on in the _______ that cause behaviour to occur Answer: minds Question MCQ13 : Correlational studies measure two ________ to see if they are associated or related. Answer: variables Question MCQ14 : The structural questionnaire provides answers that is exhaustive and at the same time mutually Answer: exclusive Question MCQ15 : correlational studies is a statistical technique devised by - Answer: William James Question MCQ16 : In psychology, experiments are performed on humans and _______
Answer: animals Question MCQ17 : One of the scientific methods of research in psychology is - Answer: survey Question MCQ18 : The cognitive psychology is primarily concerned with - Answer: thinking Question MCQ19 : There are _________ types of questionnaires we use to get information in a specific problem within an interval of time Answer: 2 Question MCQ20 : According to -intelligence is an important general ability which is super-ordinate to and distinct from special abilities. Answer: Galton Question MCQ21 : The father of intelligence testing is - Answer: Binet Question MCQ22 : The index of brightness is the -which indicates how an individual score is relative to others of comparable age Answer: IQ Question MCQ23 : The individual level of intellectual development is - Answer: MA Question MCQ24 : Intelligence was measured first by - Answer: Binet Question MCQ25 : The sociologists argued that the definition of intelligence is a ____ class based. Answer: social Question MCQ26 : Research generates explanations on the definition of intelligence in piaget's concept of - Answer: growth Question MCQ27 : Piaget believed that intelligence is not hereditary but a type of - interaction in the history of early childhood. Answer: environmental Question MCQ28 : The scholar that uses the French children at different pre-school and school ages to explain the different performances of children in school and Homes is____ Answer: Binet Question MCQ29 : The scholar who introduced the technique of factor analysis in intelligence is _____________
Answer: pearson Question MCQ30 : The psychological operation that is basic to the determination of terminal human behaviour is - Answer: perception Question MCQ31 : Non-identical twins are the result of two different eggs being fertilised by two different sperms referred to as - Answer: dizygotic Question MCQ32 : Identical twins resulted from a splitting of the zygote around the time of conception which is referred to as _______
Answer: dizygotic Question MCQ33 : The ability to perceive the visual world accurately and to recreate aspects of that world based on one's perception is _________ intelligence. Answer: spatial Question MCQ34 : The ability to handle long chains of reasoning and to recognise patterns and order in the world is ________ intelligence Answer: logical-mathematical Question MCQ35 : One of these constitute an impression on the subjective process - Answer: feelings Question MCQ36 : The personality factor that influences individual perception is - Answer: value Question MCQ37 : The gestalt school of psychology originates from --------
Answer: Germany Question MCQ38 : The entire process of filtering the whole range of information before the response's form is ______
Answer: mediation Question MCQ39 : There can be no learning without _______
Answer: cognition Question MCQ40 : The researcher formulates a possible _________ after the collection of data Answer: hypothesis Question MCQ41 : The learning perspective contradicts the widely held view that human behaviour is - . Answer: instinctive in nature Question MCQ42 : Maturation is the scientific concept which proves the period of development in - Answer: germ cell Question MCQ43 : Another term associated with developmental psychology is ___ Answer: pre-natal stage Question MCQ44 : The application of psychology in education influences the _________ of learning Answer: quality and quantity Question MCQ45 : The first Scholar to bring back the profession of philosophical counselling is - Answer: Achembach Question MCQ46 : The suicide prevention organisation is called __________
Answer: samaritan Question MCQ47 : ____describes the enduring aspects of social institutions which are most important in understanding how a given society functions. Answer: Social structure Question MCQ48 : The first stage to test psychological theory is - Answer: problem Question MCQ49 : The scholar who believes that learning is the central process of understanding human behaviour is ____________
  Answer: lindgren Question MCQ50 : The structured questionnaire and the results are subjected to statistical - Answer: Analysis