Question MCQ1 : The primary tastes in humans include all of the following except Answer: None of the options Question MCQ2 : The largest number of taste buds are found in which papillae? Answer: Circumvallate Question MCQ3 : Adult humans have a maximum of about how many taste buds? Answer: 10000 Question MCQ4 : Taste buds consists of the following cells except Answer: Papillae Question MCQ5 : Concerning human smell sensation, which of the following statement is false? Answer: Highly developed in humans compared to lower animals Question MCQ6 : Which type of neurons within the olfactory epithelium Answer: Bipolar Question MCQ7 : Influx of ions into olfactory hairs is triggered by the activation of Answer: G-protein Question MCQ8 : Olfactory nerves are formed by Answer: Axons of olfactory neurons Question MCQ9 : Apart from olfactory cortex, olfactory tracts terminate in what other region of the brain Answer: Amygdala Question MCQ10 : Which of these statements is true concerning olfactory mucus? Answer: All of the options Question MCQ11 : The external ear is separated from the middle ear by Answer: Tympanic membrane Question MCQ12 : The part of external ear outside the head is called Answer: Auricle Question MCQ13 : The auditory ossicles are Answer: malleus, incus, and stapes Question MCQ14 : The muscles of the middle ear are Answer: Tensor tympani and stapedius Question MCQ15 : The stapedius muscle is innervated by which nerve? Answer: Facial Question MCQ16 : The tube opening into the pharynx from the middle ear is called Answer: All of the options Question MCQ17 : The regions of the bony labyrinth include all of the following except Answer: Tympani Question MCQ18 : Which of the fluids in the inner ear is similar to cerebrospinal fluid? Answer: Perilymph Question MCQ19 : The structure of cochlea gives a resemblance to Answer: Snail Question MCQ20 : Which part of cranial nerve VIII is responsible for balancing? Answer: Vestibular Question MCQ21 : Arrange the layers of the eye from superficial to deep Answer: Fibrous layer, vascular layer, retina Question MCQ22 : The bony labyrinth is filled with which fluid? Answer: Perilymph Question MCQ23 : The embryonic beginning of the brain and spinal cord is the neural Answer: Tube Question MCQ24 : One of these houses the spiral organ Answer: Cochlear duct Question MCQ25 : The initial 3 brain vesicles formed at 4th week include all except Answer: Metencephalon Question MCQ26 : Connective tissue fibres found in the sclera are Answer: Collagen and elastic Question MCQ27 : The part of embryonic brain that forms the cerebral cortex is Answer: Telencephalon Question MCQ28 : Concerning the aqueous humour, which is true Answer: Keeps the eyeball inflated Question MCQ29 : The inner surface of cornea is covered by Answer: Simple squamous epithelium Question MCQ30 : Spinal bifida is a failure of closure of the Answer: Neural tube Question MCQ31 : The Rhombencephalon give rise to which of these regions Answer: Medulla Question MCQ32 : Orbicularis oculi is responsible for Answer: Closing eyes Question MCQ33 : Concerning the lens, which of these is false Answer: It is transparent Question MCQ34 : The most obvious features of the cerebrum are Answer: Gyri and Sulci Question MCQ35 : The pituitary gland is divided into how many lobes Answer: 2 Question MCQ36 : The 3 main sulci dividing the brain into lobes include all except Answer: Medial Question MCQ37 : The two hemispheres of the brain are connected by Answer: Corpus callosum Question MCQ38 : Which type of epithelia lines the follicles of the thyroid gland Answer: Simple cuboidal Question MCQ39 : The bone which houses the pituitary glanda.b.c.d. Answer: Sphenoid bone Question MCQ40 : Histologically, the cerebral cortex is arranged in how many layers Answer: 6 Question MCQ41 : The pituitary gland is connected to the what part of the brain? Answer: Hypothalamus Question MCQ42 : The brain stem in humans include the following except. Answer: Cerebellum Question MCQ43 : Which of this part of the midbrain is particularly implicated in Parkinson’s disease? Answer: Substantia nigra Question MCQ44 : Which brain ventricles is housed within the cerebral hemispheres? Answer: Lateral Question MCQ45 : The lateral ventricles in the cerebrum are connected to the third ventricle in the diencephalon by Answer: Interventricular foramina Question MCQ46 : Approximately 80% of the hormone released from the adrenal medulla is Answer: Adrenaline Question MCQ47 : One of these is not a layer of the adrenal cortex Answer: Zona basale Question MCQ48 : Which of these does not partake in the cerebral arterial circle of Willis? Answer: Basilar artery Question MCQ49 : Photoreceptors are mostly concentrated in what part of the retina Answer: Fovea Question MCQ50 : A defect in which the cornea or lens is not uniformly curved and the image is not sharply focused is called Answer: Astigmatism Question FBQ51 : Taste is mainly a function of the taste _____ in the mouth. Answer: Buds Question FBQ52 : Substances called _____ dissolve in saliva, enter the taste pores, and by various mechanisms cause the taste cells to depolarize. Answer: Tastants Question FBQ53 : Many of the sensations thought of as being taste are strongly influenced by _____ sensations Answer: Olfactory Question FBQ54 : Beyond the age of _____ years, many taste buds degenerate, causing taste sensitivity to decrease in old age Answer: 45 Question FBQ55 : Each taste cell has several microvilli, called _____. Answer: Taste hairs Question FBQ56 : Airborne odorants become dissolved in the mucus on the surface of the epithelium and bind to molecules on the membranes of the olfactory hairs called olfactory ­­_____. Answer: Receptors Question FBQ57 : The olfactory cortex is part of the _____, projecting to the hypothalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus of the cerebrum Answer: Limbic system Question FBQ58 : _____ is partial loss of smell or decreased sensation of smell. Answer: Hyposmia Question FBQ59 : The membranous labyrinth is filled with a clear fluid called _____ Answer: Endolymph Question FBQ60 : In the inner ear, the hair cells consist of numerous microvilli, called stereocilia, and one cilium, called a _____. Answer: Kinocilium Question FBQ61 : The eye consists of the eyeball, or globe of the eye, and the ____ nerve. Answer: Optic Question FBQ62 : The _____ is avascular and transparent, permitting light to enter the eye Answer: Cornea Question FBQ63 : The iris regulates the amount of light by controlling the size of the _____. Answer: Pupil Question FBQ64 : The sphincter papillae are innervated by _____ fibers from the oculomotor nerve (III). Answer: Parasympathetic Question FBQ65 : _____ is an abnormal increase in intraocular pressure that results when the rate of production of aqueous humor exceeds its rate of removal Answer: Glaucoma Question FBQ66 : The _____ ligaments connect the lens capsule to the ciliary body Answer: Suspensory Question FBQ67 : The lens is part of the _____ system of the eye. Answer: Focusing Question FBQ68 : The most common type of gigantism, pituitary gigantism, results from excess secretion of _____. Answer: Growth hormone Question FBQ69 : The parathyroid glands are usually embedded in the _____ part of each lobe of the thyroid gland. Answer: Posterior Question FBQ70 : A spinal _____ is the removal of CSF from the subarachnoid space. Answer: Tap Question FBQ71 : The_____ is in overall control of the autonomic nervous system. Answer: Hypothalamus Question FBQ72 : _____ (stretch receptors) in the walls of large arteries near the heart detect changes in blood pressure Answer: Baroreceptors Question FBQ73 : Cholinergic receptors are receptors to which _____ binds Answer: Acetylcholine Question FBQ74 : the parasympathetic division of the ANS is sometimes called the _____ division Answer: Craniosacral Question FBQ75 : Damage to the median nerve occurs most commonly where it enters the wrist through the _____ Answer: Carpal tunnel Question FBQ76 : The term funny bone or crazy bone is associated with the _____ nerve Answer: Ulnar Question FBQ77 : Wrist drop is major due to a damage to the _____ nerve Answer: Radial Question FBQ78 : The largest peripheral nerve in the human body is the _____ nerve Answer: Sciatic Question FBQ79 : The phrenic nerve is involved in breathing due to its innervation of the _____ Answer: Diaphragm Question FBQ80 : The brachial plexus originates from spinal nerves C5 to _____. Answer: T1 Question FBQ81 : A _____ is the area of skin supplied with sensory innervation by a pair of spinal nerves. Answer: Dermatome Question FBQ82 : The nerve supply to the upper limbs originate from _____ plexus Answer: Brachial Question FBQ83 : There are _____ pairs of spinal nerve Answer: 31 Question FBQ84 : The trigeminal nerve (V) has three branches; ophthalmic, _____, and mandibular Answer: Maxillary Question FBQ85 : The main blood supply to the CNS include the _____, vertebral and basilar systems of arteries Answer: Internal carotid Question FBQ86 : ______ is a condition that results from partial or complete block of ventricles of the brain Answer: Hydrocephalus Question FBQ87 : The neuroepithelial cells lining the neural tube are of simple _____ type Answer: Columnar Question FBQ88 : ____ is the caudal portion of the rhombencephalon Answer: Myelencephalon Question FBQ89 : During brain development, nerves of the branchial arches become the _____ nerves Answer: Cranial Question FBQ90 : The thymus produces _____, which is involved in the development of the immune system Answer: Thymosin Question FBQ91 : The kidneys secrete a hormone in response to reduced oxygen levels in the kidney. The hormone is called _____. Answer: Erythropoietin Question FBQ92 : _____ is sometimes called the “hormone of darkness” because its production increases in the dark Answer: Melatonin Question FBQ93 : The exocrine gland of the pancreas secretes _____ enzymes Answer: Digestive Question FBQ94 : _____ is a chronic enlargement of the thyroid gland not due to a tumor Answer: Goitre Question FBQ95 : Lack of _____ in the diet can result in decreased thyroid hormone levels Answer: Iodine Question FBQ96 : The posterior lobe of pituitary gland is also called _____. Answer: Neurohypophysis Question FBQ97 : In the retina, _____ cells in the inner plexiform layer synapse with bipolar and ganglion cells Answer: Amacrine Question FBQ98 : The _____ are moveable folds covering the anterior surface of the eye when closed Answer: Eyelids Question FBQ99 : The organs of hearing and balance are divided into three parts: the external, _____, and inner ear Answer: Middle Question FBQ100 : _____, is a complete loss of smell. Answer: Anosmia