_____ instruction directs the computer to accept data from a specific input device and store it in a specific location in the store *Input* MS Multiplan is an example of _____ packages *Spreadsheet* The first stage of program debugging is _________ *Desk checking* When errors are detected in a program, a series of diagnostics referred to as an error ____ list is generated by the language translator *Message* Simplification of program maintenance is an advantage of program ____ *documentation* In ___ alignment, the text along the right side of the paragraph appears ragged *left* In Excel, chart ____ allow you to print a chart that is separate from data *sheets* ____ chart is used when printing a worksheet and a chart on a single sheet of paper *embedded* A chart symbol that represents a single data point is data ____. *marker* The x-axis of a chart is also called _____ axis *category* Gridlines in a plot area makes it easy to compare data marker with an axis value. TRUE or FALSE? *TRUE* In a hybrid computer system, a conversion element is irrelevant. TRUE or FALSE? *FALSE* The Chart ____feature leads a user through a step-by-step process to create a chart and displays sample views as you build it *wizard* Computer viruses are written programs. TRUE or FALSE? *TRUE* AutoShapes button in Microsoft PowerPoint provides access to over ____ shapes *150* Write-protecting a disk means preventing the computer from ___ (over) important data that are already contained in it *erasing* There are ____ types of environments in PowerPoint *five* There are ____ main types of networks in the industry *two* Aside the cables, there are ___ components that are present in most networks *three* A local area network has a range of approximately ____ kilometre *one* The internet is a typical example of ____ area network *wide* Underlined words that have web addresses embedded in them are *hyperlinks* ___ is the number of signalling elements that can be transmitted per second on a circuit *Baud* Electronic mail has equivalent feature in standalone computing. TRUE or FALSE? *FALSE* Internet area that comprises thousands of newsgroups is _____. *Usenet* Newsgroup messages are stored on Internet servers referred to as ____ servers *News* A hypermedia document on the web is called _____ *page* In network transmission, ____ is an older term that is being replaced by bits-per-second *Baud* Excel workbook can be set up as a dynamic work environment. TRUE or FALSE? *TRUE* The Print button on the Standard docked toolbar does NOT bypass the Print dialog box. TRUE or FALSE? *FALSE* Automatic Spell Check feature of the Microsoft Word CANNOT be disabled. TRUE or FALSE? *FALSE* Spelling checker is a substitute for proofreading. TRUE or FALSE *FALSE* In ___ alignment, the texts along both sides of the paragraph appear ragged *centre* ____ instruction tells the computer to move a piece of data from a computer storage location *output* A _____ branch statement will cause the computer to branch to a statement only when certain conditions exist *conditional* Which of the following is NOT a system software? Microsoft Office Which of the following is the primary goal of the operating system User convenience Operating system that appears to its users as a traditional uniprocessor system is Distributed The Input/Output system consists of the following EXCEPT Disk scheduler The following are generalised software EXCEPT Linux The following are examples of integrated packages EXCEPT Microsoft Windows10 The operating system environment in which the response time is the turnaround time is Batch The following are other names for command interpreter system EXCEPT Kernel Which of the following is not a communication package? Paradox III Which of the following is not an attribute of a good program? Sequential The error that results from Illegal use of a feature of programming language is Syntax The following are methods of testing a program EXCEPT Trace trek Which of the following is not a class of data used in program testing? Virtual The following are tools for planning problem solution step in programming EXCEPT Coding Which of the following is not an advantage of program documentation? provides operating instructions to the programmer Which of the following definitions of algorithm is NOT correct? Set of program codes to be executed on a physical machine The key can be used for the following EXCEPT Create a blank space Character formatting include the following EXCEPT Highlight Which of the following is NOT a toggle button? Font face Which of the following is NOT true of paragraph alignment? It determines the paper size Types of paragraph alignment options are Four The following are paragraph alignment options EXCEPT Middle alignment By default, the print command prints Entire document The following are the components of the Excel workbook EXCEPT Presentation tools Which of following will NOT clear the content of a cell in Excel ? Selecting the cell and pressing the Enter key In Microsoft PowerPoint, which of the following function key is used to run a slide show? F5 Which of the following is NOT a working environment in PowerPoint? Outskirt view Text attributes include the following EXCEPT Weight The value-axis of a chart is also called y-axis In Excel, which of the following makes it easy to compare actual worksheet data to graphical representation of the data Embedded chart In which of the following paragraph alignment options is the text along the left side of the paragraph appears ragged Right Which of the following is NOT correct of flowcharts? It is read bottom-up Which of the following is not classified as a cursor control key? SHIFT Which of the following is not an attribute of an algorithm? Ambiguity Operator's manual contains the following EXCEPT The various codes making up the program