In more recent times, the Master Scientist philosophical doctrine has come to be known as ___. *Scientism* According to ________, philosophy is rightly called the knowledge of the truth. *Aristotle* An important characteristic of philosophy is that it consists in the constant and unwavering disposition to seek the truth. True or False ____ *True* Examination and confirmation of the universal acceptance of moral views held by human beings or the society is the responsibility of ______ *Descriptive ethics* Observation and understanding supernatural phenomenon and control processes is the main task of _______ *Science* Philosophy has no univocal definition. True or False _____ *True* The method of _____ takes reason to be the sole means of acquiring philosophical knowledge. *Rationalism* The philosophical idea that establishes the world as a product of a single understanding substance is known is called ______ *Monism* The method of rationalism takes reason to be the sole means of acquiring philosophical knowledge. True or False ________ *True* The critical or transcendental method of philosophy ______takes stock of the arguments of empiricism and rationalism and builds a new system of tremendous importance in the history of philosophic thought. *Kant* ______ method of philosophy consists in the constructive dialectical process of opposition and reconciliation *Hegel* Identifying a complex argument involves a complex reasoning. True or False ____ *true* _______ arguments are those in which the premises do not lead to the conclusion with certainty. *Inductive* The branch of philosophy that studies reality in its most comprehensive scope is ____ *Metaphysics* _____ is also referred to as the science of human conduct *Ethics* To claim the knowledge of anything, one must possess correct_____ about the thing *Information* The idea that only change is constant is from ______. *Heraclitus* We have knowledge only when we can NOT provide reasons and evidence for our claims. True or False ____ *False* According to _______, water is the primary source of all things in the universe. *Thales* According to ____ happiness could best be achieved by living a balanced life and avoiding excess by pursuing a golden mean in everything. *Aristotle* To the ______ we can never know the true inner substance of things, only how they appear to us. *Sceptics* Nationalist and ideological philosophy is also known as a sub of______ in African philosophy. *Professional philosophy* _______was largely a religious philosophy which became a strong influence on early Christianity (especially on St. Augustine) *Neo-Platonism* Condensation and Refraction theory was developed to justify ___ as the primary source of all things *Air* The weakness or strength of an Inductive argument depends on the degree of evidence contained in the conclusion. True or False ______ *True* Denotative definition is one that attempt to identify the extension of the term in a question. True or False______ *True* According to the Law of Identity, not everything you say presupposes that thing. True or False ____ *False* In a disjunctive syllogism, the first premise is a _______. *Disjunction* It is through the possession of language by human beings that their thought and conduct are made possible. True or False _______ *True* Argumentum ad Baculum means ______ *Appeal to force* _____ fallacy mostly occurs when we misinterpret someone’s original statement or intention. *Amphiboly* Fallacy of Begging the question is also known as ____ *Petito-pricipii* ______definition does not attempt overcoming ambiguity or to achieve precision rather it focuses on formulating a theory within which a fully correct definition of important terms could be stated. *Theoretical* According to the law of_______, you cannot refuse to be this and also refuse to be the other. *Excluded middle* The law of _______ tells you that a thing must be one thing or another thing. *Non-contradiction* Philosophy grew out of Wonder and Curiosity One of the fallowing is a fundamental factor that determines the definition of philosophy Issues To wondering about life and every issues that borders on human existence is Philosophical activity The conception of philosophy as a person’s attitude or principle is called Under labourer The conception of philosophy that may possibly limit what we call knowledge to statements about observable facts and their interrelations is called Clarification of concept The empiricists conception of truth or reality is based on Sense experience Which of the following is referred to as the science of reasoning? Logic The idea of epistemology was explained using the idea of world of “Form” by Plato Which of the following philosophers is NOT a member of the Medieval age of philosophy? Berkeley The medieval philosophers employed philosophy to teach Religion An attempt to become aware and to doubt all preconceptions and the essence in order to ensure certainty in the process is called Scepticism Which of the following grew after the traditional branches of philosophy? Feminism The author of synthetic apriori knowledge is Kant Philosophical knowledge is believed to follows the logic of Proposition Which of the following is an Islamic philosopher in the Medieval period? Averroes “Most mechanics are dark in complexion, Yisa is a mechanic, therefore Yisa is dark in complexion.” What kind of argument is this? Inductive The traditional epistemologists were concerned with the following epistemological questions EXCEPT How do we justify our claim to knowledge? Which of the following branches of philosophy has been defined as the science of being as being? Metaphysics The first philosopher to confess that “the only thing I know is that I know nothing” is Socrates Answers to the Greeks questions about reality, cosmos, and other fundamental matters that surrounds human existence are always sought through Religion and mythology Which of the following group holds a relativistic view of knowledge? Sophism The Era of the Ionians was dominated by the following philosophers EXCEPT Zeno of Citium Natural philosophy gave rise to the following EXCEPT Culture The Greek philosophers were said to have had contact with and influenced by Egyptian philosophy That pleasure is the most important pursuit of mankind, and that we should always act so as to maximize our own pleasure is the philosophical position of the. Hedonists What are the opposing doctrines that characterised The Age of Reason and The Age of Enlightenment? Rationalism and Empiricism What form of function is performed by language when the utterance operate as to evoke action from the hearer? Directive “I shall contest the next election,” is an example of what function of language? Performative Which of the following is NOT an informal fallacy? Four term What fallacy is committed in the argument below: Only man is rational. But no woman is a man. Therefore, no woman is rational. Equivocation Which of the following is not a variants of fallacy of attacking the person (Argumentum ad Hominem)? Cursive What kind of definitions is directed at developing coherent theoretical account of the subject at hand? Theoretical “All students” falls under what category of proposition? Universal affirmative Recursive definition is sometimes referred to as Inductive The words Definiendum and definiens are two key words you must master before you can understand the method of definition by Genus and Difference.