FBQ1: The two components of a …. amplifier are amplifier system and the feedback system Answer: feedback FBQ2: There are … basic types of feedback arrangements Answer: Two FBQ3: The feedback ration β is often determined by the ratio of two …. Answer: resistors FBQ4: The Ideal …. parameters are derived to simplify circuit analysis Answer: Op Amp FBQ5: The two basic configurations of the operational amplifier are the noninverting op amp configuration and the inverting … Op Amp Answer: Inverting FBQ6: The ……….. parameters are specifications used in the analysis of transistor amplifiers Answer: Hybrid FBQ7: The transistor can serve either as a ---- or an amplifier Answer: switch FBQ8: ………….. can be defined as the setting up of the DC voltages and current in an electronic circuit Answer: Biasing FBQ9: Integration is a mathematical process of determining the area under a ------ Answer: curve FBQ10: The adder circuit of the operational amplifier provides an output voltage proportional to the algebraic sum of the inputs, each multiplied by a …. gain factor Answer: constant FBQ11: …. is the process by which the rate of change of a curve at any given point can be determined Answer: Differentiator FBQ12: The differentiator is basically a high pass …. Answer: filter FBQ13: There are two types of ----- power supply namely unregulated Power Supply and Regulated Power Supply Answer: DC FBQ14: The …. is responsible for stepping down the voltage level of incoming AC mains supply Answer: transformer FBQ15: ………………. Power Supply is a power supply whose terminal voltage is affected significantly by the amount of load. As the load draws more current the DC terminal voltage becomes less Answer: Unregulated FBQ16: The …. transformer steps up the voltage from the ac mains Answer: step-up FBQ17: The ….. power supply utilizes the step down transformer Answer: DC FBQ18: The purpose of the rectifier is to convert the AC signal from the … to DC Answer: transformer FBQ19: There are two classes of rectifiers namely the half wave rectification and the ---- wave rectification Answer: full FBQ20: The …… of rectification is given by the ratio of the output DC power to the total amount of input power supplied to the circuit Answer: efficiency FBQ21: Efficiency of Rectifiers is also called the ……… efficiency Answer: conversion FBQ22: In the …….. feedback arrangement, the feedback voltage is in the same phase as the input voltage and it increases the input voltage amplitude Answer: positive FBQ23: The ……….. is a direct coupled amplifier capable of amplifying signals from DC up to a few MHz Answer: operational amplifier FBQ24: … voltage is the maximum voltage the diode has to withstand without failing when it is not conducting Answer: Peak Inverse FBQ25: The measure of the AC components present in the rectifier output is known as ----- factor Answer: Ripple FBQ26: Biasing can be defined as the setting up of the DC voltages and current in an ……… circuit Answer: electronic FBQ27: Load ….. is the change in output voltage between no load current condition and full load current condition, expressed in percentage Answer: Regulation FBQ28: A … is a metal structure usually with fins that is bonded, clipped or clamped to the device package to facilitate heat flow from case to ambient Answer: heat sink FBQ29: The load lines enables the……….. of the transistor characteristics Answer: visualization FBQ30: The equation (A + B) + C = A + (B + C) represents ….laws of Boolean algebra? Answer: Associative FBQ31: The equation A (B + C) = A B + A C represents …..laws of Boolean algebra Answer: Distributive FBQ32: The equation A (A + B) = A represents …. laws of Boolean algebra Answer: Redundance FBQ33: The ratio of change in output to a given change in input supply voltage is regarded as…… regulation Answer: line FBQ34: ……. factor is the ratio of the rms value of AC components of the output to the DC value of the load voltage Answer: ripple FBQ35: Peak Inverse Voltage is the maximum voltage the ……..has to withstand without failing when it is non conducting Answer: diode FBQ36: The ratio of the output DC power to the overall amount of input power supplied to a circuit is regarded as the ---- of rectification. Answer: efficiency of rectification FBQ37: The ------- is responsible for stepping down the voltage level of incoming ac mains supply Answer: transformer FBQ38: Differentiator I s the process by which the rate of change of a ----- at any given point can be determined Answer: curve FBQ39: Voltage Series Fed Feedback is also referred to as ….. derived series- feedback Answer: Shunt FBQ40: Typical ----- are subject to changes such as temperature, DC supply levels and ageing Answer: amplifiers FBQ41: Feedback …… is made up of Amplifier system and the feedback system Answer: amplifier FBQ42: OR gate is otherwise regarded as ---- OR Answer: inclusive FBQ43: Coupling Circuit, the Load Circuit and the Bias are components parts of an … circuit Answer: amplifier FBQ44: The total input impedance of the circuit is the … combination of R1 ,R2 and Rin (base) Answer: parallel FBQ45: Voltage ----- refers to the ratio between the output voltage and the input voltage Answer: gain FBQ46: Professionally speaking, Junction FET is commonly abbreviated as ….. Answer: JFET FBQ47: There are two basic types of ---- arrangements namely positive and negative feedback Answer: feedback FBQ48: There are basically …. types of feedback amplifier circuit topologies depending on how the signals are added at the input Answer: four FBQ49: Shunt Derived Series-Fed Feedback is also known as ----- series feedback Answer: Voltage FBQ50: The Ideal Op Amp parameters are derived to simplify ….. analysis Answer: circuit MCQ1: The rate of loss of heat is proportional to the temperature difference between the ….. and the ambient Answer: Junction MCQ2: In free air operation, the thermal resistance consists of two components namely …… and thermal resistance from core to ambient Answer: thermal resistance from junction to case MCQ3: Basic laws of Boolean algebra are implemented as switching devices called …. Answer: logic gates MCQ4: DeMorgan’s Theorem allows gates to be converted to others by simply Answer: Inverting the inputs of the selected gate MCQ5: The following gates are used to convert gates to others except Answer: Convert all NOR operations to ANDs MCQ6: The Inclusive OR is otherwise called Answer: The OR gate MCQ7: … is a table which gives the output state for all the possible input combination Answer: Truth table MCQ8: If Input A = 0 and Input B = 1, from the truth table, what is the value of the output C in an OR gate? Answer: 1 MCQ9: If Input A = 1 and Input B = 1, from the truth table, what is the value of the output C in an OR gate? Answer: 1 MCQ10: The AND gate can also be realized using the …. and the transistor. Answer: diode MCQ11: If Input A = 1 and Input B = 1, from the truth table, what is the value of the output C in an AND gate? Answer: 1 MCQ12: If Input A = 1, Input B = 1 and Input C = 0 from the truth table, what is the value of the output D in an AND gate? Answer: 0 MCQ13: If Input A = 1, Input B = 1 from the truth table, what is the value of the output C in a NOR gate? Answer: 0 MCQ14: If Input A = 1, Input B = 0 from the truth table, what is the value of the output C in a NOR gate? Answer: 0 MCQ15: The NAND gate is also a universal gate as it can be constructed to get either an …. or an OR gate operation. Answer: AND gate MCQ16: If Input A = 1, Input B = 0 from the truth table, what is the value of the output C in a NAND gate? Answer: 1 MCQ17: If Input A = 0, Input B = 1 from the truth table, what is the value of the output C in a NAND gate? Answer: 0 MCQ18: If Input A = 0, Input B = 0 from the truth table, what is the value of the output C in a NAND gate? Answer: 1 MCQ19: The ratio of the rms value of AC components to the DC value of load voltage is referred to as the _________ Answer: Rectification Factor MCQ20: In the Series Derived Shunt-Fed Feedback Topology the input is connected in _________ Answer: parallel MCQ21: Zener diode can be applied in the following application areas except Answer: Voltage Converter MCQ22: In _________ , the transistor operates somewhere between saturation and cut-off state Answer: Linear Regulator MCQ23: A major disadvantage of the _________ pass transistor regulator is that they are inefficient Answer: series MCQ24: The positive feedback current is used mainly in___________ Answer: oscillators MCQ25: In the voltage divider bias, the DC bias Voltage and Current are _______ Answer: Dependent on temperature MCQ26: The OP AMP differentiator is basically a ________________ pass filter Answer: high MCQ27: Using a truth table, the expression A + A'B can be shown to be ________ Answer: A + B MCQ28: In the half wave rectifier, the output ripple frequency is _______ Answer: Twice the input frequency MCQ29: Which of the following is true about BJT transistors? Answer: BJTs are current controlled devices MCQ30: Any amplifier circuit has the following parts EXCEPT Answer: The Electric Circuit MCQ31: Given IDSS = 12mA, VGS (off) = -5V, determine the value of ID at VGS = 0, -1, -4 Answer: 0.48mA MCQ32: A digital signal 101011 is applied to a NOT gate. what will be the NOT gate output Answer: 010100 MCQ33: In the common emitter configuration the output is gotten from the ________ Answer: Collector MCQ34: What are the limitations of batteries as the commonest source of AC supply Answer: Availability MCQ35: The following are examples of voltage regulators except Answer: Zener diode voltage transformers MCQ36: The following are components of DC power supply except Answer: Inverter MCQ37: There are DC power classified as either; series regulators shunt regulators or Answer: switching regulators MCQ38: Voltage regulators ensure that the terminal voltage remains unchanged regardless of the ……. in the input voltage provided the operational limits are not exceeded Answer: variations MCQ39: Ripple factor is a measure of the ………. (fluctuating components) present in the rectifier output Answer: AC components MCQ40: The following are examples of voltage regulators except ……… Answer: Transformer diode MCQ41: The operational amplifier is a direct coupled amplifier capable of ……... signals from DC up to a few MHz Answer: Amplifying MCQ42: The total input impedance of the circuit is the ……. combination of R1 ,R2 and Rin(base). Answer: pararell MCQ43: The ……… is a low pass filter and produces more output for low frequency signals Answer: calculator MCQ44: Amplifiers have a frequency range over which the gain and phase shift are approximately ………. Answer: constant MCQ45: The ……parameters are derived to simplify circuit analysis Answer: Ideal Op Amp MCQ46: The ……configuration has the input signal connected to its non-inverting input Answer: Non-inverting op amp MCQ47: The …..gate is also known as an inverter Answer: NAND MCQ48: The ……gate is also referred to as a universal gate Answer: NOR MCQ49: If a digital signal 101011 is applied to a NOT gate what will be the NOTgate output? Answer: 0 1 0 1 0 0 MCQ50: Any amplifier circuit has the following parts except…… Answer: DC Analysis