FBQ1: The term _____ is mainly used to indicate errors in computer programs Answer: Bug FBQ2: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) was programmed _____ Answer: Manually FBQ3: A ______ is a two-state device made from silicon Answer: Transistor FBQ4: Magnetic tapes and ______ were used as secondary memory Answer: Magnetic drums FBQ5: The _____ is an arithmetical unit, which is capable of performing the four basic arithmetical operations. Answer: Mills FBQ6: A _____component is a single self-contained transistor. Answer: Discrete FBQ7: Blaise Pascal made the first attempt towards automatic computing through inventing devices such as gears and ___ Answer: Chains FBQ8: The_________ Engine by Babbage was used for performing any mathematical operation automatically. Answer: Analytical FBQ9: An ___ system has eight symbols Answer: Octal FBQ10: An _____ occurs when the sum of two n digits numbersoccupies n+1 digit Answer: Overflow FBQ11: The most widely used formats for microinstructions are horizontal and ____ Answer: Vertical FBQ12: The two basic functions of the control unit are microinstruction ______ and microinstruction execution Answer: Sequencing FBQ13: The CPU can be interrupted by providing a ______ line Answer: Control FBQ14: A program ________ is used for a fetch cycle in a typical CPU Answer: Counter FBQ15: A _______ bit is an extra bit added with binary data such that it makes the total number of 1’s in the data either odd or even Answer: Parity FBQ16: A combinational circuit, which performs the addition of two bits, is called a _______ adder Answer: Half FBQ17: The fifth generation computers emphasized Massively _______ Processing. Answer: Parallel FBQ18: A von Neumann machine has only a ______ path between the main memory and the control unit (CU) Answer: Single FBQ19: The simplest model of instruction processing is the ____-step process. Answer: Two FBQ20: Asynchronous sequential circuits may be regarded as _______ circuits with feedback path. Answer: Combinational FBQ21: _______ Register is a register which contains the data to be written in the memory. Answer: Buffer FBQ22: Interrupts are mainly used for improving the _______ of processing. Answer: Efficiency FBQ23: The outputs of all _______ gates are low if any of the inputs are high. Answer: NOR FBQ24: An input/output system also called I/O components allows data input and _______ of the results in proper format and form. Answer: Reporting FBQ25: The _______-generation computers started with the advent of transistors Answer: Second FBQ26: The amount of information which can be transferred between CPU and memory depends on the size of the _______ connecting the two Answer: BUS FBQ27: _______ Time is the minimum time lapse between two consecutive read requests. Answer: Cycle FBQ28: An Asynchronous Counter is also referred to as a ________ counter Answer: Ripple FBQ29: The analytical engine is on display at the ______ museum at London Answer: Science FBQ30: ___________ memory can be accessed either by a word or by a bit-slice Answer: Orthogonal FBQ31: A _______ disk is a circular platter of plastic that is coated with magnetisable material Answer: Magnetic FBQ32: The constraint that a von Neumann machine could have one path between the main memory and the control unit is referred to as the von Neumann _____ Answer: Bottleneck FBQ33: The Indexed _______ Scheme is used to address the consecutive locations of memory Answer: Addressing FBQ34: Optical memories are alternate mass ______ devices with huge capacity. Answer: Storage FBQ35: An arithmetic circuit is normally implemented using _______ adder circuits Answer: Parallel MCQ1: The bus ___ responds to the bus request only if the bus busy line is inactive. Answer: Controller MCQ2: ___ is a method that is commonly used for bus arbitration. Answer: Polling MCQ3: The __ memory is required in a computer to store instructions and data at the time of program execution Answer: main MCQ4: Execution of instructions in the von Neumann machine is carried out in a _____ fashion Answer: sequential MCQ5: The number of bits read in or out of the memory in a read or write operation is known as ________ Answer: unit of transfer MCQ6: Ferrite core memory requires ______ wires Answer: two MCQ7: Input/output modules controls the exchange between external devices and _______or external device and CPU register Answer: main memory MCQ8: The _____ is a cache writing technique in which updates are made only in the cache, setting a bit called update-bit Answer: write block MCQ9: Karnaugh map is a convenient way of representing and simplifying _____ functions of 4 to 6 variables Answer: Boolean MCQ10: There are ___ common types of I/O commands. Answer: four MCQ11: The memory buffer _____ contains data to be written in the memory Answer: Register MCQ12: A _____bit is an extra bit added with binary data such that it makes the total number of 1’s in the data either odd or even Answer: parity MCQ13: The _____ cycle is the processing needed for a single instruction Answer: Instruction MCQ14: The decimal number system has _____ digits Answer: Ten MCQ15: 0 and 1 are the representatives of the ____ number system Answer: Binary MCQ16: _____ is a sequential access device Answer: Tape MCQ17: _______ I/O is one in which the I/O operations are completely controlled by CPU Answer: Programmed MCQ18: The electromechanical and mechanical _____ are regarded as ancestors of existing computers. Answer: devices MCQ19: The separate lines in a system can be broadly categorised into ________ functional groups Answer: five MCQ20: The data bus provides a path for moving data between the system _________ Answer: modules MCQ21: The ________ time is the time required between the requests made for a read or write operation till the time the data is made available Answer: access MCQ22: In programmed I/O, the I/O operations are completely controlled by the __________ Answer: CPU MCQ23: The advantage of the ___________ addressing scheme is that only a few bits are needed to address the operand Answer: Register MCQ24: The ____ addressing mode is used to initialise the value of a variable. Answer: immediate MCQ25: Typically, in the _______ addressing scheme only one memory reference is required Answer: Direct MCQ26: The register access is _________ the memory access. Answer: faster than MCQ27: The use of ICs in computer defined the __ generation of computers. Answer: Third MCQ28: The Instruction length determines the ___ of a machine. Answer: Flexibility MCQ29: ________Circuits are logic circuits whose present output depends on the past inputs. Answer: Sequential MCQ30: The ______ bus provides a path for moving data between system modules Answer: Data MCQ31: A Bus will require ___ bus lines to transfer a word of 18 bits simultaneously. Answer: 18 MCQ32: Poll __ lines are commonly encountered in polling. Answer: Count MCQ33: _____ is the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal number (D6) Answer: 214 MCQ34: In polling, the __ controller responds to a signal on bus request line by generating a sequence of numbers on poll count lines. Answer: Bus MCQ35: In the independent requesting arbitration __ , each module has its independent bus request and bus grant line. Answer: Scheme