FBQ1: Advances in agricultural techniques and practices resulted in an increased supply of food and --------- Answer: raw materials FBQ2: Industrial Revolution, in modern history, the process of change from an agrarian and handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and --------- Answer: machine manufacturing FBQ3: Industrial Revolution process began in Britain in the ------ century Answer: 18th FBQ4: Industrial revolution spread from ------- to other part of the world Answer: Britain FBQ5: The main features involved in the Industrial Revolution were technological, socioeconomic, and ____ Answer: Cultural FBQ6: Robert Owen was born in the year ---------and died in the year ------- Answer: 1771 and 1858 FBQ7: Robert Owen was a utopian to the core propounding principles of --- Answer: Cooperation FBQ8: The concept of Co-operation is rooted on gigantic projects which are capital intensive as reflected in his “Co-operative Communities” or---------. Answer: Co-operative Colonies FBQ9: Dr. William King was born in the year ____ and died in the year------ Answer: 1786-1865 FBQ10: Owen and King defined the rules and principles of ------------ Answer: consumer cooperatives FBQ11: King’s articles and activities together with those of his other colleagues were published in the Co-operative magazine they founded and called --------- Answer: The Co-operator FBQ12: Charles Fourier was born in the year ----- and died in the year ----- Answer: 1772 and 1837 FBQ13: Hermann Schulze- Delitzsch was born in the year ---- and died in the year-------- Answer: 1808 and 1883 FBQ14: Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen was born in the year ---- and died in the year ------- Answer: 1818 and 1888 FBQ15: The existence to this day of cooperatives based on their principles is proof of the success of Schulze-Delitzsch and ------------- work Answer: Friedrich Raiffeisen FBQ16: --------is the birthplace of co-operative credit movement in the World Answer: Germany FBQ17: Schulze believed that co-operative institutions should be run on -------lines Answer: Business FBQ18: According to the ICA, a cooperative is “an autonomous association of persons united voluntary to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled ----------------- Answer: Enterprise FBQ19: Cooperation can be defined as a social process by which individuals work ----------to realize a common objective or goal Answer: Together FBQ20: A cooperative can be active in almost any field where there is a group with fairly homogeneous and common ------- Answer: Needs FBQ21: All the cooperative societies that were formed before the success of Rochdale Equitable pioneers was recorded were categorized as ------ Answer: Pre Rochdale Cooperatives FBQ22: Majority of the members of the Owenites Societies were not educated and this contributed significantly to the --------of the Societies. Answer: Downfall FBQ23: The democratic management and control presupposes that all members should participate ----------in the affairs of the business especially with respect to decision making Answer: Equally FBQ24: Another major factor that led to the collapse of the early cooperatives was to sale of the wares on ------to the members and non members. Answer: Credit FBQ25: ---------was the name given to the set of 28 persons that pooled their resources together and established the first successful co-operative society in the world called Rochdale society of equitable pioneers. Answer: Rochdale Equitable Pioneers FBQ26: With lessons from prior ventures in cooperation in mind, the founding members framed the now famous Rochdale Principles, and planned to follow Dr. William King’s suggestion to start with a storekeeping operation that provided self-employment to members and to grow gradually into a ------------ community Answer: Cooperative FBQ27: The Rochdale equitable pioneers decided to sell their products at the same price with the price obtainable in the --------- Answer: Market FBQ28: The Rocchdale equitable pioneers were able to keep the documents and records of their business ____ Answer: transactions FBQ29: Cooperatives are organizations that are open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious ------------- Answer: Discrimination FBQ30: Co-operatives are democratic organizations controlled by their ------ Answer: Members FBQ31: In primary co-operatives members have -------- voting rights (one member, one vote) and cooperatives at other levels are also organized in a democratic manner where every member have equal to participate in decision making process of the cooperative. Answer: Equal FBQ32: Rochdale principle emphasized that all the profit realized from the cooperative business should not be distributed as ----------for members share capital. Answer: Dividends FBQ33: Limited interest should be paid on share capital while the rest of profit realized should be re invested in the business while some part should be committed to members’ education and statutory --------- fund. Answer: Reserves FBQ34: Patronage Refund principle encourages members to patronize the cooperative shop as refund payments were given to members based on the volume of their -------- Answer: Purchase FBQ35: Rochdale shop was sold based on the prevailing -------- price. Answer: Market FBQ36: Unlike other competitors, the Rochdale Equitable Pioneers were selling goods not only on the prevailing market price but the goods offer for sale in their shop were of the high -------- Answer: Quality FBQ37: Membership of cooperatives should be -------- and --------- Answer: voluntary and open FBQ38: Concept of ----------- is the belief that one does depend on another person, group or institution to solve one’s problem but to use the wherewithal at his disposal to take action and provide solutions to his challenges Answer: self help FBQ39: The acronym SHGs represent Answer: Self-Help Groups FBQ40: ---------are organizations independent of governments and international governmental organizations Answer: NGOs FBQ41: The cooperative societies of the pre colonial era were largely organized in -------- nature without any form of documentation and written laws and regulations, Answer: Informal FBQ42: The year --------- marked a major era in the development of the modern cooperative in Nigeria Answer: 1935 FBQ43: The cooperative ordinance created a specialized branch of the secretariat knowledgeable on --------- matters Answer: co-operative FBQ44: The ------------ of Cooperative Societies could register, audit, inspect, hold inquiries on, and settle disputes among Cooperatives. He could also liquidate unsuccessful registered cooperatives. Answer: Registrar FBQ45: ----------- was the first Registrar of Co-operative Societies for Nigeria, Answer: Major Haig FBQ46: The first Registrar of Co-operative Societies for Nigeria, established the Co-operative office at Moor Plantation, in ----------town Answer: Ibadan FBQ47: In August 1937, the ------- Co-operative Cocoa Sales Society became the first primary society to be registered Answer: Gbedun FBQ48: By 1943, the First Co-operative Training Institute in the Western part of the country, the Federal Co-operative College, was established in --- Answer: Ibadan FBQ49: The indigenous cooperatives are those forms traditional cooperation that existed before the enactment of cooperative ordinance in ------- Answer: 1935 FBQ50: Cooperative societies are considered to be business organization with primary objective of promoting their members well-being through collective owned ---------- Answer: Enterprises MCQ1: The era known as the Industrial Revolution was a period in which fundamental changes occurred in the following areas except Answer: Oil and Gas MCQ2: The Industrial Revolution started from....... Answer: England MCQ3: The changes that occurred during industrial revolution (1760-1850), in fact, occurred Answer: gradually MCQ4: The year 1760 is generally accepted as the ----------of the Industrial Revolution Answer: eve MCQ5: Mechanized textile production spread from Great Britain to continental Europe in the early -------century Answer: 19th MCQ6: In the mid-1760s the textile industry began to experience -----change Answer: rapid MCQ7: In the l8th century the population grew at a faster rate than ever before. There are primary reasons which may be cited for this growth except Answer: an increase in the marriage rate MCQ8: In Great Britain one of the main thinkers was without any doubt the philanthropist-------------. Answer: Robert Owen MCQ9: --------- is known by some as the father of cooperation in Great Britain Answer: Robert Owen MCQ10: The basis for Owen’s doctrine was the suppression of commercial and industrial gain in favour of a ------ by cutting out the middlemen between production and consumption Answer: fair price MCQ11: Dr William King gave a more practical direction to the somewhat utopian ideas of-------------- Answer: Robert Owen MCQ12: In France, -----------was one of the first to propose an alternative form of cooperation Answer: Charles Fourier MCQ13: In Germany, Hermann Schulze- Delitzsch is considered to be the pioneer of __________ cooperatives. Answer: Urban MCQ14: Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen for his part is regarded in Germany as the pioneer of ---------Cooperatives Answer: Rural MCQ15: The experiments of Schulze-Delitzsch and Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen in the cooperative field have contributed greatly to the fact that Germany is thought of as the cradle of ------------- Answer: credit unions MCQ16: The efforts to establish urban credit cooperative, however, started with a realization by Schulze of the superiority of self-help and mutual-help over --------- Answer: charity MCQ17: In 1850, Schulze established his first Urban credit society in his ---- Answer: native town MCQ18: Schulze formulated some principles and published them in book written in ------- Answer: 1856 MCQ19: Schulze also secured the "First Co-operative Law" from Prussia in 1867, which was made applicable to the whole Germany in ------- Answer: 1889 MCQ20: The Rochdale School of thoughts formulated their concepts of cooperative organization into a set of principles that cooperatives clearly needed to adhere to and apply in order to be called authentic _________ Answer: cooperatives MCQ21: International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) claimed and propagated these Rochdale principles to be the one and only Universal Co-operative ------- Answer: Principles MCQ22: The development of cooperatives was now seen as a component part of the building up of a network of ---------organizations Answer: social welfare MCQ23: The previously mentioned W.F. Raiffeisen was one of the central figures in the establishment and expansion of -------credit cooperatives in Germany Answer: agricultural MCQ24: In the Netherlands and Belgium the movement was led by the -----Van den Elsen and Mellaerts Answer: Roman Catholic priests MCQ25: Cooperation occurs when an ---------threatens a certain number of individuals Answer: external factor MCQ26: Cooperatives are an alternative to the ----approach of most businesses Answer: capitalist MCQ27: The history of the early cooperative movement began with the efforts made by Roberts Owen and other notable personality that champion the cause of cooperation among the --------- during industrial revolution Answer: factory workers MCQ28: 14 April 1832 Owen had published a penny paper called  Answer: The Crisis MCQ29: The colonies of co-operatives of Robert Owen as an example were depending later on denominations from rich philanthropists as well as-----------. Answer: government grants MCQ30: A Co-operative Organization is not a charitable but a __________ Answer: business one MCQ31: Bad fortunes fell on the Co-operatives consequent on the absence and / or loss of the __________ Answer: leaders MCQ32: Owens’s co-operative workers rebelled when preferential treatment was given to the rich ------who were financing the colonies Answer: philanthropists MCQ33: Another reason for failure was situation where the management and control of the cooperative business was in hands of few members which made the management and control of the cooperative__________ Answer: undemocratic MCQ34: It has always been the position of Co-operative students and scholars that a co-operative entity is a form of --------organization. Answer: business MCQ35: Pre Rochdale cooperative stocks were sold on ---------most times because they had so much pity on their members due to hardship the members were passing through as at that time Answer: credit MCQ36: The business men and the factory owners were antagonistic to the idea of cooperative movement because they believed that the workers who are forming cooperative will organized themselves into association that will fight for their rights and possibly they will operate their own factory and shops which eventually ------with business men and factory owners. Answer: compete MCQ37: On August 15, -------- the Rochdale Equitable Pioneers’ Society was formed Answer: 1844 MCQ38: the Rochdale Equitable Pioneers’ Society was formed by ---- members Answer: 28 MCQ39: Some members of Rochdale Equitable Pioneers were former members of ----------- co-operative colonies Answer: Robert Owen MCQ40: The experiences of pre Rochdale cooperative were brought to Rochdale society by the ----------- Answer: Rochdale Equitable Pioneers MCQ41: The cooperative education of the Rochdale Equitable pioneers was enhanced and they became more knowledgeable and equipped with effective ---------- practices Answer: business MCQ42: The Rochdale equitable pioneers decided to sell their products at the same price with the price obtainable in the--------- Answer: market MCQ43: Anybody who subscribed to the idea and philosophy of cooperation would be admitted without ----------irrespective of race, colour, religious, sex or any other basis of affiliation. Answer: discrimination MCQ44: Men and women serving as elected representatives in cooperative society are -------- to the members who elected or appointed them Answer: accountable MCQ45: Limited interest should be paid on share capital while the rest of profit realized should be re invested in the business while some part should be committed to members’ education and statutory ----------- fund. Answer: reserves MCQ46: Patronage Refund principle encourages members to patronize the cooperative shop as refund payments were given to members based on the volume of their -------- Answer: purchase MCQ47: ---------is an international body set up for the promotion of co-operative ideas and spreading the principles of co-operation around the world Answer: ICA MCQ48: Consequent on the 1937 review of the co-operative principles, many cooperative societies from different social and political background were registered and admitted as members of the ---------- Answer: ICA MCQ49: Self-help organizations are started by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that generally have broad --------agendas Answer: anti-poverty MCQ50: Cooperatives had existed in various forms in all parts of the world since man started to live in ------------------- Answer: groups