FBQ1:  ____ used the concept of “the fool” to argue for the existence of God. Answer: St Anselm FBQ2: The two types of scepticisms are theoretical and ____ Answer: Practical FBQ3: ______ describe God as the “un caused cause” Answer: Thomas Aquinas FBQ4: TRUE or FALSE: The Greek words Theos and logos means Man and Word in English. Answer: False FBQ5: TRUE or FALSE; Philosophy uses non-abstract concepts to understand concrete facts Answer: False FBQ6: TRUE or FALSE: Philosophy can be called science. Answer: True FBQ7: The method of clarification of concepts in philosophy is called ______ Answer: Analytic method FBQ8: ____ is the branch of philosophy that deals with all issues about human knowledge Answer: Epistemology FBQ9: TRUE or FALSE: Aristotle’s book that were not about physical things was called ‘Books about non-physical things’ Answer: False FBQ10: TRUE or FALSE: Essence and Existence are two vital concepts in the ‘concept of being’ Answer: True FBQ11: According to ____, God exist necessarily and His idea is inborn.’ Answer: Rene Descartes FBQ12: That by which something is or by which something has being is called ____. Answer: Existence FBQ13: ____ is the material aspect of human being. Answer: Body FBQ14: There could be no Universal without ______ Answer: Particular FBQ15: ______ in its wide sense stands for any change, for any transition from one state of condition to another. Answer: Motion FBQ16: TRUE or FALSE: Potency is regarded as ‘being in its full sense’ Answer: True FBQ17: TRUE or FALSE: “Plato was the author of the tripartite of human being” Answer: True FBQ18: TRUE or FALSE: Time is described as the measure of motion. Answer: True FBQ19: _____ cannot be demonstrated by way of experiment nor be proven like Mathematical theory. Answer: Existence of God FBQ20: ______ can be described as the science of being. Answer: Ontology FBQ21: _______ is the general name for Ontology. Answer: Metaphysics FBQ22: _____ used the idea of contingent and necessary being to prove the existence of God Answer: Thomas Aquinas FBQ23: _______ is means ethics in Greek language. Answer: Ethos FBQ24: _____ is the practical science of living right or of good moral living. Answer: Ethics FBQ25: The two types of scepticisms are theoretical and ____ Answer: Practical FBQ26: A correct argument is said to follow the stipulated laws of ____ Answer: Thought FBQ27: The view that knowledge of ideas cannot be derived from the senses, but from on high is credited to ____________ Answer: Plato FBQ28: _____ referred to the sole substance of reality as boundless Answer: Anaximander FBQ29: The foundation of philosophical act is the sense of ____ Answer: Wonder FBQ30: The statement “A political party’s philosophy” means ____ Answer: Platform FBQ31: _____ invented the word ‘Philosophy Answer: Pythagoras FBQ32: The Greek word philia is coined from the Greek verb__________ Answer: Philein FBQ33: _____distinguished philosophy as natural wisdom from sacred theology which is revealed religion. Answer: Thomas Aquinas FBQ34: ___ defined philosophy as “the knowledge of then truth” Answer: Aristotle FBQ35: The word ‘philosophy’ in the following statement, “his philosophy of life” means ___ Answer: Attitude MCQ1: In the Classical Greek period, philosophical emphasis shifted from the concentration on the world of nature to a more Answer: Metaphysical interest MCQ2: What is the first of all concept? Answer: Concept of being MCQ3: Who set out to construct a system of truth in which nothing would be taken for granted except that which is self-evident. Answer: Rene Descartes MCQ4: What part of human being is considered immaterial? Answer: Mind MCQ5: The idea that God is the direct creator of all the various species that exist in the universe is from the Answer: Fixims MCQ6: The problem of Universal has led to different doctrines and ideologies such as Answer: Idealism MCQ7: The problem of the Universal was first introduced by Answer: Plato MCQ8: Plato identified two worlds, which are the world of sensible objects and the world of Answer: Ideas MCQ9: Who proposed that universal exist neither in themselves nor in the things of our experience? Answer: The Nominalists MCQ10: The measure of moveable bodies is called Answer: Place MCQ11: Who coined the phrase ta meta ta physika biblia? Answer: Andronicus of Rhodes MCQ12: The branch of philosophy which subject matter includes the concept of existence is called Answer: Metaphysics MCQ13: What branch of philosophy examines the nature of Art and the character of our experience of art? Answer: Aesthetic MCQ14: The method that attempt to arrive at criteria or conditions which will guide our judgement of concepts and issues to establish criteria for evaluating them is known as Answer: Prescriptive MCQ15: The historical method of philosophy is also known as Answer: Great mind approach MCQ16: Which of the following is true about the scientific status of philosophy? Answer: Universal science MCQ17: What is the material object of philosophy and theology? Answer: God MCQ18: Which of the following is right about the philosophical perception of God? Answer: First efficient cause of being MCQ19: The refusal to accept that there is any knowledge is called Answer: Scepticism MCQ20: Since man’s reasoning is limited therefore, his truth about God is a Answer: Limited truth MCQ21: Who compared a philosopher with poet? Answer: Aquinas MCQ22: The statement, “wonder is the mother of metaphysics” was made by Answer: William James MCQ23: Xenophanes was the oldest of the Answer: Eleatic school MCQ24: A vicious attitude of mind can be described as Answer: Sophistry MCQ25: Who considered his business as not construction of knowledge but helping men to give birth to knowledge that is within them? Answer: Socrates MCQ26: To Aristotle, all that exist in everything are intelligible and immaterial elements called Answer: Form MCQ27: The idea of logic as the science of the laws of thought or the science of reasoning is from Answer: Irvin Copi MCQ28: On the definition of philosophy, philosophers do not have a significant Answer: Agreement MCQ29: The divergence in the use of the word philosophy is responsible for the various Answer: Conceptions of philosophy MCQ30: Philosophy is the construction of theories about the nature of the universe is Answer: An erroneous definition MCQ31: Who among the Greek philosophers believed that wisdom does not consist in knowing multitude of facts but in having a unified view of reality? Answer: Heraclitus MCQ32: A true philosopher is a dialectician was a position held by Answer: Plato MCQ33: That ‘philosophy is a personal attitude towards life and the universe’ was whose idea Answer: Harold Titus MCQ34: Who compared a philosopher with poet? Answer: Aquinas MCQ35: Who maintained that the primary substance from which all things are made from is Fire? Answer: Heraclitus