FBQ1: ___________________ involves the activity of muscles which leads to changes in posture, movement and co-ordination movement with the infants developing sensory apparatus. Answer: Motor development FBQ2: ____________________ system affects or determines motor development in a child Answer: Central nervous FBQ3: ____________________ supports equally affects or determines motor development in a child Answer: Environmental FBQ4: The goal the child has in mind determines ___________________ Answer: Motor development FBQ5: The body's movement capacities of a child affect ________________ Answer: Motor development FBQ6: Between the ages of 4 and 6 momths, infants become more successful at ___________________ Answer: grasping objects FBQ7: By the ages of 3 months, infants make clumsy swipes at ________________ Answer: Objects FBQ8: The development of hand skills is a clear example of ________ development Answer: Proximodistal FBQ9: _______________________ has to do with smaller movements such as reaching and grasping. Answer: Fine motor development FBQ10: ______________________ refers to control over actions that help with infants get around in the environment Answer: Gross motor development FBQ11: Getting around or "getting a move on" is called __________________ Answer: Location FBQ12: ______________________ is the movement from one place to another. Answer: Locomotion FBQ13: Children gain capacity to move their bodies through _________________ Answer: a sequence of activities FBQ14: _____________________ is the use of fingers and hands small muscles to reach out and grasp objects. Answer: Fine motor development FBQ15: Crawling is an example of ____________________. activities. Answer: Gross motor FBQ16: Children make great strides in the development during ___________________ years Answer: Preschool FBQ17: By age 4 or 5, girls are better at tasks requiring balance and _________________ of movement Answer: Precision FBQ18: __________________ and ___________________ are important in children ‘s acquisition of motor skills. Answer: Motivation and practice FBQ19: In early childhood, boys are better co-ordinated in _____________________ Answer: Throwing and kicking FBQ20: ____________________ is the result of the joint contribution of nature and nurture to brain lateralization Answer: Handedness FBQ21: Many left handed individuals are also ____________________ Answer: Ambidextrous FBQ22: It is not advisable to re-orient left-handed children to write or carry out _____________ Answer: Motor activities FBQ23: Cognitive development refers to changes in ___________________ Answer: Intellectual abilities FBQ24: A Swiss psychologist who was interested in how knowledge develops inHuman beings is called___________________ Answer: Jean Piaget FBQ25: Jean Piaget’s knowledge of and training in Biology shaped his _________________ Answer: Cognitive theory FBQ26: Piaget defined Schemas as ____________________ Answer: Building blocks of thinking FBQ27: Trying to understand something new by fitting it into what we already know is known as________________ Answer: Assimilation FBQ28: The process by which someone responds to new objects or events according to existing schema or ways of organising knowledge is known as ______________ Answer: Cognitive assimilation FBQ29: _________________ is the process of assimilating a new experience into an existing Schema or accommodating a new Schema to establish a state of mental balance. Answer: Equilibrium FBQ30: Approximate age of Pre-operational stage is _________________ Answer: 2 to 7 years FBQ31: Less egocentrism and deductive reasoning are two characteristics of _______________ Answer: Formal operational stage FBQ32: Vision, hearing, taste and smell are ________________ Answer: Sensory abilities FBQ33: The keenness or sharpness of vision is called ______________ Answer: Visual acuity FBQ34: The process of detecting a stimulus and assigning meaning to it is called _______________ Answer: Perception FBQ35: Anything that remains the same in an object in spite of changes in appearance is called _______________ Answer: An invariant MCQ1: Examples of fine motor activities include the following except Answer: Eating MCQ2: Fine motor development in the first two years include the following except Answer: Scrabble MCQ3: Development milestone of gross motor skills of children aged 3 - 4 years include the following except Answer: Mimicking the mother MCQ4: Phases involved in perception are Answer: All of the options MCQ5: Factors that play significant role in language development are Answer: Biological and cultural MCQ6: The process of language development can be divided into Answer: Pre-linguistic and linguistics MCQ7: At birth, infant engage in undifferentiated Answer: Crying MCQ8: Immediately children are born healthy, such newborns can maintain Answer: Eye contact MCQ9: Vocalisation or voiced sounds of children in early childhood include the following except Answer: Emotional disturbances MCQ10: A one word that carries multiple meaning in early childhood is known as _________ speech Answer: Holophrastic MCQ11: Examples of telegraphic speech are all of the following except Answer: Daddy MCQ12: The average count vocabulary of a 3 - year old child is Answer: 900 words MCQ13: LAD is Answer: Language Acquisition Device MCQ14: The process of taking information through the sense of hearing and making meaning from what was heard is Answer: Listening. MCQ15: One of the earliest communicative strategies used by children is Answer: Vocal imitation MCQ16: Repetitive pointing and pantomime as important communication tools are used by Answer: Toddlers MCQ17: Oracy skills are Answer: Listening and speaking. MCQ18: Listening, speaking, reading and writing are basic Answer: Communication skills MCQ19: Obstacles to effective listening include the following except Answer: None of the options MCQ20: Literacy skills include the following except Answer: Cramming MCQ21: Ability to construct meanings from written materials is called Answer: Reading MCQ22: Pre-writing activities are Answer: All of the options MCQ23: One can enhance writing by Answer: All of the options MCQ24: Children have to play games and listen to stories, poems and songs that involved the following except Answer: None of the options MCQ25: The first stage of language development in children is the Answer: Comprehension stage. MCQ26: Predictable phases of emotional development include the following except Answer: Emotional attachment. MCQ27: Some emotions that are noticeable among children before their first birthday include the following except Answer: None of the options MCQ28: Emotion is a state of feeling that has Answer: All of the options MCQ29: Levels of Maslow's hierachy of needs include Answer: All of the options MCQ30: How many stages did Erikson identify in his theory of psychosocial development? Answer: 8 MCQ31: How many of Erikson's identified stages are relevant to early childhood education? Answer: 4 MCQ32: The strong affection tie we have for other people is called Answer: Attachment MCQ33: How many stages did Piaget propose in his theory? Answer: Two stages MCQ34: At what age do children enter the stage of moral realism?  Answer: Between 5 and 6 MCQ35: A stage of development where in children realise that people make rules and people can change them explains the concept of Answer: Moral cooperation