FBQ1: The scientific study of the inter-relationship of living organism, plants, animals and microbes with each other and with their physical environment is called ------ Answer: Ecology FBQ2: An individual unit constituted to carry in the activities of life is referred to as _______   Answer: Organism FBQ3: A group of the same species that lives in one area, such as all the alligators that live in a swamp is known as _______   Answer: Population FBQ4: All ecosystems are made up of living and non-living components which is refered to as _______   Answer: biotic factor FBQ5: Plant is an example of_______ factor in an ecosystem   Answer: Biotic FBQ6: _______ is the process whereby matter such as water, carbon, nitrogen and phosporus recycle within the ecosystem and through the atmosphere Answer: biogeochemical cycle   FBQ7: The processes of condensation, evaporation and precipitatioon in water cycles pass through the..........   Answer: Atmosphere FBQ8: The circular path way of water on earth from the atmosphere to the surface below ground and back is known as _______ Answer: hydrological cycle FBQ9: _______ released by soil bacteria are taken up by plants, which convert them into organic compound such as amino acid and proteins Answer: Nitrates FBQ10: When decomposers breakdown, animal excretions or dead animal and plant matter, nitrogen is returned to the soil as ammonium in a process called _______ Answer: Ammonification FBQ11: _______ bacteria used as an oxygen source, releasing gas into the atmosphere as a waste product Answer: Denitrifying FBQ12: Nitrogen recombines with oxygen in the air, forming _______ Answer: nitrogen oxide   FBQ13: The combination of nitrogen oxide with rain water form nitrates, which are absorbed by the _______ Answer: Soil FBQ14: .............is defined as a functionally independent unit (of nature) where living organisms interact among themselves as well as with their physical environment Answer: Ecosystem FBQ15: Terrestrial and _______ are the two major categories of ecosystems that exist Answer: Aquatic FBQ16: Forests, deserts and grasslands are examples of _______ ecosystem Answer: Ecosystem   FBQ17: _______ is defined as a group of freely inter-breeding individuals of the same species present in a specfic geographical area at a given time Answer: Population FBQ18: _______ is the study of populations (especially population abundance) and how they change over time Answer: population ecology FBQ19: The number of individuals per unit area at a given time is referred to as _______ Answer: Density FBQ20: _______ is the pattern of dispersal of individuals within the area of interest patterns of distribution Answer: population distribution FBQ21: The process of transfer of food from the plants (producers) through a series of organisms with repeated eating and being eaten is called _______ Answer: food chain FBQ22: All living organisms (plants and animals) must eat some type of food for _______ Answer: Survival FBQ23: Plants make their own food through a process called _______ Answer: Photosynthesis FBQ24: Zooplankton and phytoplankton are collectively referred to as _______ Answer: Plankton FBQ25: Food chain shows the relationship between producers, consumers and _______ Answer: Decomposers FBQ26: _______ is defined as a group of several populations of different species Answer: abiotic community FBQ27: The biological community in an area or ecosystem is a complex network of _______ Answer: Interactions FBQ28: The interaction that occurs among different individuals of the same species is known as _______ interaction Answer: intra-specific FBQ29: Interactions between organisms belonging to the same trophic level often involve _______ Answer: Competition FBQ30: In large terrestial and aquatic communities, population of each species occupies a particular strata is called _______ Answer: Stratification FBQ31: _______ is an interaction between two organisms of different species where both the partners are benefited with none of the two capable of living seperately Answer: Mutualism FBQ32: _______ is an association between organisms of different species in which both are mutually benefited but they can live without each other Answer: Protocooporation FBQ33: An association between two different organisms or species in which one is always benefited but the other is neither benefited nor harmed is referred to as _______ Answer: Commensalism FBQ34: _______ is the feeding by an animal on the remain or carcasses of dead animals and on the refuse of living animals Answer: Scavenging FBQ35: Predation is the direct food chain relation between two organisms of different species in which one animal (predator) captures, kill and feeds the other animal is called _________ Answer: Prey FBQ36: _______ is a food relationship between organisms of two different species in which the smaller one lives on the larger one and obtans its food Answer: Parasitism FBQ37: A parasite visits host for a short period for feeding is known as _______ Answer: temporary parasite FBQ38: Ascaris, Taenia and Entameoba are example of _______ parasites Answer: Permanent FBQ39: Types of ecological succession is Primary and Secondary succession. True or false? Answer: True   FBQ40: The type of succession that occurs where community has never existed before is known as _______ succession Answer: Primary FBQ41: New varieties of plants and animals migrate into an area and establish themselves in spaces created due to elimination of weaker plants called _______ Answer: Invasion FBQ42: An established community is called _______ community Answer: Climax FBQ43: Phot-autotrophs use energy from sunlight to make food by _______ Answer: Photosynthesis FBQ44: Chemo-autotrophs use energy from chemical compounds to make food by _______ Answer: Chemosynthesis FBQ45: _______ get nutrients and energy by breaking down dead organisms and animal wastes Answer: Decomposers FBQ46: The Carbon and Nitrogen are necessary in building _______ Answer: organic compound   FBQ47: Food chains and food webs are diagrams that represent the feeding relationships from producers to consumer and to _______ Answer: Decomposers FBQ48: The feeding positions in a food chain or web are called _______ Answer: trophic levels   FBQ49: Energy is passed up a food chain or web from lower to higher_______ levels Answer: trophic   FBQ50: _______ creates favourable conditions for the existence and development of living organism Answer: Environment MCQ1: _______ is the science which investigates organism in relation to their environment Answer: ecology MCQ2: A major regional or global community of organism is referred to as _______ Answer: biome MCQ3: All ecosystems are made up of living and _______ Answer: non-living components MCQ4: _______ environment which means 'surroundings' is considered as a composite term for the conditions in which organisms live Answer: etymological MCQ5: The following are the level of organisation except    Answer: climate MCQ6: The process whereby matter such as water, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus recycle within the ecosystem and through the atmosphere is known as _______ Answer: biogeochemical cycle MCQ7: Rain and snow are examples of _______ Answer: precipitation MCQ8: Nitrogen is returned to the soil as ammonium in a process called _______ Answer: ammonification MCQ9: Some nitrogen also enters the soil as a result of atmospheric _______ Answer: fixation by lighting MCQ10: Nitrogen recombines with oxygen in the air, forming Answer: nitrogen oxide MCQ11: In dead animal and plant matter, nitrogen is returned to the soil as _______ Answer: ammonium MCQ12: Nitrates which are absorbed by the soil are formed by the combination of rain water with _______ from the air Answer: nitrogen oxide MCQ13: _______ is a self-sustaining unit of nature Answer: ecosystem MCQ14: The following are the examples of terrestrial ecosystem except Answer: wetlands MCQ15: Crop lands and aquarium are the example of _______ Answer: man-made ecosystem MCQ16: Which theories of evoluton states that organisms change in response to their environemnt Answer: Jean baptiste de lamarck theory MCQ17: Ecology has provided an integrative perspective of the interactions between biological organisms and their _______ Answer: abiotic environment MCQ18: Density of a particular organism in a region is determined by selecting random samples from an area of particular dimentioon (sBe) is called _______ Answer: quadrat MCQ19: A group of freely interbreeding individuals of the same species present in a specific geographical area at a given time is describe as _______ Answer: population MCQ20: _______ is defined as the number of individuals per unit area at a given time which may vary from time to time and place to place Answer: health population density MCQ21: Which of the following is the correct food chain Answer: greengrasses ----- grasshopper -----lizard -----snake-----hawk MCQ22: Some animals get their energy from eating plants while other animals get energy indirectly from _______ Answer: plants MCQ23: Animals that eat only dead or decaying materials are called Answer: decomposers MCQ24: The bacteria returns nutrients back to the environment for use by the _______ Answer: phytoplankton MCQ25: The number of organisms at each level that makes pyramid shape is known as _______ Answer: food pyramid MCQ26: Animals that eat both plants and other animals are called _______ Answer: omnivores MCQ27: The non-linear set of interactions which shows the complex flow of energy in nature is referred to as _______ Answer: foodweb MCQ28: Which of the following is a secondary consumer Answer: grasshopper MCQ29: A tiny microscopic animals is called _______ Answer: zooplankton MCQ30: The tiny microscopic plant is called _______   Answer: phytoplankton MCQ31: The interaction that occurs among different individuals of the same species is known as _______   Answer: intra specific interaction MCQ32: The interaction among inidivivual of differnt species in a community is referred to as _______   Answer: inter-specific interaction MCQ33: The study of interaction among all populations in a common environment is called _______   Answer: community ecology MCQ34: An actively interacting group of a number of different populations of several species in a common environment which is known as _______   Answer: biotic community MCQ35: One of the following is not characteristics of biotic community Answer: community ecology MCQ36: In any community, one or few species dominate either in numbers or physical environment is describe as _______   Answer: dominance MCQ37: A community that formed of many species is known as _______ Answer: variety of species MCQ38: In large terrestial and aquatic communities population of each species occupies a particular area is known as _______   Answer: stratification MCQ39: _______ is an interaction among organisms of thesame species with other organism of their own community Answer: community interaction MCQ40: _______ is the relationship among the individual of thesame species Answer: intra-specific relationship MCQ41: The following are positive interactions except Answer: parasitism MCQ42: _______ is an association between two diffenent organisms or species in which one is always benefiting but the other is neither benefiting nor harmed Answer: commensalism  MCQ43: Predation, parasitism and permanent parasites are examples of _______ Answer: negative interaction  MCQ44: Bedbugs, leaches and mosquitos are called _______ Answer: intermittent parasites MCQ45: The parasite that live in contact with host throughout their life is known as _______ Answer: permanent parasite MCQ46: The type of succession that occurs in the area where community has already existed before is described as _______ Answer: secondary succession MCQ47: Carbon and nitrogen are recycled back into the ecosystem so that the _______ can use them Answer: producers MCQ48: The stability of an ecosystem depends on the actions of the _______ Answer: decomposers MCQ49: Detritivores include the following except _______ Answer: sea cucumbers MCQ50: The stability of autotrophs is vital to the ecosystem because Answer: all organisms need organic molecules