FBQ1: As a field of action, public administration refers to the mechanics and structures through which government policies are___ Answer: Implemented FBQ2: Administration is a universal concept and is also of____ importance. Answer: Universal FBQ3: Administration has a long history which dates back to the beginning of the history of mankind, with research revealing administrative tasks and practices since recorded____ Answer: History FBQ4: In both public and private establishments, large numbers of___ have to be supervised, coordinated and controlled Answer: Employees FBQ5: Scientific Management theory was propounded by____ Answer: Frederick Taylor FBQ6: Bureaucratic theory was formulated by____ who is fondly referred to as the father of bureaucracy and bureaucratic theory. Answer: Max Weber FBQ7: _____is the machinery for implementing government policy Answer: Public administration FBQ8: Public administration is a broad discipline that covers a variety of issues which touches on maximizing the use of scarce resources to satisfy human___ Answer: Needs FBQ9: The maximization of profit is the overriding goals of___ administration Answer: Private FBQ10: Public administration is a distinct field of administration, which is very important for the success of any____ Answer: Government FBQ11: For a government to protect persons and property against violence, to collect taxes, and control traffic and health hazards, it must make___ Answer: Regulations FBQ12: The hiring and firing of workers in private administration is Swift and__ Answer: Merciless FBQ13: In public service, administrative officials perform a considerable portion of their task through____ which could either be in oral or in written forms Answer: Communication FBQ14: ____are views, opinions, advice, information, or directives expressed in writing during the course of day – to – day work in the office. Answer: Minutes FBQ15: The___ may be the President of the nation, the Governor of a state, the Vice Chancellor of a University, a Minister of State, a State Commissioner Answer: chief executive FBQ16: A___ is the political head of a government ministry at the federal level in Nigeria Answer: Minister FBQ17: A___ is the political head of a government ministry at the state level in Nigeria Answer: Commissioner FBQ18: In the study of public administration ____ and administration go hand in hand Answer: Policy FBQ19: Public administration has evolved over time and it has played a key role in the organization of the structures of___ and its usefulness to other disciplines cannot be overemphasized. Answer: Government FBQ20: The new public administration – 1970 to the present emphasized that public administration should be studied along with science and___ Answer: Society FBQ21: Political science and___ are the major influences on the present stage of development of public administration. Answer: Management FBQ22: Public administration performs a variety of functions which complement the activities of the various____ of government. Answer: Branches FBQ23: Public administration exists in a peculiar socio – economic and political environment that affects its behavior and___ Answer: Performance FBQ24: The most fundamental and important function of public administration is to maintain the___ government in power. Answer: Incumbent FBQ25: Working to increase the number of the nation’s friends and reducing the number and strength of its enemies is the primary responsibility of ____ ministry in Nigeria Answer: Foreign Affairs FBQ26: In its formulation and ____of public policy, the government bureaucracy may not necessarily confine itself to the expressed and organized interests of the masses. Answer: Execution FBQ27: Historical sources can be classified into primary and ____sources Answer: Secondary FBQ28: _____ method of inquiry in public administration is concerned with the collection of data for the purpose of describing and interpreting existing conditions, prevailing practices, beliefs, attitudes and on- going process Answer: Descriptive FBQ29: The steps of experimental method are essentially those of the_____ Answer: Scientific method FBQ30: Civil service is sometimes referred to as____ Answer: Public service FBQ31: ____is the hub through which public administrative work centres on. Answer: Civil Service FBQ32: To avoid anarchy, an elaborate network of rules and regulations govern the behaviour of civil servants and is divided into___ controls Answer: internal and external FBQ33: The civil service in Nigeria during the colonial era and the first republic was organized along the lines of the ___Civil Service. Answer: British FBQ34: The Nigeria Public administration is organized in two ways,____ Answer: Laterally and Vertically FBQ35: _____defines politics as the authoritative allocation of values Answer: David Easton MCQ1: We are involved in___ behavior when we co-operate with other people to accomplish such objectives as erecting a community town hall Answer: administrative MCQ2: Public administration may be considered both as a field of ___and a field of study. Answer: Action MCQ3: Which of these is not among the basic characteristics of administration Answer: Quality of control MCQ4: Who among these is not associated with the formulation of Administrative Management theory Answer: James Punky MCQ5: Who gave the discipline of public administration, the acronym POSDCORD which means planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting? Answer: Gulick and Urwick MCQ6: The key tenet of scientific management is that human beings are adjunct to the____ Answer: machine MCQ7: To understand organization one needs to understand the procedures and activities of the bureaucracy, since___ gives meaning to organization. Answer: bureaucracy MCQ8: ____theory tries to establish what relationship exists between motivation and job satisfaction, and how these affect efficiency and productivity in the organization. Answer: Human Relations MCQ9: Public administration is concerned with the study of how a country’s administration is organized and how it___ Answer: functions MCQ10: One of the identified importance of Public Administration is its ability to absorb the work of___ Answer: governments MCQ11: Maslow perceived human desire to be based on all of these except Answer: appreciation MCQ12: One of these is not among the qualities of good administrator Answer: craftiness MCQ13: Public administration is an___ part of government, the means by which the purposes and goals of government are realized. Answer: action MCQ14: Government activities have not only grown in size and complexity and such complexity demands different kinds of____ for various activities Answer: expertise MCQ15: In ancient___ Chung Cheng, (that is, Impartial Judge) is a forerunner of our present day Civil Service Commission Answer: China MCQ16: In order to settle disputes between parties, government must conciliate and____ Answer: negotiate MCQ17: In spite of the obvious advantages of oral communication and personal contact, it is inevitable that___ officials in the civil service have to communicate frequently through the written word. Answer: senior MCQ18: The study of public administration grew out of awareness that the machinery of government especially the____ branch, its institutions and its procedures has to be organized in the most efficient way Answer: executive MCQ19: Which of these tends to emphasize formal relationships and separation of powers among the three tiers of government, legislature, executive and judiciary Answer: Institutional Approach MCQ20: The second World War marked the development of____ among academic studies of public administration. Answer: Comparative approach MCQ21: Public administration takes place in the full glare of the public___ Answer: eye MCQ22: In the ex – colonial societies of Asia and Africa,___ is often the largest employer of labour Answer: Government MCQ23: Historical sources may be classified into two major categories, namely, documents and___ Answer: relics MCQ24: ___ is a purposive course of action followed by an actor or set of actors in dealing with a problem or matter of concern Answer: Public policy MCQ25:  Every administrator or chief executive spends considerable portion of his time in all except Answer: Rigmaroles MCQ26: In modern organizations, the one man with authority and responsibilities of all the activities in an organization is referred to as the___ Answer: Chief executive MCQ27: One of these is not an obstacle to development administration Answer: Complexity of the civil service rules MCQ28: The____ of enquiry into public administration is interested in the accurate assessment of the characteristics of whole populations of people. Answer: Survey method MCQ29: Which of these comes last in the process of policy formulation and implementation? Answer: Evaluation MCQ30: The growth and development of public administration in Nigeria is influenced by all the following factors except _____ Answer: Religious fanaticism MCQ31: Technical issues that require the knowledge or expertise of a special category of persons for decision making are best handled by ____ Answer: Committees MCQ32: African bureaucracy manipulates ethnic sentiment in order to get ____ Answer: Promoted MCQ33:  In ____ top civil servants often play political roles as mayors or councillors Answer: France MCQ34: Part of the ineffectiveness of African public administration arises from excessive ___ politics within them Answer: Bureaucratic MCQ35: Development administration is concerned with plans, policies, programmes and projects which focus on nation building and ____development Answer: socioeconomic