MCQ1: Which one of these scholars posits that nations are endowed with different potentials which can be gained through the art of diplomacy? Answer: Adam Smith MCQ2: Which of these uses diplomacy as a strategy to advance its interest in international relations? Answer: States MCQ3: Which of these is not a factor states consider in the articulation of their interests? Answer: National flag MCQ4: Which one of these factors determines the success of a state’s foreign policy? Answer: Nature of diplomacy MCQ5: Which of these best describes the place of diplomacy in a state’s foreign policy? Answer: Methodology to implement foreign policy MCQ6: The real nature of diplomacy consists of the techniques and procedures for conducting relations among ______________ Answer: States MCQ7: In modern times, diplomacy can assume both ________ and ________ dimensions. Answer: Bilateral and Multilateral MCQ8: Which of these best describes states relations in international organisations? Answer: Multilateral relations MCQ9: The relations between two states is best describes as _____________ Answer: Bilateral relations MCQ10: Which of these describes the substance of a state’s foreign relations? Answer: Foreign policy MCQ11: To Harold Nicolson (1964), diplomacy ceases to exist in times of ___________ Answer: War MCQ12: Competent diplomacy and pragmatic foreign policy are necessary conditions for a state to succeed in its __________ Answer: International relations MCQ13: Which of these has been the most effective international actor in diplomatic activities since the seventeenth century? Answer: States MCQ14: The increase in the number of states globally has resulted in an increase in ______ Answer: Diplomatic activities MCQ15: Which of these is not an issue that resulted in the broadening of the international agenda since the 1970s? Answer: Domestic politics MCQ16: Which of these is not a substantive form of diplomacy? Answer: National diplomacy MCQ17: A major feature of modern diplomacy is __________________ Answer: Increased personal diplomacy by head of state or government MCQ18: Which of these factors account for the erosion of some aspects of traditional diplomacy? Answer: Developments in communications MCQ19: The beginning of organised diplomacy is traced to relations among ________ Answer: City-states in Greece MCQ20: The Romans did little to advance the art of diplomacy by ____________ Answer: Negotiation MCQ21: Until the late 18th or early 19th century, diplomacy involved the study and preservation of archives than the act of _____________ Answer: International negotiation MCQ22: Modern diplomacy as an organised profession arose in Italy in the _________ Answer: Late middle ages MCQ23: Who established the first known permanent mission in Genoa in 1455? Answer: Francesco Storza MCQ24: Which of these do ambassadors represent in foreign countries? Answer: The Head of State MCQ25: In what century did diplomacy become an established profession and a generally accepted method of international relations? Answer: 17th Century MCQ26: Which of these resulted in the rise of nationalism and the emergence of the state-system in the 17th century? Answer: The Treaty of Westphalia MCQ27: By the 18th century, the industrial, American and French revolutions had influenced the emergence of __________________ Answer: Democratic diplomacy MCQ28: Classical diplomacy was conducted largely by members of ____________ Answer: The ruling class MCQ29: The French Revolution of 1789 had a considerable influence on the history of modern diplomacy. What was its slogan? Answer: Liberty, Equality and Fraternity MCQ30: Which of these gave credence to modern diplomacy? Answer: The Treaty of Westphalia MCQ31: Which of these ideas arose from the Treaty of Westphalia? Answer: Establishing permanent diplomatic missions MCQ32: Which of these treaties also encouraged the notion of self-determination in the modern international system? Answer: The Versailles Treaty MCQ33: Which of these best describes a diplomat? Answer: A state’s representative in a foreign country MCQ34: Which of these usually appoints ambassadors of a state to foreign countries? Answer: The head of state MCQ35: Which of these is not a quality of a diplomat? Answer: Cruelty FBQ1: The appointment of diplomatic officers is usually regulated by the __________ of each state. Answer: Constitution FBQ2: The level of success of the diplomacy of any country depends largely on the quality of _________ selected. Answer: Diplomats FBQ3: The functions of diplomatic missions are spelt out in the _________ convention of 1961. Answer: Vienna FBQ4: The relations among states in an international organisation is best known as __________ relations Answer: Multilateral FBQ5: Generally, a synonym for diplomacy is ____________ Answer: Negotiation FBQ6: Diplomatic relations between two states is known as ___________ relations. Answer: Bilateral FBQ7: The treaty that gave rise to the emergence of the state system and nationalism is the __________ Answer: Treaty of Westphalia FBQ8: A diplomat, must at all time, try to advance the interest of his/her __________ Answer: State FBQ9: In a professional sense, diplomats comprise two main groups, diplomatic officers and _________ officers. Answer: Consular FBQ10: Article 2 of the Havana Convention of February 20, 1928 classified diplomatic officers as ordinary and _____________ Answer: Extraordinary FBQ11: For the purpose of classification, all the envoys accredited to a country constitute a body known as the __________ Answer: Diplomatic Corps FBQ12: The head of every diplomatic mission is the _____________ Answer: Ambassador FBQ13: The exemption of diplomats from criminal, civil and fiscal jurisdiction of the receiving states is known as diplomatic __________ Answer: Immunities FBQ14: The modern law on diplomatic privileges and immunities is contained in the _________________ convention of 1961. Answer: Vienna FBQ15: The beginning of a diplomatic mission is immediately when the letters of _______ are presented to the head of the receiving state. Answer: Credence FBQ16: The main and most effective actor in diplomacy is the __________ Answer: State FBQ17: The most highly developed regional bloc in the world is the ___________ Answer: European Union FBQ18: The only regional bloc with a common parliament is the _____________ Answer: European Union FBQ19: ____________ is the management of relations between independent states and between these states and other actors. Answer: Diplomacy FBQ20: The success of foreign policy of any nation depends on the quality of _________ Answer: Diplomacy FBQ21: Foreign policy is the substance of foreign relations of a state, while diplomacy is the __________ by which foreign policy is carried out. Answer: Method FBQ22: The success of any independent state in its relations with other states depends on a combination of competent diplomacy and pragmatic _____________ Answer: Foreign policy FBQ23: The expansion of the international community has affected the style, substance, scope and procedures of __________________ Answer: Diplomacy FBQ24: The beginning of organised diplomacy in the relations among city-states is traced to _____________ Answer: Ancient Greece FBQ25: The Romans did little to advance the art of diplomacy by _____________ Answer: Negotiation FBQ26: Until late 18th or early 19th century diplomacy meant the study and preservation of __________ Answer: Archives FBQ27: Modern diplomacy as an organised profession arose in __________ in the late middle ages. Answer: Italy FBQ28: Niccolo Machiavelli described the methods by which the rulers of Italian city-states promoted their interests in his work titled ______________ Answer: The Prince FBQ29: The first known permanent mission was established at ____________ in 1455. Answer: Genoa FBQ30: The real nature of diplomacy involves relations among __________ Answer: States FBQ31: According to Joseph Stalin, ‘a diplomat’s words must have no relation to _______’… Answer: Actions FBQ32: The classical diplomacy was conducted by members of the ___________ Answer: Ruling class FBQ33: Harold Nicolson (1964) posited that diplomacy ceases to exist in times of ___________ Answer: War FBQ34: Significant increase in the number of states globally has resulted in an increase in ______ Answer: Diplomatic activities FBQ35: Diplomacy became an established profession and a generally accepted method in international relations in the _________ century. Answer: 17th