FBQ1: The statement -Laa taghdab- with which the Prophet admonished one of his companions means ____________ Answer: do not get angry FBQ2: Rufi -atil aklaamu wajaffatis-suhuf- This prophetic statement means the pens have been ________ and the pages are ________ Answer: Lifted, dried FBQ3: Complete the following hadith -Idhaa lam tastahii ________ Answer: fasna'a maa shiita FBQ4: In response to a question, the Prophet said -qul: aamantu billahi thumma istaqim means: Say; I believe in Allah then keep to the ___________ Answer: straight path FBQ5: To establish adultery offence against anyone in Islam the number of witnesses required is ________ Answer: 4 FBQ6: Whosoever brings ease to his brother who is in hardship, God will ease his ________ on earth and in the hereafter Answer: Hardship FBQ7: Whosoever protects his brother, God will ________ him on earth and in the hereafter Answer: Protect FBQ8: Allah will assist a man as long as he assists his fellow _________ Answer: Brother FBQ9: Whosoever paves a way to seek for _________, Allah will make easy his path to Paradise Answer: Knowledge FBQ10: Whosoever proposes to do a ­­­_________ deed but does not perform it, reward for good deed will be recorded for him. Answer: Good FBQ11: Muwatta is the popular work of ________on hadith collection. Answer: Imam Malik FBQ12: As-Sahihayni are the hadith books of _______ and _______ Answer: Bukhari and Muslim FBQ13: Wrong things going on in the society can be corrected through how many categories of faith or stages? Answer: Three FBQ14: The highest of the faith categories useful for correction of wrong things in the society is __________ Answer: Hand FBQ15: The middle faith category useful for correction of wrong things in the society is ____________ Answer: Tongue FBQ16: While use of __________ is the weakest category or stage useful for correction of wrong things in the society Answer: Heart FBQ17: According to the Prophet, piety resides in the _______ of man Answer: Heart FBQ18: The Prophet said: ‘Whosoever dispels from a true believer some grief pertaining to this world God will dispel from him some grief pertaining to the ________’ Answer: day of resurrection FBQ19: La tahasadu is an advice from the Prophet. This means "Do not ________ one another" Answer: Envy FBQ20: Allahu fii ‘awnil abdi maakaanal ‘abdu fi ‘awni akhiihi: The theme of this hadith centres around giving ________ to other people Answer: Help FBQ21: Innallaaha Ta’aalaa Tayyibun ________ Tayyiban Answer: laa yaqbalu illa FBQ22: Tayyib as used in hadith 10 of An-Nawawii collection means _________ Answer: Good FBQ23: Hadith thirty was a response of the Prophet to questions asked by ________ Answer: Muadh ibn Jabal FBQ24: According to the Prophet in hadith 31, for Allah to show His love to someone, the person must be indifferent to the ________ Answer: possessions of this world FBQ25: According to the Prophet in hadith 3, for man to win the ____ of the people he must be indifferent to what the people possess Answer: Love FBQ26: Isnad means ________ of hadith Answer: chain of transmitters FBQ27: Let him who believe in Allah and the last day speak good or remain ________ Answer: Silent FBQ28: Quote in Arabic transliteration, the hadith which cautions us against harming others Answer: Laa daraara wa-laa diraara FBQ29: Fill in the missing words in the following words of the Prophet -At-tuhuuru ________ Answer: shatrul imaan FBQ30: Hadith 23 (at-tuhuuru ……) is about ________ Answer: Cleanliness FBQ31: In the statement ‘….wakullu tahamiidatin sadaqatun’ in hadith 23 - the word -tahmiidatin- means ________ Answer: thanks giving FBQ32: Sadaqah as used in hadith 23 means ________ in English Answer: Charity FBQ33: According to hadith 27, the Prophet described an _____ deed as that with which the doer would not want people to identify him or see him doing it Answer: Evil FBQ34: Nasiihat in hadith 7 is an Arabic word which means ________ Answer: Sermon FBQ35: Whoever proposes an evil deed and eventually does it, God writes it down as an ________ deed. Answer: Evil MCQ1: In hadith 9 of an-Nawaawi’s collection one of those things that caused the destruction of some people in human history is ­­­_______________ Answer: too much questioning MCQ2: What I have declared forbidden to you, _________ Answer: Avoid MCQ3: Complete this hadith ‘innallaha Ta‘aalaa Tayyibun ------------ Tayyiban’ Answer: laa yaqbalu illa MCQ4: Tayyibun in hadith 10 means _____________ Answer: good MCQ5: Hadith 10 teaches that good things are generally_________ Answer: Halaal MCQ6: Anger can lead to which of the following? Answer: Violence MCQ7: Hadīth 11 teaches leaving what keeps you in ________ for that which does not keep you in ____ Answer: Doubt, doubt MCQ8: Hadith 11(daʿ mā yarībuka ilā….) confirms that Islam is built on _________ and _________ Answer: Knowledge and understanding MCQ9: Min husni Islamil-Mar’i tarkuhuu maa laa ________ Answer: Ya’niihi MCQ10: One of the lessons contained in hadith 12 is ___________ Answer: We should not interfere in anything that does not concern us MCQ11: According to hadith all 17, of these are etiquettes of slaughtering animal except ___________ Answer: strangling to death MCQ12: ’Rufi ‘atil aklaamu wajaffatis-suhuf’ This prophetic statement means ________________ Answer: the pens have been lifted and the pages are dry MCQ13: The message of hadith eighteen of an-Nawaawi’s collection contains all the following except Answer: entering toilet with left leg first MCQ14: In response to a question, the Prophet said ‘qul: aamantu billahi thumma istaqim’ This means _____________ Answer: Say; I believe in Allah then keep to the straight path MCQ15: The theme of hadith 10 of an-Nawaawi’s collection is --------- Answer: avoidance of unlawful things MCQ16: ’Laa yu’minu ahdukum hattaa yuhibba liakhiihi ----------------’ Answer: maa yuhibbu linafsihii MCQ17: Complete this hadith: ‘None of you is a believer ---------------’ Answer: until he loves for others what he loves for himself MCQ18: Al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib is the ________ of Prophet Muhammad Answer: Grandson MCQ19: The position of Islam is that when you are in doubt on a matter then you ____________ Answer: drop the matter MCQ20: The visitor who came to the Prophet came purposely to _________ the Companions their religion Answer: teach MCQ21: ”The one being questioned knows no more than the questioner” the statement is directed to _____________ Answer: Jubril MCQ22: I’taai zakat’ as one of the pillars of Islam means ___________ Answer: giving out charity MCQ23: One of the followings is NOT an offence that can attract capital punishment Answer: Backbiting MCQ24: The book on Hadith titled “Al-ijaaz wal Jawaami ‘l -kalimi” was written by______________ Answer: Abubakri ibn Sunni MCQ25: All of these are mentioned in hadith 22 of an-Nawaawi’s collections as good works that lead into paradise except --------- Answer: performing Hajj MCQ26: The word of the Prophet which says ‘Know that what missed you could not have hit you and what hit you could not have missed you’ suggests that ___________ Answer: everything works in accordance with destiny MCQ27: In the creation of man he remains as ------- during the second forty days in the womb Answer: a clot MCQ28: Complete the following hadith ‘Idhaa lam tastahi ------------’ Answer: fasna‘a maa shi’ita MCQ29: ’Let him who believe in Allah and the last day speak good or ­­­­________’ Answer: be silent MCQ30: To establish adultery offence against anyone in Islam, ______ witnesses are required Answer: 4  MCQ31: Hadith number one of an-Nawaawi’s collection was related by ----- Answer: Imams Bukhari and Muslim MCQ32: The Hadith of the Prophet that makes reference to the importance of compilation of hadith was narrated by --------- Answer: Amr ibn Al-Aas MCQ33: Hadith two was narrated by ------- Answer: Umar bn Khattab MCQ34: Who among the following was NOT a teacher to Imam an-Nawaawi? Answer: Marwan ibn al-Hakam MCQ35: Wa-kullu tahmiid sadaqah means ______________ Answer: Every thanks giving is a charity