FBQ1: When two hydrogen atoms combine to form a molecule and the two nuclei spin in the same direction, parallel spins, to give the form known as______  Answer: Ortho Hydrogen FBQ2: The two hydrogen nuclei spin in opposite directions to give ______  Answer: Para Hydrogen FBQ3: Hydrogen can be produced by the reaction of methane with ______in the presence of nickel catalyst  Answer: Steam FBQ4: Metals are very powerful ____ agent Answer: Reducing FBQ5: Sulphur reacts with ______ to form hydrogen sulphide Answer: Hydrogen FBQ6: Carbon monoxide is reduced strongly by hydrogen to yield a product appropriately described as ____ Answer: Formaldehyde FBQ7: In a fuel cell, electrical energy is generated by the reaction of hydrogen leaf, a process which is called ___  Answer: Cold combustion FBQ8: Fuel cells have efficiencies approaching 75% whereas power plants that burn fuels have efficiencies of only about _______ Answer: 40% FBQ9: _______ are soft have low melting points and are poor conductors ofelectricity. Answer: covalent hydrides FBQ10: _____ hydrogen bond is formed between two atoms of the samemolecule Answer: Intramolecular FBQ11: Half-life period of tritium is ___ years Answer: 12.3 FBQ12: Melting point and boiling point increases in group 14 elements because of ___ Answer: Hydrogen bonding FBQ13: Solubility of a substance increases markedly when ____ is possible between the solvent and the solute molecules Answer: Hydrogen bonding FBQ14: How many types of hydrogen bonding do we have? Answer: Two FBQ15: What percentage of rubidium chloride is contained in Carmallite? Answer: 0.94% FBQ16: The hydrides of lithium and sodium are used as ______agents in synthetic organic chemistry Answer: Reducing FBQ17: the alkali metals are very useful, some of their uses include beingused as ____conductors. Answer: Electrical FBQ18: Normal oxide and peroxide of alkaline metals are colourless and _____ Answer: Diamagnetic FBQ19: Super oxides of alkaline metals are usually Coloured and _______ in nature Answer: Paramagnetic FBQ20: All the Group 1 metal oxides are strongly _____ and react vigorously to give hydroxide Answer: Basic FBQ21: polysulphides of sodium have a _____ chain structure Answer: zig-zag FBQ22: The density of gallium was ___ kg as predicted by Mendeleev Answer: 5.8 x103 FBQ23: The works of Lars Fredrick Nilson led to discovered one very important element known as _____  Answer: Scandium FBQ24: _____ is the scientist who first discovered germanium as an element Answer: Winkler FBQ25: The maximum number of electrons that can be contained by d-orbital in opposite spin is _____ Answer: Ten FBQ26: F orbital can hold maximally ______ number of electrons Answer: Fourteen FBQ27: The maximum number of electrons that can be contained by p-orbital in opposite spin is _____ Answer: Six FBQ28: How many sub orbitals has f-orbital? Answer: Seven FBQ29: The electronic configuration of _______ is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 Answer: Zinc FBQ30: Period 1 of the modern periodic table consists of how many elements _____ Answer: Two FBQ31: The metallic radius depends to some extent on ______ structure ofthe metal. Answer: Crystal FBQ32: Hydrogen may not be advantageous as a fuel because it is a secondary ______ Answer: Source of energy FBQ33: Elements of the periodic table have been divided into how many blocks? Answer: Four FBQ34: Lanthanides and actinides are collectively known as ______ element. Answer: F-block FBQ35: A periodic element that behaves both as a metal in group 1A and also as a halogen is most likely to be Answer: Hydrogen MCQ1: Second ionisation energy is greater than the first because Answer: Electron is removed from the positively charged cation that is held firmly due to nuclear forces. MCQ2: The valence shell electron of _______ are more stable and requires very great energy to remove them Answer: Noble gases MCQ3: Ionisation energy of an element depends on all of the following except; Answer: Crystal lattices of the atom of element MCQ4: Which of the following element has the lowest ionisation energies? Answer: Ne MCQ5: The energy required to remove the least strongly bond electrons from an isolated gaseous atom on ground state is appropriately described as Answer: Ionisation energy MCQ6: The energy released or absorbed when an electron is added to the gaseous atom in its ground state is described as Answer: Electron affinity MCQ7: Which of these elements shows the highest reluctance to form an anion? Answer: K MCQ8: Which of these factors would not affect electron affinity? Answer: Steric effect MCQ9: _____is the tendency of an atom to attract toward itself the shared electron pair of a bond in which it is involved Answer: Electronegativity MCQ10: One of these is not an isotope of hydrogen Answer: Polonium MCQ11: Which of these isotopes of hydrogen is radioactive? Answer: Tritium MCQ12: The tendency of an atom to attract toward itself the shared electron pair of a bond in which it is involved can be measured by all these scale except; Answer: Lothar Meyer electronegativity scale MCQ13: How would you effectively separate a mixture of carbon (iv) oxide and Hydrogen gas? Answer: Pass the mixture through water which absorbs CO2 and hydrogen gas remains insoluble MCQ14:  Mixture of CO and H2 is known as Answer: water gas MCQ15: It is not advisable to prepared hydrogen gas by one of these methods Answer: Reaction of potassium metal with warm water MCQ16: Which of these is used in metallurgy to reduce metal oxides to metals in cases where carbon cannot be used because the metal can form carbide? Answer: Hydrogen MCQ17: Stability of the alkali metal complexes decrease as you go down the group one of these order Answer: Li >Na>K>Rb>Cs MCQ18: The following metallic elements are most likely to be extracted by electrolysis of their fused chloride except Answer: Magnesium MCQ19: One of these is used as a window materials in x-ray apparatus and also in making atomic fuel containers Answer: Beryllium MCQ20: The process by which metal ion is surrounded by solvent molecules is appropriately described as Answer: Solvation MCQ21: All are the three types of oxides which are formed by the alkali metals except Answer: Amphoteric oxide MCQ22: One of these elements in its stearate form may be used as grease Answer: Li MCQ23: One of these metal element is obtained by the reduction of its chloride with sodium vapour Answer: Potassium MCQ24: Sodium occur naturally in combine state due to its reactivity. Sodium does not occur in one of these ores Answer: Kainite MCQ25: One of these is not a hydride Answer: Stoichiometric hydrides. MCQ26: The attractive force which binds hydrogen atom of one molecule with electronegative atom of another molecule, generally of the same compound is known as   Answer: Hydrogen bonding MCQ27: One of these is not a property of metals Answer: They form acidic oxides MCQ28: The concept of atomic number was essentially discovered in 1913 by one of these scientists Answer: Henry Moseley MCQ29: ______ states that as far as possible in a given atom in the ground state, electrons in the same sub shell will occupy different orbitals and will have parallel spins Answer: Hund's rule MCQ30: There exist a set of empty hydrogen like orbitals into which electrons can be added. This assumption was made by___ Answer: Aufbau principle MCQ31: Which of these is the electronic configuration of scandium? Answer: [Ar] 3d14s2 MCQ32: The electronic configuration of nickel is ______ Answer: [Ar] 3d74s2 MCQ33:  Metal halides may be obtained by the direct combination of a metal and ______ Answer: Halogen MCQ34: One of these is the electronic configuration of copper? Answer: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s1 MCQ35: Identify the element that has this electronic configuration: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2. Answer: Ca