MCQ1: 'Ethnography', refers simply to a ________________________________ of human societies, usually of those simpler, small-scale societies which anthropologists have mostly studied. Answer: descriptive account MCQ2: Ethnography may be said to be the _____________.used by social anthropologists in the study of "man, his culture, and environment". Answer: raw material MCQ3: _______________ argued that the first-hand accounts of the culture and social life of human communities, from whatever point of view theyare regarded, are what we call Ethnography Answer: John Beattie MCQ 4: On the other hand, Ethnography can be said to refer to the process of collecting data by ___________________________. Answer: direct enquiries and observations MCQ 5: Ethnography is regarded as raw material of _________________. Answer: social anthropology MCQ 6: _______________ is about the study of "mankind" Answer: Anthropology MCQ 7: The two sub-disciplines that Anthropology can be classified are ________________ and ______________________ Answer: Physical Anthropology and Physical Anthropology MCQ8: __________________ studies human fossils, evolution and variation Answer: Physical Anthropology MCQ 9: ________________________ the study of human social life - the origin, history, dynamics of society and its cultures Answer: Social and Cultural Anthropology MCQ 10: Anthropology is a branch of _____________, in the sense that its subject matter is centrally a study of relationship between different kinds of peoples. Answer: Sociology MCQ 11: ___________________ is a designated blanket term for all theanthropological studies. Answer: Ethnology MCQ13: Ethnologists are interested primarily in the past history of peoples or communities ___________________ Answer: without written records MCQ14: ethnologists classify people in terms of _________________________. Answer: cultural characteristics MCQ15: Ethnology in its own right, refers to the ____________________of past andcontemporary cultures Answer: comparative studies MCQ16: The history of collection of.__________________. started with the Europeanvoyages of discovery and exploration in the 15th century B.C Answer: 'items of culture' MCQ17: The history of collection all started with the documentation of cultural observation by ________________________________ (484-45 B.C). Answer: Herodotus MCQ 18: Another person who made contribution to ______________________was Marco Polo (1254-1324), Answer: ethnographic documentation MCQ19: The 16th century AD in Europe saw the beginning of interest by Europeans in ___________ Answer: foreign peoples and their exotic cultures MCQ 20: Philosophers such as __________________ and __________________ used the ethnographic accounts from the voyagers to compare human societies all over the world. Answer: John Locke and Thomas Hobbes MCQ 21: By 1930, ethnographic ________________had become an established activity Answer: fieldwork MCQ22: The study of Anthropology as a sociological discipline started in Nigeria in the __________________ Answer: 1950s MCQ23: Anthropology started particularly at ________________________________and ____________________________ Answer: the University of Ibadan and University of Nigeria, Nsukka. MCQ24: After the _________________of Nigeria in 1914, it was a policy of the British colonial office in London to appoint an anthropologist as colonial officer. Answer: amalgamation MCQ25: Nigeria's multi-pluralism promotes the _________________ of ethnocentrism. Answer: dysfunctional tendency MCQ26: The belief that one’s own culture is the only true and good one, as wellas the tendency to judge other cultures by ones cultural standards is called __________________ Answer: ethnocentrism MCQ27: For some reasons, many anthropologists in Africa dropped the use of tribe substituting it with._______________________. Answer: ethnic group MCQ28: The term tribe is ___________________ to the extent that it was used to describe societies in the colonised region Answer: pejorative MCQ29: ________is the term used in Socio-Cultural Anthropology to describe human social organisation based on small groupings, defined by traditions of common descent Answer: Tribe MCQ30: There are four ways by which one can use to identify an______________ Answer: ethnic group MCQ31: The first way is ______________ Answer: culture MCQ32: The second way is ______________. Answer: language MCQ33: The third way is ______________________ _. Answer: common tradition MCQ34: The fourth way is _____________________ Answer: political organisation and territory MCQ35: One of the major factors that distinguish ethnic groups from one another is this ________________, expressed in myth of common origin and kinship blood ties Answer: cultural symbolism Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 34: ______________ is a concept which describes an ethnic group as people sharing the same historical experience, having the same cultural, experience, speaking the same language, and sharing the same belief about the future together Answer: Cultural Symbolism MCQ37: The term _________________, emanates from the concept of culture.   Answer: culture area MCQ38: The term _________________, emanates from the concept of culture.   Answer: culture area Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 37: _____________describes what people in a society would do or say in a defined situation if they conformed totally to the ideals accepted in the culture. Answer: Ideal pattern MCQ39: _____________describes what people in a society would do or say in a defined situation if they conformed totally to the ideals accepted in the culture. Answer: Ideal pattern MCQ40: A culture consists of two _____________ Answer: major patterns MCQ41: The first is _____________________________ Answer: the ideal culture MCQ42: The second is __________________________. Answer: the real culture MCQ43: one of the widely quoted definitions of culture is the one provided by _______________ Answer: Goodenough (1957) MCQ44: The definition states that "a society's culture consists of whatever it is one has toknow or believe, in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members, and do so in any ________________ that they accept for anyone of themselves". Answer: role MCQ45: __________________meticulously examined over a hundred (100) definitions but found none wholly acceptable Answer: Kluckholn and Kroeber MCQ46: A people's mode of dress, language, technology, traditions and belief system are all products of _________________. Answer: ecological adaptation MCQ47: This theoretical approach is generally referred to as ____________________ Answer: environmental determinism. MCQ48: Culture is influenced and shaped by ______________________ Answer: environmental conditions. MCQ49: It is common to listen to people referring to or calling a person a ______________ Answer: "bushman" MCQ50: The name implies that the person is ___________________ Answer: uncultured FBQ1: 'Ethnography', refers simply to a ________________________________ of human societies, usually of those simpler, small-scale societies which anthropologists have mostly studied. Answer: descriptive account FBQ2: Ethnography may be said to be the _____________. used by social anthropologists in the study of "man, his culture, and environment". Answer: raw material FBQ3: _______________ argued that the first-hand accounts of the culture and social life of human communities, from whatever point of view theyare regarded, are what we call Ethnography Answer: John Beattie FBQ4: On the other hand, Ethnography can be said to refer to the process of collecting data by direct enquiries and …………… Answer: observations FBQ5: Ethnography is regarded as raw material of _________________. Answer: social anthropology FBQ6: _______________ is about the study of "mankind" Answer: Anthropology FBQ7: The two subdisciplines that Anthropology can be classified are Physical Anthropology and ______________________ Anthropology Answer: social FBQ8: __________________ studies human fossils, evolution and variation Answer: Physical Anthropology FBQ9: …………… and Cultural Anthropology the study of human social life - the origin, history, dynamics of society and its cultures Answer: Social FBQ10: Anthropology is a branch of _____________, in the sense that its subject matter is centrally a study of relationship between different kinds of peoples. Answer: Sociology FBQ11: ___________________ is a designated blanket term for all theanthropological studies. Answer: Ethnology Fill in the Blank (FBQs) 11: The distinction between Ethnography and Ethnology is similar to that existing between Geography and __________________ Answer: Geology FBQ13: Ethnologists are interested primarily in the past history of peoples or communities without ___________________ Answer: written records FBQ14: ethnologists classify people in terms of _________________________ characteristics Answer: cultural FBQ15: Ethnology in its own right, refers to the ____________________of past andcontemporary cultures Answer: comparative studies FBQ16: The history of collection of.__________________. started with the Europeanvoyages of discovery and exploration in the 15th century B.C Answer: items of culture FBQ17: The history of collection all started with the documentation of cultural observation by ________________________________ (484-45 B.C). Answer: Herodotus FBQ18: Another person who made contribution to ______________________was Marco Polo (1254-1324), Answer: ethnographic documentation FBQ19: The 16th century AD in Europe saw the beginning of interest by Europeans in foreign peoples and their exotic cultures.TRUE OR FALSE Answer: TRUE FBQ20: Philosophers such as John Locke and __________________ used the ethnographic accounts from the voyagers to compare human societies all over the world. Answer: Thomas Hobbes FBQ21: By 1930, ethnographic ________________had become an established activity Answer: fieldwork FBQ22: The study of Anthropology as a sociological discipline started in Nigeria in the __________________ Answer: 1950s FBQ23: Anthropology started particularly at the University of Ibadan and and ____________________________ Answer: University of Nigeria, Nsukka FBQ24: After the _________________of Nigeria in 1914, it was a policy of the British colonial office in London to appoint an anthropologist as colonial officer. Answer: amalgamation FBQ25: Nigeria's multi-pluralism promotes the _________________ of ethnocentrism. Answer: dysfunctional tendency FBQ26: The belief that one’s own culture is the only true and good one, as wellas the tendency to judge other cultures by ones cultural standards is called __________________ Answer: ethnocentrism FBQ27: For some reasons, many anthropologists in Africa dropped the use of tribe substituting it with._______________________. Answer: ethnic group FBQ28: The term tribe is ___________________ to the extent that it was used to describe societies in the colonised region Answer: pejorative FBQ29: ________is the term used in Socio-Cultural Anthropology to describe human social organisation based on small groupings, defined by traditions of common descent Answer: Tribe FBQ30: There are four ways by which one can use to identify an______________  Answer: ethnic group FBQ31: The first way is ______________ Answer: culture   FBQ32: The second way is ______________. Answer: language FBQ33: The third way is ______________________ _. Answer: common tradition FBQ34: The fourth way is political organisation and _____________________ Answer: territory FBQ35: One of the major factors that distinguish ethnic groups from one another is this ________________, expressed in myth of common origin and kinship blood ties Answer: cultural symbolism Fill in the Blank (FBQs) 35: ______________ is a concept which describes an ethnic group as people sharing the same historical experience, having the same cultural, experience, speaking the same language, and sharing the same belief about the future together Answer: Cultural Symbolism FBQ37: The term _________________, emanates from the concept of culture.   Answer: culture area FBQ38: This concept simply denotes a _________________occupied by ethnic/tribal groups or peoples whose life styles exhibit a significant degree of similarity with others, as well as a significant degree of dissimilarity with the cultures of others. Answer: geographical area FBQ39: _____________describes what people in a society would do or say in a defined situation if they conformed totally to the ideals accepted in the culture. Answer: Ideal pattern FBQ40: A culture consists of two _____________ Answer: major patterns FBQ41: The first culture pattern is the _____________________________ Answer: ideal culture FBQ42: The second culture pattern is the __________________________. Answer: real culture FBQ43: one of the widely quoted definitions of culture is the one provided by _______________ Answer: Goodenough (1957) FBQ44: The definition states that "a society's culture consists of whatever it is one has toknow or believe, in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members, and do so in any ________________ that they accept for anyone of themselves". Answer: role FBQ45: __________________meticulously examined over a hundred (100) definitions but found none wholly acceptable Answer: Kluckholn and Kroeber FBQ46: A people's mode of dress, language, technology, traditions and belief system are all products of _________________. Answer: ecological adaptation FBQ47: This theoretical approach is generally referred to as ____________________ Answer: environmental determinism FBQ48: Culture is influenced and shaped by ______________________ Answer: environmental conditions FBQ49: It is common to listen to people referring to an uncultured person as a ______________ Answer: bushman FBQ50: The name ‘bushman’ implies that a person is ___________________ Answer: Uncultured