MCQ1: The following are signs of Pregnancy except ______________  Answer: Continual heachache MCQ2:  Foetal Growth and development are divided in _________stages Answer: Three MCQ3: One of the following is not a guide to healthy Pregnancy.  Answer: Take drugs on her own to keep fit MCQ4:  Conditions that require medical attention to a pregnant woman include Answer: Anemia MCQ5:   Among the causes of maternal mortality is_______  Answer: Abnormal Haemoglobin MCQ6: ____________is a major disorder in Pregnancy. Answer: Eclampsia MCQ7: The causes of still – birth includes all these except _________  Answer: Nutrition MCQ8: _________ plays a vital role in lives of the reproducing woman as well as in the lives of the children Answer: Family Planning MCQ9: Family Planning methods is grouped into Answer: 4 MCQ10: Total abstinence withdrawal and Natural Family Planning are grouped under_______ of family planning Answer: Traditional methods MCQ11: Factors that may inhibit the practice of family planning in Nigeria includes one of these  Answer: Cultural factor MCQ12:  There are __________ types of Infertility Answer: 2 MCQ13: Risk factors of infertility include  Answer: None of the options MCQ14:   Personal hygiene includes  Answer: All of the options MCQ15: The ______ environment deals with those factors that influence human behaviour such as fear, anxiety, motivation, interest, perception, anger etc   Answer: Psychological MCQ16:  Health appraisal covers the following areas of the school child except   Answer: Sanitary conditions  MCQ17: Self-centredness, stealing, thumb sucking, sense of belonginess are some of the ___________characteristics of children. Answer: social MCQ18: One of these is not a physical characteristics of a child Answer: Short attention span MCQ19: Love for recognition from teachers and other adults in the immediate environment by children is a manifestation of ­­­­a_______ characteristic Answer: Emotional MCQ20: The general characteristics of children are categorised into Answer: four MCQ21: Which of these is not children determinant of health. Answer: None of the options MCQ22: Environmental factors affecting children’s health growth and development includes Answer: All of the options MCQ23:  Those responsible for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness are called ___________  Answer: Psychiatrists MCQ24:  ______provide liaison with medical personnel on the one hand and with the children, teachers and parents on the other hand  Answer: Nurses MCQ25:  Child abuse involves____________ Answer: Inflicting physical injury on a child MCQ26: According to John Olawale and Grace 2007, one of this does not constitute child abuse Answer: Adequate health provision MCQ27: Child abuse is caused by one of the following?  Answer: Disrespect for human dignity MCQ28: Effect of child abuse on the society includes these except________  Answer: Societal development MCQ29: One of these is not an effect of child abuse on the child  Answer: Optimum mental development MCQ30: The intervention measures on early childhood health problems by UNICEF are classified into Answer: Four MCQ31:  These situations attract the intervention of USAID in the human society except__________ Answer: Domestic violence MCQ32: Foetal Growth and Development during Pregnancy are divided into _________ stages  Answer: Three MCQ33:  A situation in which a child is born already dead which might have occurred few days or weeks in the uterus before birth is referred to as __________ Answer: Still- birth MCQ34: During pregnancy another living being is groomed in the woman.   Answer: True MCQ35:  Contraceptives are the devices used for preventing ___________  Answer:  Pregnancy FBQ1: During pregnancy another living being is groomed in the womanTrue/ False_________  Answer: True FBQ 2:  __________facilitates opening of the cervix and the expulsion Answer: Contraction FBQ3:  ________is the foundation for child survival health growth and development  Answer: Maternal Health Care FBQ4:  Contraceptives are the devices used for preventing ___________  Answer:   Pregnancy FBQ5:  Child health is related to many factors. True/False_________ Answer:   True FBQ6:  Children in their early years need proper and adequate nutrition for health growth and development. True/False_______________ Answer:   True FBQ7:   Nutritional deficiencies lead to improved cognitive development. True/False_________________ Answer: False FBQ8:  Malnutrition aids growth in children True/False______________ Answer: False FBQ10:  __________ Is dynamic and not static in nature Answer: Health FBQ11:  __________ Is a major health determinant Answer: Heredity FBQ12:  Rich people are unable to enjoy the insecurity of preventive, curative and promotive health care services.True/False________ Answer:   false FBQ13:  A particular environment is either comfortable or detrimental to the live of an organism, human beings inclusive True/False__________ Answer:   True FBQ14:  The basic needs of life include shelter, cars and certificates True/False_____ Answer: false   FBQ15:  School Health services constitute one of the component of school ____________ programme Answer: health FBQ16: __________ Is the procedure that aims at taking care of the mouth and teeth of the children    Answer:   Dental examination FBQ17: Anthropometric assessment is concerned with the assessment /measuring the height , weight and __________composition of the school children   Answer: Body FBQ18: __________ Is the procedure that aims at taking care of the mouth and teeth of the children    Answer:   Dental examination FBQ19: The procedure that are carried out by doctors , nurses counsellors teacher and other qualified personnel in order to interpret to pupils and parents the nature and significance of health problems is known as_______  Answer:   Health counselling FBQ20: Health evaluation is the procedure that is carried out to determine ________and development of children  Answer:   Healthy growth FBQ21: The procedure taken by schools to prevent pupils from being affected by certain health problems is called  Answer:   immunisation FBQ22: Every school is required to have a health room or_________ for emergency health care  Answer:   Dispensary FBQ23: Knowing the historical development of the childrens health is an important aspect of ______________  Answer:   Health Appraisal FBQ24: ________Is conducted to detect obvious eyes disease  Answer:   Vision Screening test FBQ25: People concerned with the rehabilitation of the functions of the injured parts of the body are called__________  Answer:   Physical Therapists FBQ26: Psychologists help in detecting_________ behaviours from the normal ones in the school children  Answer:   Deviant FBQ27: Teachers play vital role in the observation and detection of health problems faced by school children True/False _____________  Answer:   True FBQ28: Disorders of the musculoskeletal system are treated by _________   Answer:   orthopaedists FBQ29: A comprehensive school health services programme is of no importance to the lives of the school children. True/False_______  Answer: false FBQ30: Health services programme is organised and implemented by a team of personnel from different areas of health, is this True/False.  Answer: True FBQ30: Those involved in the study and care of the foot are called_______  Answer: Podiatrists FBQ31: Those who specialised in the practice of interred medicine are referred to as____________   Answer: Internist FBQ32: A child is any human being who is below the age of 21 years. True/False ______  Answer: false FBQ33: There are ________basic principles of children’s rights  Answer: Ten FBQ34: Every child is entitled to adequate rest, recreation according to his age and culture. True/False___________   Answer: True FBQ35: Child abuse refers to a violation of any______________ Answer: Child’s right