MCQ1: Children acquire large body of facts through  Answer: Inquiry MCQ2:   Phenotypic factors is made up of the following except Answer: Education MCQ3:   The child can interact more effectively with --- Answer: Stimulating environment MCQ4:   What are the two things emphasized in learning? Answer: Observable and relatively permanent change in behaviour MCQ5:   Which of these responses is as a result of learning? Answer: Emotions MCQ6: The kind of learning associated with a stimulus response is known as Answer: Rule learning MCQ7:   Instrumental conditioning was popularized by Answer: B. F. Skinner MCQ8: In what kind of learning does the consequent reaction reinforce response Answer: Operant conditioning MCQ9: --- is a very economical way of learning and less time consuming Answer: Imitation MCQ10:   Learning consistent with a pattern present in the actions of a model is known as Answer: Imitation MCQ11:   Stimulus response learning Answer: Question technique MCQ12:   ------ means when meaningful stories are woven round the learning task Answer: Anecdote technique MCQ13:   ____ and ----- helps the preschool child add new perceptions and information to previous body of experience  Answer: Rhymes and songs MCQ14:   Preschool children develop confidence through ---- Answer: Playing MCQ15:   Which of these are the inseparable concepts in early childhood learning Answer: Play and learning MCQ16:   ---- is quantitative, visible and measurable Answer: Growth MCQ17:   Hezberg (1959) describes environment in dual capacity as ----- and ------ Answer: Internal and external MCQ18: The internal component of the child is seen as ----- while the external is ----  Answer: Environment, external condition MCQ19:   Predictability in environmental events help the child in developing ----- and ------ in his own abilities  Answer: Stability , confidence MCQ20:   Child growth and development can be influenced by the interplay of ---- and ----- Answer: Heredity and environment MCQ21:   Childhood play is all of these except Answer: A mere pleasure MCQ22:   Through playful activities the baby learns Answer: About his personal boundaries MCQ23:   A child’s most consuming occupation is Answer: Curiosity and play MCQ24:   There are ---- stages of play in the pre-school year Answer: 5 MCQ25:   Which of the following type of play leads to cooperative play? Answer: Parallel play MCQ26:   Learning is defined as a relative permanent change in behaviour arising from --- or ---- Answer: Experience and practice MCQ27:   ---- and ---- factors operating within and outside a child stimulate the nature of the child’s experience Answer: Emotional and environmental MCQ28: All these are sub-theories under the stimulus response theory except Answer: sub-theory of thinking MCQ29: The cognitive theory of learning is made up of these sub-theories except Answer: Sub-theory of curiosity and interest MCQ30:   Children acquire large body of facts through Answer: Inquiry MCQ31: One of these is not part of the space arrangement for the centre Answer: The room for infants must be divided into areas for specific activities MCQ32:   One of these animals is not advisable to be kept in the children’s playspace Answer: Turtles MCQ33:  Knowing the typical development of children within the age span the programme serves provides a framework from which teachers prepare the ---------- and plan ------- Answer: Learning environment, appropriate experiences MCQ34:   The basic features of learning are all of these except Answer: Awareness MCQ35:  The role of the teacher in exploration is all of these except -  Answer: Facilitate and terminate programme FBQ1: Development of the skills of critical thinking and how to solve different problems is gotten through ---------- Answer: Outdoor play FBQ2: Being guided by the readiness of a child helps the teacher not to get into ----------- Answer: Frustration FBQ3: Maturation is when the ------- potentials of a child is developed in sequential order Answer: Maturation FBQ4: Large muscles are developed through the use of --------- Answer: Swings FBQ5: Children manage different heights and body control through ------- Answer: Climbing FBQ6: Dramatic play among children is promoted through the use of ----------- Answer: Sandbox FBQ7: The staff for the preschool programme should be knowledgeable about the value of play and how to ------- play activities Answer: Supervise FBQ8: ------------- is a relatively permanent change in behaviour of an organism Answer: Learning FBQ9: A Montessori class consist of children between ages --------- Answer: 3 to 6 FBQ10: Maria Montessori regarded freedom of movement as the corner stone for ------ Answer: Motor education FBQ11: ----- is simple observation of a particular act and the practice of that behaviour by the observer Answer: Imitation FBQ12: ----- learning is a phenomenon where the same response is learned by an entire class of events Answer: Concept FBQ13: ----- learning is learning about the relationship between two or more concepts Answer: Rule FBQ14: -------- promotes an environment where learners are not afraid of making mistakes Answer: Outdoor play FBQ15: Playing and ---- are inseparable concepts in early childhood education Answer: learning FBQ16: Preschool children’s learning styles consist of activities that facilitate learning ----- among preschool pupils Answer: Informally FBQ17: Development refers to -------- that occurs in a child over time that makes him move from immaturity and helplessness to a more mature and competent level of functioning Answer: Holistic changes FBQ18: In preschool when children's role-play is partly free from teachers' planning and involvement it is called ----------- Answer: Free play FBQ19: Free choice of play items helps the child to develop -------- Answer: Self confidence FBQ20: ------- describes the surrounding that affects growth and development Answer: Environment FBQ21: Development of the skills of critical thinking and how to solve different problems is promoted through ------------ Answer: Outdoor play FBQ22: Play is important and accepted in ------ education Answer: Preschool FBQ23: Quantitative process is the same thing as ---------- Answer: Growth FBQ24: The UN convention suggested on the rights of the child that a child should not work but have opportunity for play and ---- activities Answer: leisure FBQ25: Play is a natural, spontaneous and creative activity through which children learn a number of -------- Answer: things FBQ26: The beginning of ------- activities is observed from the period of infancy Answer: Playful FBQ27: ------ is a preparation for adult life Answer: Play FBQ28: The child learns to differentiate himself for the world around him through ------ activities Answer: Playful FBQ29: Cooing, gurgling and babbling is the first stage of the child’s ---------- development Answer: Language FBQ30: -------- factors are factors that lie within a person Answer: Organismic FBQ31: The child interacts more effectively with stimulating environment because he is in a constant state of growth and ----- Answer: change FBQ32: Metamorphic change and --------- emphasizes the role of facilitating cognitive enrichment for the preschool child Answer: environment FBQ33: Learning and experience comes through ---- Answer: Perception FBQ34: ----- is associated with exploration and discovery Answer: Movement FBQ35: The development of --------------- of a child in a sequential order is referred to as maturation Answer: Innate potentials