MCQ1: What is the probability of any specific, infinitely long sequence of coin? Answer: zero MCQ2: In an experiment of a single toss of a coin, the coin might come up heads with probability P and tails with probability 1-P. The experiment is called fair if, _______________ Answer: P=0.5 MCQ3: Find the probability of getting 5 in a single throw of a dice. Answer: one -sixth MCQ4: The outcome of the random experiment (trial) results in the ______________ classification of events. Answer: Dichotomous MCQ5: Using normal tables, find the values of P(z < 0.50)  Answer: 0.6915  MCQ6: Which is termed as the probability of failure (non-occurrence of the event) and is constant for each trial? Answer: q = 1-p MCQ7: What is the probability of getting heads in two coins flipps? Answer: 0.75 MCQ8: In a normal distribution, the mode which is the point on the horizontal axis where the curve is a maximum occurs at ____________________ Answer: X = μ MCQ9: The normal distribution was first discovered by English Mathematician De-voire in _______________ Answer: 1733 MCQ10: In normal distribution, the curve is _____________ about a vertical axis through the mean μ Answer: asymmetric MCQ11: The first meaning of non-parametric covers ________________ that do not rely on data belonging to any particular distribution. Answer: techniques MCQ12: A _______________________ is a succession of identical letters (or other kinds of symbol) which is preceded and followed by different letters or no letters at all. Answer: Run MCQ13: Correlation coefficients have a value between __________________ Answer: -1 and +1 MCQ14: Which of the following is not an example of negative correlation? Answer: age and marriage    MCQ15: If x: 1 2 3 4 5 and y:2 5 8 11 14, then this relationship can be expressed as __________________ Answer: y = 2+3x MCQ16: Let the variance of each Xi be σ2. It then follows from the Chebyshev’s inequality that for every number ___________________ Answer: ε >0 MCQ17: A Bernoulli process is a finite or infinite sequence of ________________ random variable  Answer: Binary MCQ18: A Bernoulli process is also a _______________________ stochastic process      Answer: discrete- time MCQ19: The component Bernoulli variables Xi are identical and ___________________          Answer: Independent MCQ20: The two possible values of each Xi are often called _____________ Answer: "success” and "failure" MCQ21: The total area under the curve and above the horizontal axis is equal to ____________________  Answer: 1 MCQ22: Ten cartons are taken at random from an automatic filling machine. The mean net weight of the 10 cartons is 11.8kg and standard deviation is 0.15kg. Does the sample mean differ significantly from the intended weight of 12kg? Note that α=0.05  Answer: Yes MCQ23: Given a normal distribution with mean of 230 and standard deviation of 20, what is the probability that an observation from this population is Less than 220? Answer: 0.3085 MCQ24: The ___________________ of a hypothesis test is the set of all outcomes which cause the null hypothesis to be rejected in favour of the alternative hypothesis.        Answer: critical region MCQ25: Statistical hypothesis testing is sometimes called _______________ data analysis. Answer: Confirmatory MCQ26: Another name for f-test is ________________          Answer: ANOVA MCQ27: Two variables are said to be linearly related if they have a relationship of the form _______________________          Answer: y = a+bx MCQ28: Another name for ANOVA is ________________          Answer: f-test MCQ29: One may observe a high degree of correlation between the height and intelligence in a group of people. Such correlation is called ______________ correlation.          Answer: spurious or non-sense  MCQ30: ___________________ is not one of the methods of studying correlation        Answer: Scatter Table method MCQ31: Given two variables X and Y: If r = -1, there is a perfect _______________ relationship between Y and X. Answer: inverse or negative MCQ32: A coin is tossed thrice, so what is the probability of getting at least one tail? Answer: 0.875 MCQ33: The assumptions for Student’s test do not include __________________ Answer: The population standard deviation ζ is known  MCQ34: Prices of shares of a company on the different days in a month were found to be: 76, 75, 79, 70, 79, 81, 80, 73, 74 and 78. What is the mean price of the price of the shares in the month?  Answer: 76.5  MCQ35: F-statistic is the ratio of _________________ chi-square variates divided by their respective degrees of freedom Answer: two independent MCQ36: Typical regression model is specified in form of____________________          Answer: Y = a + bX + e MCQ37: The best fit line can be given as __________________          Answer: y = a + bx MCQ38: ____________________ is NOT one of the ways to evaluate the reliability of a linear regression model Answer: the econometric confidence interval MCQ39: A particular value of the population, such as the mean income or the level of formal education, is called a________________ Answer: parameter MCQ40: Another name for standard error is _______________________        Answer: error margin MCQ41: The component Bernoulli variables Xi are _________and independent.   Answer: identical MCQ42: . A numerical value used as a summary measure for a sample, such as sample mean, is known as a ______________. Answer: Sample statistic  MCQ43: The sum of the percent frequencies for all classes will always equal _________. Answer: 100 MCQ44: The following data show the number of hours worked by 150 statistics students.  Number of Hours Frequency 0-9 30 10-19 40 20-29 40 30-39 40What is the class width for this distribution? Answer: 10 MCQ45: What is the opposite of confirmatory data analysis? Answer: Exploratory data analysis MCQ46: The term Analysis of Variance was introduced by Prof. R.A Fisher in 1920s to deal with problems in the analysis of ___________data. Answer: Agronomical MCQ47: Non-parametric methods are widely used for studying populations that take on a _______ order Answer: ranked MCQ48: In terms of levels of measurement, non-parametric methods result in ____________ data Answer: ordinal MCQ49: Spearman's rank correlation coefficient: measures statistical dependence between two variables using a ________function Answer: monotonic MCQ50: The negative Binomial variables may be interpreted as _________ waiting times. Answer: random FBQ1: Since the calculated F is less than tabulated F, it is not significant. Hence, Ho may be _____________ at 5% level of significance or risk level.  Answer: Accepted   FBQ2: On the other hand, if calculated value of χ2 is greater than the tabulated value, it is said to be_____________.  Answer: significant FBQ3: The variation due to assignable causes can be detected and _________________ whereas the variation due to chances is beyond the control of human and cannot be traced separately. Answer: Measured FBQ4: The main objective of the analysis of variance technique is to examine if there is significant difference between the class ______________ in view of the inherent variability within the separate classes. Answer: means FBQ5: To obtain the variation between samples, we compute the sum of the _________________ of the deviations of the various sample means from the overall (grand) mean.  Answer: square   FBQ6: ANOVA is very useful in the multiple comparison of mean among other important uses in both social and applied ______________.  Answer: sciences FBQ7: The outcome of the ____________ experiment (trial) results in the dichotomous classification of events.  Answer: random FBQ8: Non-parametric methods are widely used for studying _______________ that take on a ranked order (such as movie reviews receiving one to four stars).  Answer: populations FBQ9: The _______________ or the Kruskal-Wallis Test is usually based on large sample theory that the sampling distribution of H can be closely approximated with a chi-square distribution with k-1 degree of ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ freedom. Answer: H-Test   FBQ10: A _______________ coefficient means that x and y values increases and decrease in the same direction. Answer: positive FBQ11: The correlation measures only the degree of linear association between two variables while regression analysis is a statistical process for estimating the _____________ among variables.  Answer: relationships FBQ12: Regression ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________________ is a mathematical measure of the average relationship between one or more variables in terms of the original units of the data.  Answer: Analysis FBQ13: The convergence to the normal distribution is ________________, in the sense that the entropy of Zn increases monotonically to that of the normal distribution.  Answer: monotonic FBQ14: The law of large numbers says that the sample mean of a random sample converges in probability to the mean μ of the individual random variables, if the ________________ exists.  Answer: variance FBQ15: Kendall's W: a measure between 0 and 1 of inter-rater _________. Answer: agreement FBQ16: Kaplan–Meier: estimates the _________function from lifetime data, modelling censoring Answer: survival FBQ17: Correlation coefficients have a value between -1 and________. Answer: +1 FBQ18: Coefficient of _________ means x and y are associated randomly. Answer: 0 FBQ19: Irving Fisher advocated the _________ cross of Laspeyre‘s and Paasche‘s Price index numbers Answer: geometric FBQ20: The Bernoulli process can be formalized in the language of ______________________ spaces as a random sequence of independent realisations of a random variable that can take values of heads or tails.  Answer: probability   FBQ21: These sets of finite ________________ are referred to as cylinder sets in the product topology.  Answer: sequences   FBQ22: In the Binomial distribution, the outcome of the random experiment (trial) results in the ____________________ classification of events. Answer: dichotomous FBQ23: If we toss a fair coin n times (which is fixed and finite) then the outcome of any trial is one of the __________________ exclusive events, viz., head (success) and tail (failure).  Answer: mutually FBQ24: The normal curve approaches the _________________ axis asymptotically as we proceed in either direction away from the mean. Answer: horizontal FBQ25: In statistics, a result is interpreted as being statistically significant if it has been predicted as unlikely to have occurred by _____________ alone, according to a pre-determined threshold probability, the significance level.  Answer: chance FBQ26: The outcomes region of a hypothesis test is the set of all outcomes which cause the null hypothesis to be rejected in favour of the _____________ hypothesis.  Answer: alternative   FBQ27: F-statistic is the ratio of two_________________ chi-square variates divided by their respective degrees of freedom.  Answer: Independent FBQ28: An important example of a log-concave density is a function constant inside a given convex body and _______________ outside.  Answer: vanishing FBQ29: The condition f(x1, …, xn) = f(|x1|, …, |xn|) ensures that X1, …, Xn are of zero mean and uncorrelated; still, they need not be independent, nor even _________________ independent.  Answer: pairwise FBQ30: The ____________________ of a product is simply the sum of the logarithms of the factors.  Answer: logarithm   FBQ31: The logarithm of a product is simply the _______________ of the logarithms of the factors Answer: sum FBQ32: Because a normal curve is symmetrical about its mean, P(z < -a) = P(z > a) and P(z < a) + P(z > a) = _________________  Answer: 1   FBQ33: If you are investigating consumer behaviour in a particular city, you might define the population as all the ______________ in that city Answer: households FBQ34: Chi-square distribution has a number of applications, one of which is to test the equality of several __________ proportions Answer: sample FBQ35: If the calculated χ2 value is 57.97 and the tabulated value of χ2(r-1)(s-1) = 12.59 (critical value), then decision is _______________ Answer: reject Ho FBQ36: The variation due to __________ is beyond the control of human and cannot be traced separately. Answer: chances FBQ37: The Problem of determining the process, given only a limited sample of the bernoulli trials, may be called the problem of checking if a coin is ......... Answer: fair FBQ38: The two possible values of each Xi are often called "success" and "failure". Thus, when expressed as a number 0 or 1, the outcome may be called the number of successes on the ith ___________.  Answer: trial FBQ39: The Bernoulli process can be formalized in the language of ___________ spaces as a random sequence of independent realisations of a random variable that can take values of heads or tails. Answer: Probability FBQ40: The normal distribution was first discovered by English Mathematician De-voire (1667-1754) in 1733 who obtained the mathematical equation for this distribution while dealing with problems arising in the game of __________. Answer: Chance FBQ41: The normal distribution with μ = 0 and ζ = _____________ is referred to as the standard normal distribution.  Answer: 1 FBQ42: The condition under which Poisson distribution is obtained is in a ________ case of Binomial Distribution. Answer: limiting FBQ43: The critical region of a hypothesis test is the set of all outcomes which cause the null hypothesis to be _________ in favour of the alternative hypothesis.  Answer: rejected FBQ44: The parent _________from which the sample is drawn is normal Answer: Population FBQ45: Since the calculated F is _________ than tabulated F, it is not significant. Answer: Less FBQ46: A particular value of the sample, such as the mean income or the level of formal education, is called a _______________.  Answer: statistic FBQ47: There are three methods of data collection with survey and these are the following. These are mail questionnaires, personal interviews and _________ interviews. Answer: telephone FBQ48: The probability of getting a head in a single toss of a coin is ___________.       4  Answer: 0.5 FBQ49: ______________ is termed as the probability of failure (non-occurrence of the event) and is constant for each trial          Answer: q = 1-p FBQ50:  For the Binomial Distribution; Mean=np; and Variance = _________________          Answer: npq