MCQ1: The variation in species such as the four varieties of white-checked Rosella is ________ Answer: breeding diversity MCQ2: The following are genetic diversity except Answer: Niche MCQ3: Genetic diversity can be measured using Answer: DNA-base MCQ4: New genetic variation in population of organisms is produced through Answer: Chromosome MCQ5: The followng are the advantages of stratified sampling except Answer: it can be used for any type of sampling MCQ6: Another name for multistage sampling is Answer: multi-level sampling MCQ7: When sample are similar to one another it is called Answer: spatial correlation MCQ8: The information about the population to sample can be gotten from Answer: preliminary survey MCQ9: The importance of biodiversity conservation is Answer: wild plant gene pool MCQ10: The following are categories of biological resources except Answer: Synthetic MCQ11: Product that can be derived from biological resources includes the following except Answer: Latex MCQ12: The pool of genetic variation present in an interbreading population is shaped by ________ Answer: Selection MCQ13: The following are the classifcation of species diversity excepts Answer: Gene MCQ14: One of the following is not a factor that influence biodiversity on land Answer: Adaptation MCQ15: Species richness is concentrated on the continental shelves in the ________ ecosystem Answer: Marine MCQ16: Ecosystem diversity is difficult to define unlike species or genetic diversity because ecosystem boundary is made up of ________ Answer: Fluid MCQ17: In natural state, ecological processes such as energy flows and hydrological cycle are ________ Answer: Conserved MCQ18: The sampling techniques that ensure that each of the population of the sampling units have an equal chance of being selected is Answer: random sampling MCQ19: Stratification of site for sampling depend on the following except Answer: climate factor MCQ20: Stratified systematic unaligned sampling is better than stratified sampling due to the absent of ________ Answer: localised clustering MCQ21: ________ measures the rate at which molecular sequence diverge Answer: molecular clock MCQ22: Fossil record and molecular evidence do not agree over ________ Answer: dates of first appearance of group MCQ23: Vegetation removal results in the following except Answer: soil formation MCQ24: ________ maintain hydrological cycles in the water catchment Answer: natural vegetation cover MCQ25: Clearing of vegetation leads to the following except Answer: Pollution MCQ26: Maintaining of biological diversity through sol protection can perform the following except Answer: aerate the soil MCQ27: ________ transformed the wastes matter/dead matter that replenish soil nutrient in the soil Answer: Microorganisms MCQ28: The canopy's effect helps in ________ Answer: promoting atmosphere turbulence MCQ29: ________ value of natural habitats will increase as the remaining natural habits becomes more scarce Answer: gene pool MCQ30: One of the following is a medicinal plant found in Austrailia Answer: Hyoscine MCQ31: One of the following is a plant for ornamental and horticultural purpose Answer: Grevillea MCQ32: ________ is the store from which seed and other material can be assessed for enhancement of harvested species Answer: genetic reservoirs MCQ33: Microorganisms are used in the production of the following except Answer: Paint MCQ34: Ecosystem and species loss can be attributed to ________ Answer: growing human population MCQ35: The following are features that affect extinction of biodiversity except Answer: gene pool FBQ1: The variation of genes within species is ________ Answer: Genetic diversity FBQ2: There are ________ levels of biodiversity Answer: 3 FBQ3: The variation of species within organism is ________ Answer: Species diversity FBQ4: The variation of organism habitat is ________ Answer: Ecosystem diversity FBQ5: ________ sampling ensures that each of the population has equal chances of being selected Answer: Random FBQ6: Biodiversty record is derived from two main sources; these are fossil record and ________ Answer: Molecular data FBQ7: ________ resources mean the product are harvested from nature Answer: Biological FBQ8: ________ results when there is a threat to biodiversity Answer: Extinction FBQ9: ________ occurs when the removal of a species or addition of one species affect the entire biological system Answer: Domino effect FBQ10: ________ measures the amount of light penetration in water Answer: Sechi disk FBQ11: The main source of soil water is ________ Answer: Precipitation FBQ12: ________ is the interchange of water between earth's surface and the atmosphere Answer: Hydrological cycle FBQ13: The amount of water vapour in the atmosphere is called ________ Answer: Humidity FBQ14: ________ is used to determine the direction of wind Answer: Windsock FBQ15: The salt concentration of water is called its ________ Answer: Salinity FBQ16: ________ measures the speed of wind Answer: Anenometer FBQ17: The measures of acidity or alkalinity is termed its ________ Answer: PH FBQ18: The full meaning of IPCC is ------ Panel on Climate Change Answer: Intergovernmental FBQ19: ________ is the utilization of natural resources such that they are allowed to destroyed Answer: Conservation FBQ20: The varieties of life is term ________ Answer: Biodiversity FBQ21: ________ is the best level to study the diversity between organisms Answer: Species level FBQ22: ________ sampling technique divide the site into sub-units strate Answer: Stratified FBQ23: The sampling technique for a very clusterd distribution is ________ sampling Answer: Adaptive FBQ24: The root system of plant bring mineral nutrients to the surface through ________ Answer: Root uptake FBQ25: ________ is the main cause of mass extinction as a result of human activities Answer: Deforestration FBQ26: The conversion of forested land to agriculture first began in ________ Answer: China FBQ27: ________ are the laboratorus for evolution studies Answer: Island FBQ28: The species that have direct or indirect influences on other through food web connectivity is ________ species Answer: Keystone FBQ29: The ________ is the main sources of energy to all life on earth Answer: Sun FBQ30: Light intensity is measured with ________ light meter Answer: Photographic FBQ31: ________ process of organism functions effectively at a narrow range of temperature Answer: Biochemical FBQ32: Living things develop Physiological and ________ adaptation to cope with extreme temperature Answer: Behavioural FBQ33: ------ and Carbon (iv) oxide gases affect the distribution of organisms Answer: Oxygen FBQ34: ________ determines the types of vegetation in any region Answer: Annual rainfall FBQ35: In ________ rainfall the total rainfall in relation to temperature is taken into consideration Answer: Effective