FBQ1: Environment is the region, surroundings or circumstances in which anything exists; everything external to the____ Answer: Organism FBQ2: The effective environment is everything ____to the organism which effects the fulfillment of that organism. Answer: External FBQ3: We have natural or physical environment, and man-made or ____ Answer: cultural environment FBQ4: The increasing interest environmental problems has resulted or led to the birth of a new discipline called ____ Answer: Environmental Science FBQ5: In environmental science, the orientation is towards ____ Answer: Global problems FBQ6: Environmental science also includes all ____ directed towards the understanding of the environment particularly, as system. Answer: Science FBQ7: Fossil fuels take long time to form and therefore ____  Answer: Non-renewable FBQ8: In ____interaction is on the realms of physical phenomenon. Answer: Geoscience FBQ9: According to Cook and Weidner (1977), the global concern for human environment started in the year ____ Answer: 1949 FBQ10: On June 5, 1972, the First United Nations Conference on the ____was opened at Stockholm. Answer: Human Environment FBQ11: One of the major achievement of Stockholm Conference was theformulation of a special agency, known as the ____ Answer: United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) FBQ12: In October, 1975, an International Workshop on ____ was held in Belgrade. Answer: Environmental Education FBQ13: The Tbilisi Recommendations provide a substantial forting for the decision making in ____ Answer: Environmental Education FBQ14: Agenda 21 programme areas for Environmental Education are based on the fundamental principles established by the ____ Answer: Tbilisi conference FBQ15: Factors Influencing the Composition of the Atmosphere include, altitude, latitude and ____ Answer: Time FBQ16: Use of____ in a sentence renders it less effective due to over-use Answer: Clichés FBQ17: The structure of the atmosphere refers to stratification or division of the atmosphere using the factors of ____ Answer: Temperature FBQ18: The various layers or division in the atmosphere are: ____ stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere. Answer: Troposphere FBQ19: This is the second layer of the atmosphere. It extends from an average of ____ to ____ km from the earth surface. Answer: 15, 50 FBQ20: The atmosphere serves as a medium for the exchange of ____and ____between the earth and the atmosphere. Answer: Water, heat FBQ21: The lithosphere otherwise known as the earth's crust is made up of two parts know as ____ and ____ Answer: SIAL, SIMA FBQ22: Unlike the biosphere and hydrosphere, the energy of the lithosphere is largely independent of____ system Answer: Solar energy FBQ23: Man interactions with the lithosphere result may be ____Or ____ Answer: Positive, Negative FBQ24: Most of the impacts of man on the lithosphere are ____ Answer: Destructive FBQ25: The minerals provided by the lithosphere can be divided into ____ types Answer: Three FBQ26: ____ are created on the landscape when minerals are exploited.  Answer: Scars FBQ27: When minerals are exploited by sophisticated means, it can lead to ____ Answer: Air pollution FBQ28: ____is the only element which occurs naturally in three states - gaseous, liquid and solid state. Answer: Water FBQ29: The chemical formula for water is____ Answer: H2O FBQ30: ____ concerned with the description, survey and charting of the oceans, sea and coastlines together with the study of tides, currents and winds especially from the point of view of navigation. Answer: Hydrography FBQ31: ____ is the scientific study of lakes, fresh water and ponds. It deals with the various physical, chemical and biological conditions and characteristics of water bodies. Answer: Limnology FBQ32: ____ is the term used to describe the endless interchange of water between the ocean, air and land. Answer: Water cycle FBQ33: The hydrological cycle consists of the land and ____ phases Answer: Ocean FBQ34: The vapour condenses to give ____ on the land. Answer: Precipitation FBQ35: The biosphere is also referred to as the ____ Answer: organic world MCQ1: Consumers comprises of the following except Answer: Genitors MCQ2: Which of the following layers has air temperature increases with increasing height Answer: Stratosphere MCQ3: The scientific study of lakes, fresh water and ponds is called? Answer: Limnology MCQ4: The SIMA has a density of? Answer: 3.0gcm3 MCQ5: The SIAL has an average density of? Answer: 2.7gcm3 MCQ6: The study of environmental science will stress the understanding of the? Answer: Natural system MCQ7: Under continued acid precipitation, a lake gradually loses its ____ Answer: Buffering Capacity MCQ8: Acid rain major contributors are still Answer: Human made MCQ9: The biosphere is also referred to as the Answer: Organic world MCQ10: In environmental science the orientation is towards? Answer: Global problems MCQ11: The following are major oceans except? Answer: American ocean MCQ12: One of the following is among the two types of river floods related to different causal factors Answer: Flash flood MCQ13: ___ is used to describe the sum total of all water on earth Answer: Hydrosphere MCQ14: The ecosystem has ___ basic components Answer: Two MCQ15: The level at which the troposphere gives way to the stratosphere is known as the Answer: Tropopause MCQ16: _____ study the extend of the ocean basin, the structure and relief of their floors, the movement of sea water, its temperature and salinity Answer: Physical oceanography MCQ17: _____ are those organisms that are able to manufacture food from simple organic substances. Answer: Producers MCQ18: A system of grouping the biosphere is one which recognizes the following groups except Answer: Tantaphyta MCQ19: In october 1975 an international workshop on environmental education was held in Answer: Belgrade MCQ20: The global concern for human environment started in ___ according to cook and Weidner (1977) Answer: 1949 MCQ21: The following are objectives of environmental education except Answer: Theory MCQ22: The atmosphere can be described as Answer: Gaseous envelope MCQ23: According to Strahler and Strahler (1972) environmental science can be defined as the study of all Answer: Systems MCQ24: Environmental Scientist see the earth as a set of interlocking and ___ systems Answer: Interacting MCQ25: The description, survey and charting of the oceans, sea and coastlines, together with the study of tides is referred to as? Answer: Incineration MCQ26: The following gases make-up the composition of the atmosphere except Answer: Arsenic (Ar) MCQ27: ___ layer of the atmosphere extend from 50km to 80km Answer: Mesosphere MCQ28: ___are those organisms that are able to manufacture food from simple organic substances Answer: Producers MCQ29: The following are realms of environment except? Answer: Totosphere MCQ30: ___ layer of the atmosphere extend from 15km to 50km Answer: Stratosphere MCQ31: ___ layer of the atmosphere serves as a medium for the exchange of water and heat between the earth and the atmosphere. Answer: Thermosphere MCQ32: ___ can be defined as a synthesis or an amalgam weather Answer: Climate MCQ33: The following are factors influencing the composition of the atmosphere except? Answer: Scale MCQ34: The lithosphere otherwise known as the earth’s crust is made up of? Answer: Two parts MCQ35: The upper part of the lithosphere is rich in minerals such as? Answer: Alumina and Silica