FBQ1: One of the characteristics of a community is that the people must reside in the same__________ Answer: Geographical area FBQ2: A community exists in a__________ Answer: Territorial area FBQ3: A community is a tool for Answer: Socialization FBQ4: A group of people that communicate and reside in the same geographical area is called___ Answer: Community FBQ5: Community participation____________ Answer: Directs people FBQ6: The _____________can also be defined as climate change Answer: Environment FBQ7: One of the elements of participation is______________ Answer: Structure FBQ8: __________participation is one of the activities of informal groups Answer: Formal FBQ9: When you make friends in your neighbourhood association you have engaged in Informal _______ Answer: social participation FBQ10: Participation slows down the process of social change___________ Answer: Non-governmental Organization FBQ11: Communication process focuses on the _____ of the information Answer: Sender FBQ12: Participation encourages_________________ Answer: Lobbying FBQ13: Biodiversity preservation is part of ________________ Answer: Sustainable development FBQ14: ____________development does not consider future generation Answer: Sustainable FBQ15: ____________ factors are the most measurable and universal indicators of sustainability Answer: Ecological FBQ16: If nature is depleted faster than it can regenerate, humans will_____________ Answer: Suffer FBQ17: One of the four types of sustainability is _______________ Answer: economic sustainability FBQ18: Environmental management is one of the ways to stop ______________ Answer: Drought FBQ19: PRA means ___________________ Answer: Participatory Rural Arraisal FBQ20: ___________ is a technique used in the rural areas to obtain new information and formulate new hypothesis about rural life Answer: RRA FBQ21: _____________should not be part of a viable/appropriate method for planning and management of our environment. Answer: Community participation FBQ22: RRA refers to________________ Answer: Rapid Rural Appraisal FBQ23: __________is a tool for connecting people in an organization or community in order to achieve a common goal Answer: Communication FBQ24: Involvement of the community in resource/environmental management would help to achieve common goal in________________ Answer: Sustainability FBQ25: Ranking exercise is the use of _________________ Answer: Understand preference FBQ26: The environment is under continuous pressure from the_____________ Answer: Population FBQ27: The search for economic independence leads to_______________ Answer: environmental degradation FBQ28: The ____approach examines the community from the point of view of space and physical location. Answer: Ecological FBQ29: The ___ approach conceptualizes the community as a social system Answer: Sociological FBQ30: ______sustainability is having a set amount of capital for a certain period Answer: Economic FBQ31: Environmental management is necessary if certain environmental ______ are to be properly checked Answer: Phenomena FBQ32: ______can be defined as the involvement of people in a community in projects to solve their own problems Answer: community participation FBQ33: Environmental___ can be a limited biological interpretation as in ecological analysis Answer: Accounting FBQ34: A ____approach is one where an executive, decision makers, or other person or body makes a decision. Answer: Top down FBQ35: It is not advantageous for citizens within a community to participate in community based __________ Answer: Project MCQ1: Community participation is concerned with involving _______ Answer: groups MCQ2: Environmental degradation is not connected with human activities____________ Answer: yes MCQ3: A key tool to achieving community participation is___________________ Answer: communication MCQ4: For a community to exist in unity, its people must _______ Answer: stick to common idea MCQ5: The social science concept recognizes community as a tool for ___________ Answer: socialization MCQ6: The administrative process cannot bring order to the community_______________ Answer: Never MCQ7: __________ involves positively engaging the people and their leaders in making contributions on relevant projects in their communities Answer: Participation MCQ8: Identification of activities responsible for the continued existence of the community is a characteristic of ____________________ Answer: Sociological approach MCQ9: Participation has political or _______ benefits Answer: Economic MCQ10: ____________ is one of the four standard elements of participation Answer: Legitimacy MCQ11: Human activities contribute to environmental___________________ Answer: Degradation MCQ12: It is ____________for indigenes of a community to partake in community based project Answer: beneficial MCQ13: Communication is the transmission of______________ Answer: information MCQ14: The main purpose of communication is to effect change by influencing_____________ Answer: action MCQ15: CBNRM means ______________ Answer: Community Based Natural Resources Management MCQ16: Involvement of the community in resource/environmental management would help in achieving _____________________ Answer: common goal in sustainability MCQ17: Participatory Rural Appraisal is an approach mainly used by____________ Answer: Non-Governmental organization MCQ18: Participatory mapping involves the use of one of these_________________ Answer: Resource maps MCQ19: __________ is an example of ranking exercise Answer: Pair-wise ranking MCQ20: RRA can be defined as __________________ Answer: conducting action-oriented research MCQ21: The problems of community participation can be solved by______________ Answer: provision of basic education to the people MCQ22: ________ constitutes serious constraints to community development Answer: Insincerity MCQ23: CBO is short form of ______________ Answer: Community Based Organization MCQ24: International Organizations________________ Answer: care about environmental management MCQ25: Professional networks provide______________ Answer: vital coordination in environmental management MCQ26: NGO means___________________ Answer: Non-Governmental Organization MCQ27: Government funding of NGO activities can____________ Answer: jeopardize their independence MCQ28: ____________is an example of international relief NGO's Answer: Red Cross MCQ29: CGIAR is short form of __________________ Answer: Consultative Group in International Agricultural Research Centre MCQ30: GEOSS means_________________ Answer: Global Earth Observation System of Systems MCQ31: Formal participation is an activity based on________________ Answer: organized procedure MCQ32: Communication message must carry ___________________ Answer: values that underline the context in which the people communicate MCQ33: Civil society is__________________ Answer: an organization MCQ34: National orientation is one of the solutions to the problems of community participation___ Answer: yes MCQ35: With RRA, the researcher may______________ Answer: survey the wrong area